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The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:

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A Curious Case of Counterintelligence – Bill Priestap…


Original Article


In the past few weeks, thanks to some revealing information amid the various investigators of the DC swamp, we have been introduced to some previously unknown people. Names like FBI Agent Peter Strzok; his mistress FBI Attorney Lisa Page; their ideological comrade Asst FBI Director Andrew McCabe; along with DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr; and his wife, Fusion-GPS contract employee Nellie Ohr.


But there’s one name conspicuously absent, FBI Director of Counterintelligence, Bill Priestap. When you understand how central Bill Priestap is to the entire 2016/2017 ‘Russian Conspiracy Operation‘, the absence of his name, amid all others, creates a curiosity. 


Disclaimer: From horrible right wing site..............open at your own risk B-)

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20 hours ago, B-Man said:

FBI appears to have investigated – and considered prosecuting – FOIA requesters:


Investigative reporting blog and FOIA tool provider Muckrock shows that as far back as 2016, the FBI refused to produce documents that had the names of deceased FBI staff (nullifying any privacy concerns), but consistently failed to redact personal information about the requesters — a clear violation of privacy:


“Despite redacting the names and email addresses of the public servants handling the case, the FBI released not only the author’s name and address in the file (technically improper since there was no waiver, albeit understandable) but the name, email address and home address of another requester who also used the script to file requests. Their name along with their email and physical addresses were left unredacted not once, not twice, not thrice – but seven times, not including the email headers, several of which also showed their name and email address.”


Other emails show that the FBI’s Obama-era FOIA office consulted a number of people from the Criminal Justice Information Services division for the purpose of singling out “suspicious” FOIA requests for possible prosecution targeting.



I’d love to know what they considered a “suspicious” FOIA request.






It's a very high standard... anything that  Lois Lerner would. 

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The Year in Review:


Holding myself accountable here, let's review what we've learned since this thread began and if my warnings/analysis held up:


It's been almost a year since this thread started. In the OP I mentioned how this civil war was just starting to go hot, and we would see it intensify over the coming months. I think we have all seen that turn out to be exactly the case - in far more wide ranging ways than expected. If you tune into US MSM you will come away feeling as if everything is lost, we are going backwards, and nothing good has come of the past 11 months.


But, in reality, the exact opposite is true.


We are living through one of the most extraordinary moments of change ever seen in modern history. And it's just the beginning.


Sure, it doesn't feel that way now, because we are stuck in the middle of the tumult, but take a step back and look at what's transpired over the past year in terms of this civil war between cabal factions behind the scenes. In just under a year we have witnessed a complete detonation of major control structures - global and domestic - and a massive change of the status quo of the elite powers in control: 


* It began with a complete gutting of career employees in both State and CIA, as well as federal regulatory agencies on 45's first day in office. 

* Over 30 Congressmen and Senators have either resigned or announced they are not going to run for reelection (these are ones who've cut deals).

* Half a dozen other congressmen and Senators have been forced out due to sexual abuse scandals - with more on the way. (the amount of unforced turnover in congress is EYE OPENING - and one of the surest signs of this war) 

* We've seen major talking heads and messengers in both the media and Hollywood get swept out of public view due to sexual abuse scandal - more on the way. 

* We've seen a purge in KSA that took off TRILLIONS of dollars in dirty money off the table that had been funding terrorism all over the world, included in this purge were Saudi Royals with the closest ties to the CIA and USIC (Bandar Bush, Al-Waleed bin Talal - largest shareholder in Twitter, Fox (just sold right after... hmm), Citibank, and personally paid for 44 to go to Harvard. These are major players for decades in US foreign and domestic politics and they were taken off the board in one day.  

* Almost IMMEDIATELY after the trillions of dirty money was confiscated in KSA, we see ISIS lose in both Syria and Iraq and the publication of three year studies which prove, undeniably, that CIA (with the administration's knowledge) was running guns into ISIS and AQ hands in Syria and Iraq since at least 2012. 

* This was followed by the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. 

* Russia, Hezbollah and Iran all withdrew from Syria. https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/1.825420 / http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/trumps-jerusalem-move-shifts-hezbollahs-battleground-syria-israel-amid-russia-pullout-1651068

* Hezbollah has been beaten back in Lebanon after Hariri "resigned" (while in KSA during the purge) and then was reinstalled weeks later with special forces from KSA and Gulf Allies helping the Lebanese special forces fight back Hezbollah. 

* The battle in Yemen turned SUDDENLY, as the Iranian withdrawal lead to the Houthis fighting each other and killing their leader. 

* NOTHING like the above 6 has been seen in the ME before in modern times, it's a clear sign that Iran is in the midst of a major internal restructuring.

* With the dirty Saudi money cut off, and the protection of compromised USG employees gone, we suddenly begin to see a major shake up in the FBI, DOJ, and FISA courts - this story is just starting to break, it'll get worse and it all ties back to KSA's financing network. 

* We are witnessing the outcome of a major leak sting operation that's going to ensnare Gang of 8 members (Schiff) and others. 

* Oh, and we've seen the destruction of both the Clinton and Bush dynasties (or at least the beginning of them)... 


These are major changes to the status quo. They are major changes to the elite structure of control for the past several decades. They lost their funding, their terrorist proxy armies, the ability to manipulate and control the narrative through MSM and Hollywood, and now dozens and dozens are being "scandaled" out of office or into a prison cell.


But the war isn't over. Not by a long shot. The epic powers that were in control are wounded, scared, on the run, and because of that should still be considered extremely dangerous. They know their days are numbered. They've lost the ability to spin, they've lost the ability to wage proxy wars at will, they've lost the ability to hide


...Unless they can find a way to distract us all from the coming storm. Which brings me to my next point: 


How to plant the seeds of distraction: 


Beyond the politics and geopolitics of this battle, both of which can drag us down into tribalistic and partisan debate for days on end, the biggest part of this Shadow Government/Deep State story that needs to be told is the stranglehold these powers have on advanced suppressed technology. There are over 5,000 classified top secret patents that we know about. 5,000.


What kind of technology could be hiding behind SAP classification? What kind of world could we be living in today if those technologies were released?


This supressed technology can literally change our world in a heartbeat. This is the kind of technology that was justified being kept secret because it was seen as a threat to our economic models which rely on petroleum and combustion, as well as a threat to the pharmaceutical industry as this is technology that would change the way we fight disease (with cures rather than expensive treatments).


This all sounds like sci-fi fantasy, but I assure you this technology exists, it's real, and it's been kept from the public for almost a full century.


This technology is not just a powerful force for change, it's also a powerful tool for distraction... 


The walls are closing in for the losing side of this civil war. The cabal that's been in control since 1963 is about to be very publicly outed, and it's going to enrage a lot of people when they learn the crimes that these folk have committed against innocents. Crimes so horrific most would welcome public executions of these monsters once it all comes out. 


The powers that were have always had a plan in their back pocket to release some of this advanced technology to the public as a means of distraction. This is how it works:


Desperate to change the MSM narrative, these powers that were disclose some of this advanced technology to the media - masking its origin. What would mask it? Well, claiming it's ET in origin would do the trick on two fronts: first it would cause a GLOBAL distraction (everyone talking about first contact, ETIs are real etc), second it would obscure the human origin of the technology (and thus how it was created using stolen tax payer dollars, and hidden from us for almost a century). 


Imagine if the New York Times, Politico and Newsweek started publishing real, verified stories (with video) of advanced craft operating in our skies. Imagine if they announce tomorrow that the cigar shaped rock traveling around our solar system is actually an intelligently designed craft of unknown origin? 


The moment that breaks, every discussion about Trump, Russiagate, Sexual Scandals - all of it goes away for at least a few weeks as the world comes to grip with a new reality.


Enter, Tom Delonge and his UAP project - backed by some of the deepest of the deep staters: 











This, I believe, is the start of a media roll out which will begin to disclose to the public MAN MADE craft. We won't be told their man made, we will be allowed to believe they're ET in origin. We will be encouraged to assume this is proof of ET visitation (and it is, though not in the way we will be lead to believe at first). This will be the start of a CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, a disclosure they hope they will be able to use to retake control of the MSM narrative they've lost. This will also allow them to paper over the years of contact these cabal groups have possibly had with ET visitors, something else that's about to break out into the public consciousness. 


Behind the scenes, this group will attempt to barter this technology to the new shadow group taking over. They'll trade it to them to keep their own sins in the grave or their own asses out of an electric chair.


That's the emergency distraction plan. And it's starting to be rolled out. We are going to see more of this as we move through the next year. Remember, this is OUR technology, paid for by tax dollars stolen from us by these groups. This is technology that can change everything about our world. It's real. We've known about it and been building it for decades. Yet, it's been kept from us. 


There will never be true freedom from these cabal groups unless the suppressed technology is released to the world at large.


And I think that moment is fast approaching. Perhaps by the end of 45's first term. 

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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:

The Year in Review:


Holding myself accountable here, let's review what we've learned since this thread began and if my warnings/analysis held up:


It's been almost a year since this thread started. In the OP I mentioned how this civil war was just starting to go hot, and we would see it intensify over the coming months. I think we have all seen that turn out to be exactly the case - in far more wide ranging ways than expected. If you tune into US MSM you will come away feeling as if everything is lost, we are going backwards, and nothing good has come of the past 11 months.


But, in reality, the exact opposite is true.


We are living through one of the most extraordinary moments of change ever seen in modern history. And it's just the beginning.


Sure, it doesn't feel that way now, because we are stuck in the middle of the tumult, but take a step back and look at what's transpired over the past year in terms of this civil war between cabal factions behind the scenes. In just under a year we have witnessed a complete detonation of major control structures - global and domestic - and a massive change of the status quo of the elite powers in control: 


* It began with a complete gutting of career employees in both State and CIA, as well as federal regulatory agencies on 45's first day in office. 

* Over 30 Congressmen and Senators have either resigned or announced they are not going to run for reelection (these are ones who've cut deals).

* Half a dozen other congressmen and Senators have been forced out due to sexual abuse scandals - with more on the way. (the amount of unforced turnover in congress is EYE OPENING - and one of the surest signs of this war) 

* We've seen major talking heads and messengers in both the media and Hollywood get swept out of public view due to sexual abuse scandal - more on the way. 

* We've seen a purge in KSA that took off TRILLIONS of dollars in dirty money off the table that had been funding terrorism all over the world, included in this purge were Saudi Royals with the closest ties to the CIA and USIC (Bandar Bush, Al-Waleed bin Talal - largest shareholder in Twitter, Fox (just sold right after... hmm), Citibank, and personally paid for 44 to go to Harvard. These are major players for decades in US foreign and domestic politics and they were taken off the board in one day.  

* Almost IMMEDIATELY after the trillions of dirty money was confiscated in KSA, we see ISIS lose in both Syria and Iraq and the publication of three year studies which prove, undeniably, that CIA (with the administration's knowledge) was running guns into ISIS and AQ hands in Syria and Iraq since at least 2012. 

* This was followed by the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. 

* Russia, Hezbollah and Iran all withdrew from Syria. https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/1.825420 / http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/trumps-jerusalem-move-shifts-hezbollahs-battleground-syria-israel-amid-russia-pullout-1651068

* Hezbollah has been beaten back in Lebanon after Hariri "resigned" (while in KSA during the purge) and then was reinstalled weeks later with special forces from KSA and Gulf Allies helping the Lebanese special forces fight back Hezbollah. 

* The battle in Yemen turned SUDDENLY, as the Iranian withdrawal lead to the Houthis fighting each other and killing their leader. 

* NOTHING like the above 6 has been seen in the ME before in modern times, it's a clear sign that Iran is in the midst of a major internal restructuring.

* With the dirty Saudi money cut off, and the protection of compromised USG employees gone, we suddenly begin to see a major shake up in the FBI, DOJ, and FISA courts - this story is just starting to break, it'll get worse and it all ties back to KSA's financing network. 

* We are witnessing the outcome of a major leak sting operation that's going to ensnare Gang of 8 members (Schiff) and others. 

* Oh, and we've seen the destruction of both the Clinton and Bush dynasties (or at least the beginning of them)... 


These are major changes to the status quo. They are major changes to the elite structure of control for the past several decades. They lost their funding, their terrorist proxy armies, the ability to manipulate and control the narrative through MSM and Hollywood, and now dozens and dozens are being "scandaled" out of office or into a prison cell.


But the war isn't over. Not by a long shot. The epic powers that were in control are wounded, scared, on the run, and because of that should still be considered extremely dangerous. They know their days are numbered. They've lost the ability to spin, they've lost the ability to wage proxy wars at will, they've lost the ability to hide


...Unless they can find a way to distract us all from the coming storm. Which brings me to my next point: 


How to plant the seeds of distraction: 


Beyond the politics and geopolitics of this battle, both of which can drag us down into tribalistic and partisan debate for days on end, the biggest part of this Shadow Government/Deep State story that needs to be told is the stranglehold these powers have on advanced suppressed technology. There are over 5,000 classified top secret patents that we know about. 5,000.


What kind of technology could be hiding behind SAP classification? What kind of world could we be living in today if those technologies were released?


This supressed technology can literally change our world in a heartbeat. This is the kind of technology that was justified being kept secret because it was seen as a threat to our economic models which rely on petroleum and combustion, as well as a threat to the pharmaceutical industry as this is technology that would change the way we fight disease (with cures rather than expensive treatments).


This all sounds like sci-fi fantasy, but I assure you this technology exists, it's real, and it's been kept from the public for almost a full century.


This technology is not just a powerful force for change, it's also a powerful tool for distraction... 


The walls are closing in for the losing side of this civil war. The cabal that's been in control since 1963 is about to be very publicly outed, and it's going to enrage a lot of people when they learn the crimes that these folk have committed against innocents. Crimes so horrific most would welcome public executions of these monsters once it all comes out. 


The powers that were have always had a plan in their back pocket to release some of this advanced technology to the public as a means of distraction. This is how it works:


Desperate to change the MSM narrative, these powers that were disclose some of this advanced technology to the media - masking its origin. What would mask it? Well, claiming it's ET in origin would do the trick on two fronts: first it would cause a GLOBAL distraction (everyone talking about first contact, ETIs are real etc), second it would obscure the human origin of the technology (and thus how it was created using stolen tax payer dollars, and hidden from us for almost a century). 


Imagine if the New York Times, Politico and Newsweek started publishing real, verified stories (with video) of advanced craft operating in our skies. Imagine if they announce tomorrow that the cigar shaped rock traveling around our solar system is actually an intelligently designed craft of unknown origin? 


The moment that breaks, every discussion about Trump, Russiagate, Sexual Scandals - all of it goes away for at least a few weeks as the world comes to grip with a new reality.


Enter, Tom Delonge and his UAP project - backed by some of the deepest of the deep staters: 











This, I believe, is the start of a media roll out which will begin to disclose to the public MAN MADE craft. We won't be told their man made, we will be allowed to believe they're ET in origin. We will be encouraged to assume this is proof of ET visitation (and it is, though not in the way we will be lead to believe at first). This will be the start of a CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, a disclosure they hope they will be able to use to retake control of the MSM narrative they've lost. This will also allow them to paper over the years of contact these cabal groups have possibly had with ET visitors, something else that's about to break out into the public consciousness. 


Behind the scenes, this group will attempt to barter this technology to the new shadow group taking over. They'll trade it to them to keep their own sins in the grave or their own asses out of an electric chair.


That's the emergency distraction plan. And it's starting to be rolled out. We are going to see more of this as we move through the next year. Remember, this is OUR technology, paid for by tax dollars stolen from us by these groups. This is technology that can change everything about our world. It's real. We've known about it and been building it for decades. Yet, it's been kept from us. 


There will never be true freedom from these cabal groups unless the suppressed technology is released to the world at large.


And I think that moment is fast approaching. Perhaps by the end of 45's first term. 




The Deep State stuff has been very interesting & still remains plausible.  The next 3 or so months should remain interesting.


But the ET stuff goes beyond the deep end.  Really doubt you're still in the pool. :P


But please do keep the DS stuff coming.  Appears quite plausible & completely contrary to the MSM narrative.

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34 minutes ago, Taro T said:




The Deep State stuff has been very interesting & still remains plausible.  The next 3 or so months should remain interesting.


But the ET stuff goes beyond the deep end.  Really doubt you're still in the pool. :P


But please do keep the DS stuff coming.  Appears quite plausible & completely contrary to the MSM narrative.




I know it's more controversial than the rest, but it's important. 


And, remember, I'm saying the video released today is going to end up being man made advanced craft, not ET in origin. I think the majority of UFO sightings are actually ours. But the technology that powers them has been one of the biggest secrets kept from us for decades. It can change the world over night if it were rolled out publicly. Hence why it's an issue I care about. :) 


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10 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:




I know it's more controversial than the rest, but it's important. 


And, remember, I'm saying the video released today is going to end up being man made advanced craft, not ET in origin. I think the majority of UFO sightings are actually ours. But the technology that powers them has been one of the biggest secrets kept from us for decades. It can change the world over night if it were rolled out publicly. Hence why it's an issue I care about. :) 



I've pretty much been with you throughout this thread, but this is a pretty big leap.

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6 hours ago, OJABBA said:


I've pretty much been with you throughout this thread, but this is a pretty big leap.


Its more controversial than the other stuff (somehow) so I understand. Ignore it for now, remember it when disclosure starts to roll out in the next few months and then come back to this post and see how you feel then. 


Of course if that part doesn't happen, come back here to this thread and call me out for it. :):beer:

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Is that really new about ETs? If you look at a stealth fighter or bomber head on it looks like a UFO. A lot of sightings near area 51 were testing if stealth aircraft. I saw one landing at Ames -NASA in Moubtain View, CA once.   Almost no noise.

Edited by Wacka
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42 minutes ago, Wacka said:

Is that really new about ETs? If you look at a stealth fighter or bomber head on it looks like a UFO. A lot of sightings near area 51 were testing if stealth aircraft. I saw one landing at Ames -NASA in Moubtain View, CA once.   Almost no noise.


It's news in the sense that the Pentagon program disclosed in those articles was previously unknown. It's certainly not news that the USG has an interest in studying UFOs/UAPs, they've devoted hundreds of millions of dollars on that effort since WW2, producing mountains of official documentation about whether or not they are a threat, physical craft, or atmospheric anomalies. 


What will be news, to most, is how successful we have been at creating our own anti-gravitic craft and how developed the SSPs (Secret Space Programs) actually are. 


But I fully understand that will be scoffed at by most. Which is fine. I'm not trying to preach or convert, just share knowledge.  

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Regarding that F18 HUD video, for what it's worth.....

When watching or tracking something in FLIR mode, you are not actually seeing the object.

You are seeing processed heat source data.

Often times objects are greatly distorted.


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Hearing reports all over that 15-30 more congresscritters are about to resign in scandal over the next 48 hours. 


If that's true, the timing of yesterday's full court press on this UFO/UAP issue makes sense. It's literally the biggest distraction card they have left to play - and look who is immediately connected to Delonge on this issue (Podesta, Reid, HRC). 



1 minute ago, sherpa said:

Regarding that F18 HUD video, for what it's worth.....

When watching or tracking something in FLIR mode, you are not actually seeing the object.

You are seeing processed heat source data.

Often times objects are greatly distorted.



Understood and thank you for that. I was very curious to have your take on the video because of your experience. :beer: 


Does anything about the video or the way the aviators are communicating with one another that makes you suspicious this is altered/faked footage? 

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5 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Does anything about the video or the way the aviators are communicating with one another that makes you suspicious this is altered/faked footage? 


No, nothing obvious.

The com is a pilot and his backseater talking to each other.

There are two inaudible words, and I can't make them out.

But the best way to figure out what this is would be to talk to them, because again, FLIR targets are usually really distored.

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3 minutes ago, sherpa said:


No, nothing obvious.

The com is a pilot and his backseater talking to each other.

There are two inaudible words, and I can't make them out.

But the best way to figure out what this is would be to talk to them, because again, FLIR targets are usually really distored.


Greatly appreciate the response and your time. Thanks. :beer:

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Refer back to the OP.


They've lost control of their proxy armies. They've lost control of their ability to spin. And now their attempted false flags are being prevented rather than allowed to happen. 


The tide has turned. Recognition comes next, and with it will come hysteria and panic. But all is well. 

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Let's also say that the power outage in Atlanta today is... suspicious. 



Supposedly the next 24 hours are going to shake the tree, rumors are some people are trying to get out of Dodge before that happens. Could this be connected? Could it be an attempt to keep certain soon-to-be-indicted folk from fleeing? 


Probably not... :ph34r:

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