Benjamin Franklin Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 Also stashing this here for future discussion. Throwing you a bone DR.
/dev/null Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 Stashing this here for my benefit. Though, there are lots of interesting reads in here for those willing to wade through it... Conspiracy pr0n
B-Man Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 (edited) Wiretapped nation When President Trump complained the Obama administration wiretapped him, the press mocked him -- even though the New York Times had reported that very thing, even saying in a headline Obama wiretapped Trump.But as suspected, he was not alone. The Obama administration spied on everyone in the name of national security.In Obama's America, everyone is suspected of colluding with the Russians until proven innocent.From the Hill: The National Security Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation violated specific civil liberty protections during the Obama years by improperly searching and disseminating raw intelligence on Americans or failing to promptly delete unauthorized intercepts, according to newly declassified memos that provide some of the richest detail to date on the spy agencies’ ability to obey their own rules. The memos reviewed by The Hill were publicly released on July 11 through Freedom of Information Act litigation by the American Civil Liberties Union. They detail specific violations that the NSA or FBI disclosed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court or the Justice Department's national security division during President Obama’s tenure between 2009 and 2016. The intelligence community isn't due to report on compliance issues for 2017, the first year under the Trump administration, until next spring. The NSA says that the missteps amount to a small number — less than 1 percent — when compared to the hundreds of thousands of specific phone numbers and email addresses the agencies intercepted through the so-called Section 702 warrantless spying program created by Congress in late 2008. Warrantless.That means unconstitutional."Less than 1 percent" means what? Not even one person was supposed to be subjected to "missteps." That's why we bothered having a Bill of Rights.Dump this program.The safeguards are non-existent.And then prosecute everyone who did this to the American people. Edited July 27, 2017 by B-Man
Deranged Rhino Posted July 27, 2017 Author Posted July 27, 2017 (edited) Conspiracy pr0n 10000000% And probably complete bunk. (Though Stratfor's reach is kind of ridiculous - at least compared to how they're completely unknown to the general public. Yet, here's a few years worth of their emails. Most mundane, or encoded, but there's also some crazy **** in there. Most of that crazy **** comes from civilians or other unknowns emailing Stratfor about their crazy **** rather than from within Stratfor itself... but some of the internal convos are... let's just call them borderline treasonous?) Edited July 27, 2017 by Deranged Rhino
HappyDays Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 Update on the Seth Rich nonsense story: Rod Wheeler is now suing Fox News for "putting words in his mouth" and dragging out the Seth Rich story as a distraction from the Russia story. Hahaha! Really juicy stuff in that article. So the real conspiracy all along was to push out a crap story. Hey who in this thread was saying that at the beginning? Hmm. And looks like the White House was involved.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 Update on the Seth Rich nonsense story: Rod Wheeler is now suing Fox News for "putting words in his mouth" and dragging out the Seth Rich story as a distraction from the Russia NON story. Hahaha! Really juicy stuff in that article. So the real conspiracy all along was to push out a crap story. Hey who in this thread was saying that at the beginning? Hmm. And looks like the White House was involved. Fixed that for you.
Magox Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 (edited) Wiretapped nation When President Trump complained the Obama administration wiretapped him, the press mocked him -- even though the New York Times had reported that very thing, even saying in a headline Obama wiretapped Trump. But as suspected, he was not alone. The Obama administration spied on everyone in the name of national security. In Obama's America, everyone is suspected of colluding with the Russians until proven innocent. From the Hill: The National Security Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation violated specific civil liberty protections during the Obama years by improperly searching and disseminating raw intelligence on Americans or failing to promptly delete unauthorized intercepts, according to newly declassified memos that provide some of the richest detail to date on the spy agencies’ ability to obey their own rules. The memos reviewed by The Hill were publicly released on July 11 through Freedom of Information Act litigation by the American Civil Liberties Union. They detail specific violations that the NSA or FBI disclosed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court or the Justice Department's national security division during President Obama’s tenure between 2009 and 2016. The intelligence community isn't due to report on compliance issues for 2017, the first year under the Trump administration, until next spring. The NSA says that the missteps amount to a small number — less than 1 percent — when compared to the hundreds of thousands of specific phone numbers and email addresses the agencies intercepted through the so-called Section 702 warrantless spying program created by Congress in late 2008. Warrantless. That means unconstitutional. "Less than 1 percent" means what? Not even one person was supposed to be subjected to "missteps." That's why we bothered having a Bill of Rights. Dump this program. The safeguards are non-existent. And then prosecute everyone who did this to the American people. Don't dump the program, add more safeguards and prosecute those who violated this program to the absolute fullest extent. Edited August 1, 2017 by Magox
4merper4mer Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 Update on the Seth Rich nonsense story: Rod Wheeler is now suing Fox News for "putting words in his mouth" and dragging out the Seth Rich story as a distraction from the Russia story. Hahaha! Really juicy stuff in that article. So the real conspiracy all along was to push out a crap story. Hey who in this thread was saying that at the beginning? Hmm. And looks like the White House was involved. Any updates on who actually killed Seth Rich?
HappyDays Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 Any updates on who actually killed Seth Rich? It was Hilary Clinton in the Study with the Rope
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017
row_33 Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 It was Hilary Clinton in the Study with the Rope She breaks into unstoppable coughing fits every day, so the Study would give her presence away.
Koko78 Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 It was Hilary Clinton in the Study with the Rope Hillary in the Library with the Candlestick.
row_33 Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 Hillary in the Library with the Candlestick. Coughing would get her kicked out of the library. Conservatory if Motorhead was playing with full Marshall Stack regalia, that would be louder than her cough.
DC Tom Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 Monica in the Oval Office with the...uh...lead pipe?
Koko78 Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 Coughing would get her kicked out of the library. Conservatory if Motorhead was playing with full Marshall Stack regalia, that would be louder than her cough. She was hopped up on cough syrup/purple drank for the stealth factor. Also, the murder not her fault since she was high on cough syrup at the time.
row_33 Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 Did she use the candlestick for unseemly personal purposes first? The Clinton Way is to lie and deny (1,000,000 times) Then when the evidence comes out get the media to say "oh, that's old news, what does it matter now..." Except that woman kept the dress... That's the JFK moment for anyone born after 1970...
DC Tom Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 Did she use the candlestick for unseemly personal purposes first? The Clinton Way is to lie and deny (1,000,000 times) Which Trump is following to a T, notably.
Deranged Rhino Posted August 1, 2017 Author Posted August 1, 2017 (edited) Update on the Seth Rich nonsense story: Rod Wheeler is now suing Fox News for "putting words in his mouth" and dragging out the Seth Rich story as a distraction from the Russia story. Hahaha! Really juicy stuff in that article. So the real conspiracy all along was to push out a crap story. Hey who in this thread was saying that at the beginning? Hmm. And looks like the White House was involved. Your silence in this has been deafening. The only piece of actual evidence presented to the American people so far by the USIC was fabricated and lied about by the usic and the MSM for seven months - you don't say a word about that. Wonder why? The forensic evidence proves the hacking claims are impossible, the files were copied by someone who had direct access to the DNC servers - something Seth rich had. The copied versus hack evidence blows the whole Russian narrative out of the water and guess what - it makes the Seth rich story even more compelling as well as the attempts to downplay it by those who have lied about the DNI for months now. But to understand that you have to look at this whole story without giving into your partisan urges. Put the partisanship down for a moment and read this. Really read it and understand the game that's being played - not on democrats or republicans but on Americans by the very same institutions that are trying to convince you Seth rich was just murdered randomly. Click the link to go to the original thread with the original quotes still included: RIP TO THE JANUARY 6th DNI REPORT: Over the past few weeks, three pieces of evidence - real evidence, not evidence that relies on unnamed sources citing unnamed methods - have come to light that blow a huge hole in major portions of the "Russian collusion" story's main piece of evidence: The DNI report issued in January of this year. Shockingly, much of this evidence has been ignored by the MSM and the loudest supporters of this narrative on this board - despite most of those same folks spending the past six months telling me I was wrong for raising these very same concerns... Let's lay it out step by step. 1) Let's start with basic reading comprehension: This is the DNI report issued in January, the same report being touted by many as being the best evidence because it comes from the USIC itself. The report was sold to the public as being comprehensive (if unclassified) analysis from all 17 US Intel agencies who unanimously agreed that Russia had "hacked" the election. Many posters on here have held this report up as all the evidence they needed to believe the narrative being spun. When I pointed out to them, simply by reading the report itself, that it was not from all 17 agencies and in fact wasn't even presenting a consensus within the three agencies it actually came from (NSA, CIA, DHS), I was told - repeatedly - how I was wrong. Then a funny thing happened at the end of June. The NYT's issued a correction, buried of course, that admitted a basic error in their now seven month long disinformation campaign: This correction is important, not just because it shows that the NYT and other outlets knowingly lied for months about the unanimous consensus of the USIC, but because it completely omits the second most troubling part of the January DNI report - namely how the team was assembled... which brings us to: 2) On July 12th, this report came out detailing how the DNI report came to be: Again, much of this could be discerned by reading the DNI report itself, presuming you have a basic understanding about how intel is gathered, analyzed and processed within the USIC. This exposes yet another lie which has been repeated to the point of now being taken for granted and absolute truth by the MSM and various talking heads within the USIC. The DNI Report was not a consensus of opinion within all 17 agencies, it wasn't even the consensus of opinion within the three agencies that actually compiled the report (DHS, NSA, CIA). Rather, it was the conclusion the small task force created by Directors Brennan and Clapper were ORDERED TO REACH. After the WMD debacle in the early 2000's, the USIC rewrote their rule books to avoid repeating such a mistake of confirmation bias clouding active intel analysis. Part of this culture shift was the regulations to not create insular task forces within the USIC but rather to more freely exchange information and investigations between relevant branches. Clapper and Brennan's actions, by creating a separate investigative group and insulating them, is in direct violation of those new guidelines. Think about that for a moment. Clapper and Brennan - two men who dealt with the WMD investigations at different times, both men who have perjured themselves before Congress and Senate on issues of domestic collection and various USIC programs' over reach, broke the protocols they were a part of creating to FORCE the conclusion they wanted to reach. It's, quite literally, a repeat of the WMD agenda. Only this time the stakes aren't a poorly thought out invasion of a weak country - but the undercutting of our national confidence in our electoral process while poking the nose of the world's largest thermonuclear power. Motive is always important to examine in these cases, and it should be noted that both Brennan and Clapper have been at the forefront of the USIC's regime change war in Syria. It's an agenda they've been engineering and working towards for years now. And Trump's incoming administration - whether they meant it or not - campaigned and won in no small part because of their promises to end the nation's regime change addiction. This means that both Clapper and Brennan had a clear motive to undercut 45's incoming administration and to paint a target on Russia by engineering a fear campaign through their chosen MSM outlets (the NYT, Washington Post, CNN primarily). So, at the end of the day, the January DNI report which has been touted as proof by many here and in the media, has been completely blown out of the water just by these admissions: - It's not a consensus. - It was not compiled following proper USIC protocol. - It was, by their own admission, an investigation designed to prove Russian meddling and hacking rather than an honest investigation into the event itself. 3) Now that we've established the DNI report itself was flawed in design and pushed onto the public by Brennan, Clapper, and the MSM in a dishonest and propagandizing way - what about the actual evidence offered in the report itself? A new analysis was dropped this week by a collection of Intel vets working on behalf of the public - who signed their names and cited their sources and methods, more than the USIC has done to date. Their examination of the limited forensic evidence offered in the DNI report shows that the evidence itself was deliberately tampered with and that the story of hacking itself is impossible: Re-read that again, and consider this evidence in conjunction with the rest of the "narrative" spun about this January 6th DNI report. What this report is saying is that the evidence offered to the American public by the DNI report was tampered with and altered to hide the presence of a leaker (not hacker) and an attempt was made to pin it all on Russia. This is proven even further by the Vault 7 drops by Wikileaks this year which released the USIC's cyber weapon cache to the public. Chief among these tools are Umbrage ( and Marbles ( both of which are programs which make it possible to mask/fake ISP addresses. The forensic analysis of the DNI documents show proof of these programs in action. Meaning, the USIC deliberatley altered the key evidence it presented to the American public as proof of Russian interference and hacking in the election. In other words, they lied to the American public. What makes anyone of us so certain they're not still lying? All of this leads me back to a question I've asked many in this thread and have yet to hear an answer to. If you honestly believe Russian Intelligence agencies launched a massively successful hacking/propaganda campaign that duped the public into voting for Trump - is it not possible that the USIC has the same capabilities and reach to wage an information war on their own people? Because the final analysis of the DNI report shows a concerted effort on behalf of Brennan, Clapper, elements within the US MSM and Congress to mislead the American public and scare them into buying into the next "Big Bad" that the US MiC will need generous budgets to combat. This isn't partisan. This is absolute evidence that the DNI report touted by many on here was intentionally crafted to mislead the American public into a false conclusion. And those of you on the left who are so blinded by your desire to remove Trump and sink him with this story, I ask you to consider this article in its entirety first: With New D.C. Policy Group, Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocon It shows, once again, where the motivations for this narrative truly lie. It's not really about the DNC protecting it's party or Hillary making excuses. It's not really about protecting our "sacred institutions"... It seems to be about the continuation of regime change policies pushed by the neocon establishment which, with the help of this narrative, have now flipped to the left side of the aisle. A move that should outrage anyone who protested against W's wars in the desert. Conclusion: We are in an information war. Up is not up and down is not down. Discernment is key. It's taken seven months for the MSM to admit the DNI report was flawed (at best). In that time, the narrative has been allowed to metastasize primarily by people flaunting the DNI report as proof. What actual discernment and evidence shows is the Russian narrative has been concocted at worst, overblown at best, from the very beginning. Stay frosty out there, people. Edited August 1, 2017 by Deranged Rhino
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted August 2, 2017 Posted August 2, 2017 Update on the Seth Rich nonsense story: Rod Wheeler is now suing Fox News for "putting words in his mouth" and dragging out the Seth Rich story as a distraction from the Russia story. Hahaha! Really juicy stuff in that article. So the real conspiracy all along was to push out a crap story. Hey who in this thread was saying that at the beginning? Hmm. And looks like the White House was involved. Wheeler works at Fox! Talk about fake news. All these clowns screamed no fake news are total dupes for fake news
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