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The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:

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Just now, K-9 said:

Love the last sentence. If you haven’t read Daniel Yergin’s The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power, please do so. Oil has driven foreign policies around the world for over 100 years and counting. It’s a fascinating read, I guarantee it. 


Tulsi is great. :beer: 


Thanks, I will check it out. 



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2 hours ago, row_33 said:

K to 9 was your education?





or you mean please lower it from English to American.



No, I mean for you to raise it from gibberish to something remotely resembling English, American or otherwise. 


Then again, your childish gibe at one's education level suggests you may have difficulty doing so. 

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4 hours ago, ALF said:


Could this be data Edward Snowden had with him now in Russia ?


It would surprise me if that turned out to be the case, but it's possible. 


This article is FASCINATING for a multitude of reasons, primarily because of how it was written and how much disinformation is being blatantly pushed within it. This was clearly intended for a specific audience and not the general readership of the NYT (I argue this was specifically for POTUS).


It's also another clear demonstration of the civil war going on within the USIC that's been the core hypothesis of this thread. CIA is at war with the NSA right now. 


Their target? This guy:


Image result for adm mike rogers


Why Rodgers? Well... do some digging into what he was up to during the transition, then look into how he was treated by 44's administration during the final year of his term. 


CIA vs DIA vs NSA... 


What branch of Service is Rodgers from?

What branch of Service is Kelly from?

Why is that important?

Who specifically has COMPLETE command of the USMC?

Why is that important? 

What does NSA control? 

Why is that a threat to CIA? 


From the article, the key paragraphs to dig into: 


"One N.S.A. official who almost saw his career ended by the Shadow Brokers is at the very top of the organization: Adm. Michael S. Rogers, director of the N.S.A. and commander of its sister military organization, United States Cyber Command. President Barack Obama’s director of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr., and defense secretary, Ashton B. Carter, recommended removing Admiral Rogers from his post to create accountability for the breaches.


But Mr. Obama did not act on the advice, in part because Admiral Rogers’s agency was at the center of the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. Mr. Trump, who again on Saturday disputed his intelligence agencies’ findings on Russia and the election, extended the admiral’s time in office. Some former intelligence officials say they are flabbergasted that he has been able to hold on to his job."


Back to Snowden and your original question... 


It's long been suspected that Snowden is still very actively being protected/working with some element within the USIC, it's also been speculated since October that Julian Assange (who went dark when the embassy lost power for nearly two weeks) was "taken off the board" by those same elements. It's possible, possible, that Snowden and Assange (or Assange now) are both CIA cut-outs working to undercut the NSA. I don't believe that personally, but there are enough strings out there you can connect to make that case pretty convincingly. 


This is an important article to not just read, but to really decipher. This is going to be an interesting week. 

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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"The country is so divided! Politicians can't decide on anything in Washington! The Russian probe is tearing apart the ability for the right and left to work together to pass bills. There will never be bipartisianship again in the age of extreme right and left politics.." 


... Oh, well except for when it comes to approving the MiC's budget. Then everything works smoothly and things pass on time.


Image result for unsurprised gif


!@#$ your health care. !@#$ your tax plan. !@#$ poverty. !@#$ infrastructure. !@#$ everything that will actually help you, instead Congress SPRINTS to keep the gravy train on this perma-war state rolling because they knew if they didn't their true owners will get new congresscritters.


Our government does NOT represent the people anymore. 

House passes $700B compromise defense bill



This is the end goal of the Russian narrative and always has been. More money for defense spending requires new and "dangerous" enemies. The war against jihadists is fading, a new enemy is needed. Enter, the bear. 



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4 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Image result for crickets gif



The BBC had a long report on this in their World News Roundup this morning.  I was thinking/hoping that someone made them all drink some radioactive swill with a long half life before letting them go, so they can track every last one of them for years. 

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3 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

"The country is so divided! Politicians can't decide on anything in Washington! The Russian probe is tearing apart the ability for the right and left to work together to pass bills. There will never be bipartisianship again in the age of extreme right and left politics.." 


... Oh, well except for when it comes to approving the MiC's budget. Then everything works smoothly and things pass on time.


Image result for unsurprised gif


!@#$ your health care. !@#$ your tax plan. !@#$ poverty. !@#$ infrastructure. !@#$ everything that will actually help you, instead Congress SPRINTS to keep the gravy train on this perma-war state rolling because they knew if they didn't their true owners will get new congresscritters.


Our government does NOT represent the people anymore. 

House passes $700B compromise defense bill



This is the end goal of the Russian narrative and always has been. More money for defense spending requires new and "dangerous" enemies. The war against jihadists is fading, a new enemy is needed. Enter, the bear. 



Since you always accuse people of misrepresenting you, here's your chance.


Take a chain saw to that $700 bn line item and cut it.  But please provide details of exactly what you will cut and how that would solve whatever you think the problem is.  

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1 hour ago, GG said:

Since you always accuse people of misrepresenting you, here's your chance.


Take a chain saw to that $700 bn line item and cut it.  But please provide details of exactly what you will cut and how that would solve whatever you think the problem is.  


The budget alone isn't the problem. It's a symptom of the problem, and we just witnessed a real time demonstration of where "we" the people stand in the pecking order when it comes to Congress doing their jobs. :beer:


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6 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


The budget alone isn't the problem. It's a symptom of the problem, and we just witnessed a real time demonstration of where "we" the people stand in the pecking order when it comes to Congress doing their jobs. :beer:



The vast majority of the budget is salaries for military personnel and contractors, not for programs. 


So go ahead and use that chainsaw. 


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