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The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:

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Is that why the Cheetoh Dust Gollem got elected by spending a fraction of his opponents?

Outspent for sure, but the fraction is pretty large: $333.1M for Trump to $563.8 for Clinton or about 60%. And I think you're hard pressed to say that individual contributions make a whit of difference once whichever candidate gets into office. They take from the small (and medium and large) and then craft policy for the powerful.

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Higher home prices stimulate more home building. But since the xenophobia crowd is in charge, home builders are facing a labor shortage which is driving up home building costs.

Now there you go again, getting it completely wrong. Higher prices don't stimulate more home building, demand does. Did you ever hear of supply and demand, you doofus?

Outspent for sure, but the fraction is pretty large: $333.1M for Trump to $563.8 for Clinton or about 60%. And I think you're hard pressed to say that individual contributions make a whit of difference once whichever candidate gets into office. They take from the small (and medium and large) and then craft policy for the powerful.

62.8% or nearly 2/3's, which means almost twice as much. I even put less spin on it as you.

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62.8% or nearly 2/3's, which means almost twice as much. I even put less spin on it as you.

So just to clarify, you're contending that my statement "333.1 to 563.8=about 60%" is somehow more of an example of 'spin' than you saying it's almost twice as much, yes?


If we're going by that math, I'm about 280% more correct than you.

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If it's Sunday................it must be Clarice Feldman


It Was the Deep State that Colluded with the Russians, not Trump
by Clarice Feldman


Original Article


As more and more leaks about the ongoing “Russian collusion” witch hunt by Robert Mueller appear in print, it seems to me that if Russia had been trying to erode our faith in our institutions, the Deep State is accomplishing what Russia failed to do.

The Obama claque’s efforts were initially intended to help Clinton when they thought she would win and no one would know about their crimes. Then they continued the unlawful spying to cover up their role in the worst case of misuse of federal power in our history, to effect the removal or emasculation of the President, and now they are desperate to cover up their illegal actions when all that failed.

A. Where we are today on “Russian collusion”?

Instapundit tweeted the answer succinctly: “The election was hacked!” turns out to mean, “Russia bought some ads on Facebook.”

Facebook is turning over ads presumably purchased by Russians during the campaign. Good -- let’s see them.


B. Using the Full Force of FISA to spy on a political opponent


Obama has a long history of spying on his opponents and releasing information damaging to them. It’s a lifelong pattern. He got two opponents’ sealed divorce records unsealed in order to use unsubstantiated claims in pleadings by estranged spouses against them. As President, he continued this practice. By way of example, the Obama Administration did that with IRS, collecting information about the activities and donors of conservative and pro-Israel citizen groups while it refused to grant them the tax-exempt status to which they were entitled. The EPA collected private information from farmers and ranchers and released it to environmental groups to help them in their battles against those farmers and ranchers. There’s no reason to suppose that this pattern didn’t carry over to the 2016 election, and plenty of evidence that it did. As Sharyl Attkisson points out, they did it with reporters and Congressmen.

C. The FISA Court surely was misled in order to get information to surveil and to continue surveilling Trump and his associates.




I agree with Daniel Greenfield. Based on what I’ve read and observed, while the initial surveillance was to stop Trump and help Clinton, Obama used FISA to provide a “national security” cover for politically spying on Trump right up to the inauguration. As he notes, the first 2016 application was made the month after Trump obtained the nomination and the second in October, the month before the election.

As the unmasking picked up pace after the election, the reasonable assumption is that its purpose was to undo the results of the election or hamstring the incoming President.

Now Obama and his allies are or should be terrified that the scope of the illegal surveillance is revealing their criminal acts.

This is why I believe Mueller is growing increasingly desperate to find one crime by one person he can force by threat of jail to provide any shred of anything that might be used to justify their illegal espionage. Greenfield’s conclusion is apt: “The left is sitting on the biggest crime committed by a sitting president. The only way to cover it up is to destroy his Republican successor. A turning point in history is here. If Obama goes down, the left will go down with him. If his coup succeeds, then America ends.”

Why do I say that Mueller seems increasingly desperate? How else does one explain a middle-of-the-night pick-lock armed entry (and the search of his bedclothes-garbed wife) into the home of a man who by all accounts had been fully cooperating and turning over all requested documents? How else to explain requesting a court grant such a necessary special warrant on the ground that otherwise documents evincing a purported eleven-year-old crime would suddenly be destroyed? How else to explain the effort by Mueller to find out client information from the Skadden Arps and Akin Gump law firms, materials probably covered by attorney-client privilege? With each leak of his conduct – designed, I suppose, by his team to terrify honest men into lying to redeem the special counsel’s misbegotten efforts -- Mueller looks more and more like a petrified enlistee in the secretive repressive state force -- the Stasi -- as the wall is coming down and their conduct made public.

Much more at the link:

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If it's Sunday................it must be Clarice Feldman


It Was the Deep State that Colluded with the Russians, not Trump

by Clarice Feldman


Original Article


As more and more leaks about the ongoing “Russian collusion” witch hunt by Robert Mueller appear in print, it seems to me that if Russia had been trying to erode our faith in our institutions, the Deep State is accomplishing what Russia failed to do.

The Obama claque’s efforts were initially intended to help Clinton when they thought she would win and no one would know about their crimes. Then they continued the unlawful spying to cover up their role in the worst case of misuse of federal power in our history, to effect the removal or emasculation of the President, and now they are desperate to cover up their illegal actions when all that failed.

A. Where we are today on “Russian collusion”?

Instapundit tweeted the answer succinctly: “The election was hacked!” turns out to mean, “Russia bought some ads on Facebook.”

Facebook is turning over ads presumably purchased by Russians during the campaign. Good -- let’s see them.


B. Using the Full Force of FISA to spy on a political opponent


Obama has a long history of spying on his opponents and releasing information damaging to them. It’s a lifelong pattern. He got two opponents’ sealed divorce records unsealed in order to use unsubstantiated claims in pleadings by estranged spouses against them. As President, he continued this practice. By way of example, the Obama Administration did that with IRS, collecting information about the activities and donors of conservative and pro-Israel citizen groups while it refused to grant them the tax-exempt status to which they were entitled. The EPA collected private information from farmers and ranchers and released it to environmental groups to help them in their battles against those farmers and ranchers. There’s no reason to suppose that this pattern didn’t carry over to the 2016 election, and plenty of evidence that it did. As Sharyl Attkisson points out, they did it with reporters and Congressmen.


C. The FISA Court surely was misled in order to get information to surveil and to continue surveilling Trump and his associates.




I agree with Daniel Greenfield. Based on what I’ve read and observed, while the initial surveillance was to stop Trump and help Clinton, Obama used FISA to provide a “national security” cover for politically spying on Trump right up to the inauguration. As he notes, the first 2016 application was made the month after Trump obtained the nomination and the second in October, the month before the election.

As the unmasking picked up pace after the election, the reasonable assumption is that its purpose was to undo the results of the election or hamstring the incoming President.

Now Obama and his allies are or should be terrified that the scope of the illegal surveillance is revealing their criminal acts.

This is why I believe Mueller is growing increasingly desperate to find one crime by one person he can force by threat of jail to provide any shred of anything that might be used to justify their illegal espionage. Greenfield’s conclusion is apt: “The left is sitting on the biggest crime committed by a sitting president. The only way to cover it up is to destroy his Republican successor. A turning point in history is here. If Obama goes down, the left will go down with him. If his coup succeeds, then America ends.”

Why do I say that Mueller seems increasingly desperate? How else does one explain a middle-of-the-night pick-lock armed entry (and the search of his bedclothes-garbed wife) into the home of a man who by all accounts had been fully cooperating and turning over all requested documents? How else to explain requesting a court grant such a necessary special warrant on the ground that otherwise documents evincing a purported eleven-year-old crime would suddenly be destroyed? How else to explain the effort by Mueller to find out client information from the Skadden Arps and Akin Gump law firms, materials probably covered by attorney-client privilege? With each leak of his conduct – designed, I suppose, by his team to terrify honest men into lying to redeem the special counsel’s misbegotten efforts -- Mueller looks more and more like a petrified enlistee in the secretive repressive state force -- the Stasi -- as the wall is coming down and their conduct made public.

Much more at the link:



Pretty much.


Then yesterday you had Clapper, again, questioning the validity of the election results because of Russian "hacking". If you need to know why this story is being pushed, look at Clapper and Brennan and their lies. This isn't about Trump. It's not about left or right. It's about the continued ability of an unelected group of USIC officers trying to hold onto their gravy train, constitution be damned.




Again, this is coming from Clapper who lied to Congress multiple times (this has been proven, no charges ever filed and the media still uses him as an "unimpeachable" source for information... let that sink in), who hand picked the team that compiled the DNI/ICA which we now know used falsified evidence to make its "case", and who has made millions marching the country to the tune of the MiC and other such unscrupulous elements who routinely destabilize the world for profit.

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While our country is distracted by (once again) falling for the divide and conquer tactics, the ongoing Catalonia Independence vote is being virtually ignored. Spain is blocking citizens from voting booths with armed police, cruise liners filled with riot police docked in the harbor to smite any protests and to stop its people from voting:








Democratic principles are under assault all over the west. There's a reason...

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While our country is distracted by (once again) falling for the divide and conquer tactics, the ongoing Catalonia Independence vote is being virtually ignored. Spain is blocking citizens from voting booths with armed police, cruise liners filled with riot police docked in the harbor to smite any protests and to stop its people from voting:








Democratic principles are under assault all over the west. There's a reason...


The most underrated war of the 20th century....


I'm cheering for this current group of Real Madrid players, usually I've preferred to cheer for Barcelona, so I'll abstain from wishes except for peace and wisdom there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

it's like an autistic child wrote a piece so in tune with conspiracy and nuanced with garbled misrepresentations of truth that it became obsessive. I love it.


Or, like the Washington Post's newest hire, a guy who has the most skin in this particular game, told his minions to write something that attempts to make "conspiracy theorists" look silly.


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Or, like the Washington Post's newest hire, a guy who has the most skin in this particular game, told his minions to write something that attempts to make "conspiracy theorists" look silly.


I'd die to see the following EII would get as an op ed journalist at WaPo.
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Or, like the Washington Post's newest hire, a guy who has the most skin in this particular game, told his minions to write something that attempts to make "conspiracy theorists" look silly.


I should have put a :beer: in my post. Thought you'd get a chuckle out of it. I'll be sure to not be so serious next time.

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Speculation alert:


Anyone who's dared to peruse any alternative media outlet over the past year has undoubtedly come across dozens of articles on the mysteries of Antarctica. Specifically, speculations as to why so many prominent people have been going there in droves lately: (Juan Carlos of Spain, Prince Harry, Buzz Aldrin, SecState Kerry - on election day of all days - the Patriarch of Moscow, the Baltic Fleet... to name but a few of the ones who've visted since 2004). Every possible theory has been floated from secret Nazi bases to an ancient (but significantly advanced) human civilization being uncovered under the ice... some of the ideas are more entertaining than others.


Regardless of the reason, Antarctica has been pushed a lot in the MSM over the past year as well. From ice shelves breaking off, to volcanic activity being "discovered". It's rare to see this level of synchronicity between alternative outlets and more mainstream outlets on a subject, perhaps it isn't much of a stretch to suggest a seed is being planted. But why?


Leaving aside the possibilities of some of the more "Greg" type theories (which is tough to do... because this subject is actually really fun), there is perhaps a more grounded reason for all of this recent attention on Antarctica... and perhaps it has to do with this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctic_Treaty_System, specifically the part of the treaty which bans military testing on continent.


Of course if you look into which companies are the most active in Antarctica, you will notice some familiar faces from the MiC:








On to my speculation of the day, or food for thought:


These companies are the heart of the MiC, the companies that develop and test our most advanced weapons platforms and have for years. It's hard to find a more remote location on planet to test any secret technology or weaponry than Antarctica, and while the linked projects above aren't military in nature, it's easy to see how they could be used as a cover for larger, and highly illegal, weapons programs and testing facilities.


I've been told, more than once, not to ask questions about military testing in Antarctica. Of all the subjects I've gotten people to open up to me about, this is surprisingly been the most taboo. It surprised me to learn the nature and amount of military testing going on in Antarctica (by more than just the US) is apparently one of the MiC/USIC's most closely kept secrets...


Which brings me to this article which I found pretty interesting considering the above:




I don't know where this rabbit hole will end, but it sure does seem like we are being prepared for some sort of disclosure on the subject of the frozen continent.



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Speculation alert:


Anyone who's dared to peruse any alternative media outlet over the past year has undoubtedly come across dozens of articles on the mysteries of Antarctica. Specifically, speculations as to why so many prominent people have been going there in droves lately: (Juan Carlos of Spain, Prince Harry, Buzz Aldrin, SecState Kerry - on election day of all days - the Patriarch of Moscow, the Baltic Fleet... to name but a few of the ones who've visted since 2004). Every possible theory has been floated from secret Nazi bases to an ancient (but significantly advanced) human civilization being uncovered under the ice... some of the ideas are more entertaining than others.


Regardless of the reason, Antarctica has been pushed a lot in the MSM over the past year as well. From ice shelves breaking off, to volcanic activity being "discovered". It's rare to see this level of synchronicity between alternative outlets and more mainstream outlets on a subject, perhaps it isn't much of a stretch to suggest a seed is being planted. But why?


Leaving aside the possibilities of some of the more "Greg" type theories (which is tough to do... because this subject is actually really fun), there is perhaps a more grounded reason for all of this recent attention on Antarctica... and perhaps it has to do with this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctic_Treaty_System, specifically the part of the treaty which bans military testing on continent.


Of course if you look into which companies are the most active in Antarctica, you will notice some familiar faces from the MiC:








On to my speculation of the day, or food for thought:


These companies are the heart of the MiC, the companies that develop and test our most advanced weapons platforms and have for years. It's hard to find a more remote location on planet to test any secret technology or weaponry than Antarctica, and while the linked projects above aren't military in nature, it's easy to see how they could be used as a cover for larger, and highly illegal, weapons programs and testing facilities.


I've been told, more than once, not to ask questions about military testing in Antarctica. Of all the subjects I've gotten people to open up to me about, this is surprisingly been the most taboo. It surprised me to learn the nature and amount of military testing going on in Antarctica (by more than just the US) is apparently one of the MiC/USIC's most closely kept secrets...


Which brings me to this article which I found pretty interesting considering the above:




I don't know where this rabbit hole will end, but it sure does seem like we are being prepared for some sort of disclosure on the subject of the frozen continent.






All part of the stargate conspiracy centered in Luzerne.


It's nephilim, breh. I'm deep in the rabbit hole.

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