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This seems pertinent:


In addition to pleading guilty, Kim has agreed to cooperate with an ongoing public corruption investigation being conducted by federal authorities.


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Today’s Washington Post front page features a sensational story claiming the intelligence community was warning President Trump and Congress way back in January that coronavirus was going to be a worldwide pandemic.


But closely reading the key graph shows it to be based on one anonymous source, plus the opinions of anonymous “others:”


“Intelligence agencies ‘have been warning on this since January,’ said a U.S. official who had access to intelligence reporting that was disseminated to members of Congress and their staffs as well as to officials in the Trump administration, and who, along with others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive information.”


And. on the opinion page (or do I repeat myself?), what is this but “nine former intelligence chiefs” warning that:


“We cannot let the covid-19 pandemic be a cover for the deeply destructive path being pursued by the Trump administration. The most recent illustration of this unprecedented attack is the continuing dismissal of career intelligence professionals — officers who have ably served both Republican and Democratic administrations regardless of their personal political stripe.”




Translation: Trump is remaking the leadership of the intelligence community, displacing the entrenched bureaucrats – careerists and career political operators – who tried to sell us the Russia hoax, the Mueller probe and the quid pro quo. So in response, they are weaponizing the coronavirus.





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11 hours ago, 32ABBA said:



When I discuss politics I leave out the "pizza-gate" stuff, because it's pretty outrageous. But when you see something like this (or the creepy art they had on the walls of their home), how can it not at least prompt a pause from some of the partisan Left? 


(Warming up a bit this morning for a long writing day, so this is a long answer to match the times we're all in)




It's a terribly divisive topic because the truth of the matter is so dark and twisted, it completely shatters the cultivated reality which blinds us to its truth. That's painful for most people, regardless of their politics. And it's a multiple punch combo. Not only is dark and twisted, if it's real then it means we all have been badly duped by the people we've been conditioned to trust/love/adore the most. Most people's egos cannot handle that kind of assault on their cognitive dissonance -- they'll reject it automatically as ridiculous rather than face the possibility they've been had. I know I did.


It also does not help that PG itself is littered with disinformation and sensationalist "narratives", some pushed by unknowing useful idiots, others pushed intentionally by TPTW in order to sow seeds of doubt in the minds of anyone who decides to do their own looking into the topic. There are slivers of truth in the PG material, buried by layers of this kind of disinformation. The whole "Flat Earth" psyop of the last decade is an example of how this type of disinformation campaign works. Flat Earth was originally seeded into the "alternative media" by TPTW to discredit various researchers and outlets who don't toe the line of our cultivated reality. It works like this: disinformation agents seed the communities with "flat earth" theories, which inevitably dupe enough to become a legitimate "debate" within that community. That forces the alternative media outlets to cover the  Flat Earth debate and posit their opinions/analysis. Then, when a "normal" person decides to look into a fringe subject (like PG for example) and turns to these alternative sources, they'll see a flood of Flat Earth type articles which immediately colors the source as being "crazy". "Hey, they believe in Flat Earth so of course their take on PG is garbage too". 


Most people don't have time (or didn't until a national quarantine took hold) to do the heavy lifting required to sift through the disinformation, obvious propaganda, and obvious snake oil salesmen (who work both sides of the equation) to find the kernels of truth about this topic... so they dismiss it all as nonsense. A return of the "Satanic Panic", or anything else they can think of to give them a reason NOT to take this subject seriously. 


... But an honest look at history shows that this type of blood cult has existed in almost every single human civilization since the beginning of time. Regardless of their origin point, their religious beliefs, their society -- human sacrifice to appease "dark Gods/powers" is perhaps the oldest human tradition. And an honest look at the history of intelligence services throughout modern history shows unequivocally that using sex and perversion as leverage is perhaps the oldest play in the spook playbook: the Soviets/Russians were/are excellent at it, the Nazis were excellent at it, the Israelis are excellent at it, the US and Brits have long excelled at it, ditto with the Chinese and other eastern powers. 


Which brings us to Epstein. 


Prior to his re-arrest, the notion that there were elite pedophile rings being run by intelligence services (or their cut outs) to service the global elite, either to appease them or control them, was considered Loony Tunes level nutty. When PG really hit the blood stream (pun intended) in 2016, and connections to people like Epstein were being made, there was an all hands on deck effort by the global media (not just our own) to downplay this as nonsense. Then, when Epstein was arrested and people really started to put pieces together, the narrative shifted from "that's nuts!" to "yeah, well of course there are elite pedo rings, everyone knows that, but that's not the same thing as child sacrifice!". 


And they're right.


But only if you look at a tiny sliver of the picture. 


Epstein proves that there is a large contingent of nationally lauded pundits, politicians, and celebrities from many nations around the world who partook in sex rings with children (not women or men as the media still tries to cover for Epstein, but kids as young as 11). But what's the tie in to the occult? To ritual? Aside from the obvious signposts on his island which was built with occult imagery in abundance, the answer lies in Marina Abramovic. 


Marina's link to both the political elite and the Hollywood/Celebrity elites is VERY hard to explain in a vacuum. Impossible I'd say. Prior to 2016 she openly called herself a priestess. She billed her services as such, and received a tax exemption for doing so. She led "spirit cooking" rituals for not just the DC elite, but the biggest names in Hollywood and athletics. Spirit Cooking itself is deeply occult, involves rituals and prayers and the summoning of "entities" through the consumption of your own bodily fluids (not just cakes made to look like people). It's DEEPLY disturbing to anyone who ventures down that rabbit hole, and something I was exposed to well before I had ever heard of PG. When I was invited to go to an event, I rejected it immediately. Not because I thought it was satanic or occult (I didn't know and would have laughed it off had someone told me it was) but just because the entire premise sounded like a real ***** up way to spend my evening. 


I think that's a normal reaction.


Yet the most powerfully connected men and women in my business were attending. And the most powerful and connected people in DC were attending other events thrown on the east coast. Seems like an odd thing to do -- especially in businesses which are TOTALLY about public image. What kind of politician or movie star wants to be photographed or seen at events like this: (images censored for people's sanity)


Image result for marina abramovic spirit cooking

Image result for marina abramovic spirit cookingImage result for marina abramovic spirit cooking



Yet, despite the PR risk, they all were going willingly -- for years before PG became mainstream. Then, once that secret broke, suddenly Marina became "a performing artist" and her "spirit cooking rituals" were passed off as "art" not real or religious. The spin job done (and the google scrubbing done to her life) was impressive, fast, and nearly accepted by every mainstream journalist as "oh, that makes sense" without a second thought. 


But none of that passes the smell test. None of it. 


Why would these powerful men and women willingly go to events like the above, risking PR disasters in the process, unless there was something of value they gained from it? And when you dig into the history of spirit cooking, its occult roots, you see quickly that like ritual sacrifice, like honeypots, this has been a part of the human experience since the very beginning of time. It's literally Biblical. 


Once you move past the Epstein and Marina of it all, you can start to get into the policies in place in our world which make it easier for those within this group to hide in plain sight and keep their supply chains of victims running under the noses of the world population without them raising the alarm. Things like: open borders and not separating children from their "parents" at the border (that doesn't keep kids safe, it keeps traffickers and their product safe), occult images being sewn into nearly every bit of pop-culture entertainment -- images below




Image result for owls on NBC shows occultImage result for illuminati grammys


Image result for illuminati grammysImage result for tom petty mary jane imagry



The evidence is right in front of our faces -- but we can't see it. And they find this HILARIOUS. Which is why it's done. They're mocking us to our faces, telling us who they are and what they're doing, while passing it off as "art". It's a trick, a con, a dodge that's as old as human history. 


Now, the whole game of "who's in the cult" is where a LOT of the disinformation comes into play. People who have their eyes open (and it's painful to have them opened to this) get angry. They want to blame people. And often times, they make definitive statements about people's involvement in this without the evidence to back it up. That leads to "Tom Hanks is really a secret pedo and child abuser!" -- which, without evidence, is more damning to the cause of truth than it is righteous exposure. That, in my opinion, should be avoided at all costs. 


The evidence that this is real is abundant. The history is soaked with blood and is one of the darkest chapters in human history. You really cannot understand what's happening in the world without understanding that this cult is real and deeply intertwined with our modern day life. There's MUCH more to this story, including what they get out of it besides kicks (there is a real, tangible payoff for them). But we'll save that for another morning. 




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10 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:





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Image result for marina abramovic spirit cooking

Image result for marina abramovic spirit cookingImage result for marina abramovic spirit cooking








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Image result for owls on NBC shows occultImage result for illuminati grammys


Image result for illuminati grammysImage result for tom petty mary jane imagry












And then there is this...



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On 3/21/2020 at 2:14 AM, Hedge said:




Anyone who uses term "truth to power" in a serious fashion has a punchable face (IMO).

Agreed.  Toss is a few “unceremonious” dismissals, and the implication that only these relics of administrations past can save us all is pathetic.  Wondering where all these stalwarts were when Brennan was spouting his “Trump guilty of treason”hate speech for 3 years.  Surely, with their finger on the pulse of the world and ability to “connect the dots”, they misread the tea leaves quite badly. Time to go. 

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18 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


(Warming up a bit this morning for a long writing day, so this is a long answer to match the times we're all in)




It's a terribly divisive topic because the truth of the matter is so dark and twisted, it completely shatters the cultivated reality which blinds us to its truth. That's painful for most people, regardless of their politics. And it's a multiple punch combo. Not only is dark and twisted, if it's real then it means we all have been badly duped by the people we've been conditioned to trust/love/adore the most. Most people's egos cannot handle that kind of assault on their cognitive dissonance -- they'll reject it automatically as ridiculous rather than face the possibility they've been had. I know I did.


It also does not help that PG itself is littered with disinformation and sensationalist "narratives", some pushed by unknowing useful idiots, others pushed intentionally by TPTW in order to sow seeds of doubt in the minds of anyone who decides to do their own looking into the topic. There are slivers of truth in the PG material, buried by layers of this kind of disinformation. The whole "Flat Earth" psyop of the last decade is an example of how this type of disinformation campaign works. Flat Earth was originally seeded into the "alternative media" by TPTW to discredit various researchers and outlets who don't toe the line of our cultivated reality. It works like this: disinformation agents seed the communities with "flat earth" theories, which inevitably dupe enough to become a legitimate "debate" within that community. That forces the alternative media outlets to cover the  Flat Earth debate and posit their opinions/analysis. Then, when a "normal" person decides to look into a fringe subject (like PG for example) and turns to these alternative sources, they'll see a flood of Flat Earth type articles which immediately colors the source as being "crazy". "Hey, they believe in Flat Earth so of course their take on PG is garbage too". 


Most people don't have time (or didn't until a national quarantine took hold) to do the heavy lifting required to sift through the disinformation, obvious propaganda, and obvious snake oil salesmen (who work both sides of the equation) to find the kernels of truth about this topic... so they dismiss it all as nonsense. A return of the "Satanic Panic", or anything else they can think of to give them a reason NOT to take this subject seriously. 


... But an honest look at history shows that this type of blood cult has existed in almost every single human civilization since the beginning of time. Regardless of their origin point, their religious beliefs, their society -- human sacrifice to appease "dark Gods/powers" is perhaps the oldest human tradition. And an honest look at the history of intelligence services throughout modern history shows unequivocally that using sex and perversion as leverage is perhaps the oldest play in the spook playbook: the Soviets/Russians were/are excellent at it, the Nazis were excellent at it, the Israelis are excellent at it, the US and Brits have long excelled at it, ditto with the Chinese and other eastern powers. 


Which brings us to Epstein. 


Prior to his re-arrest, the notion that there were elite pedophile rings being run by intelligence services (or their cut outs) to service the global elite, either to appease them or control them, was considered Loony Tunes level nutty. When PG really hit the blood stream (pun intended) in 2016, and connections to people like Epstein were being made, there was an all hands on deck effort by the global media (not just our own) to downplay this as nonsense. Then, when Epstein was arrested and people really started to put pieces together, the narrative shifted from "that's nuts!" to "yeah, well of course there are elite pedo rings, everyone knows that, but that's not the same thing as child sacrifice!". 


And they're right.


But only if you look at a tiny sliver of the picture. 


Epstein proves that there is a large contingent of nationally lauded pundits, politicians, and celebrities from many nations around the world who partook in sex rings with children (not women or men as the media still tries to cover for Epstein, but kids as young as 11). But what's the tie in to the occult? To ritual? Aside from the obvious signposts on his island which was built with occult imagery in abundance, the answer lies in Marina Abramovic. 


Marina's link to both the political elite and the Hollywood/Celebrity elites is VERY hard to explain in a vacuum. Impossible I'd say. Prior to 2016 she openly called herself a priestess. She billed her services as such, and received a tax exemption for doing so. She led "spirit cooking" rituals for not just the DC elite, but the biggest names in Hollywood and athletics. Spirit Cooking itself is deeply occult, involves rituals and prayers and the summoning of "entities" through the consumption of your own bodily fluids (not just cakes made to look like people). It's DEEPLY disturbing to anyone who ventures down that rabbit hole, and something I was exposed to well before I had ever heard of PG. When I was invited to go to an event, I rejected it immediately. Not because I thought it was satanic or occult (I didn't know and would have laughed it off had someone told me it was) but just because the entire premise sounded like a real ***** up way to spend my evening. 


I think that's a normal reaction.


Yet the most powerfully connected men and women in my business were attending. And the most powerful and connected people in DC were attending other events thrown on the east coast. Seems like an odd thing to do -- especially in businesses which are TOTALLY about public image. What kind of politician or movie star wants to be photographed or seen at events like this: (images censored for people's sanity)



  Reveal hidden contents



Image result for marina abramovic spirit cooking

Image result for marina abramovic spirit cookingImage result for marina abramovic spirit cooking





Yet, despite the PR risk, they all were going willingly -- for years before PG became mainstream. Then, once that secret broke, suddenly Marina became "a performing artist" and her "spirit cooking rituals" were passed off as "art" not real or religious. The spin job done (and the google scrubbing done to her life) was impressive, fast, and nearly accepted by every mainstream journalist as "oh, that makes sense" without a second thought. 


But none of that passes the smell test. None of it. 


Why would these powerful men and women willingly go to events like the above, risking PR disasters in the process, unless there was something of value they gained from it? And when you dig into the history of spirit cooking, its occult roots, you see quickly that like ritual sacrifice, like honeypots, this has been a part of the human experience since the very beginning of time. It's literally Biblical. 


Once you move past the Epstein and Marina of it all, you can start to get into the policies in place in our world which make it easier for those within this group to hide in plain sight and keep their supply chains of victims running under the noses of the world population without them raising the alarm. Things like: open borders and not separating children from their "parents" at the border (that doesn't keep kids safe, it keeps traffickers and their product safe), occult images being sewn into nearly every bit of pop-culture entertainment -- images below



  Reveal hidden contents





Image result for owls on NBC shows occultImage result for illuminati grammys


Image result for illuminati grammysImage result for tom petty mary jane imagry





The evidence is right in front of our faces -- but we can't see it. And they find this HILARIOUS. Which is why it's done. They're mocking us to our faces, telling us who they are and what they're doing, while passing it off as "art". It's a trick, a con, a dodge that's as old as human history. 


Now, the whole game of "who's in the cult" is where a LOT of the disinformation comes into play. People who have their eyes open (and it's painful to have them opened to this) get angry. They want to blame people. And often times, they make definitive statements about people's involvement in this without the evidence to back it up. That leads to "Tom Hanks is really a secret pedo and child abuser!" -- which, without evidence, is more damning to the cause of truth than it is righteous exposure. That, in my opinion, should be avoided at all costs. 


The evidence that this is real is abundant. The history is soaked with blood and is one of the darkest chapters in human history. You really cannot understand what's happening in the world without understanding that this cult is real and deeply intertwined with our modern day life. There's MUCH more to this story, including what they get out of it besides kicks (there is a real, tangible payoff for them). But we'll save that for another morning. 




?So you right wingers are now spreading the story that Joe Biden was a Nazi concentration camp guard?  

20 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

?So you right wingers are now spreading the story that Joe Biden was a Nazi concentration camp guard?  

 Personally I don't think so.  Most of those guys went to Brazil or Ecuador.  I know the one guy went to Ohio and that's pretty bad but Delaware?  I think he would have just committed Harry Carey.  Everything else adds up though.

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3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

?So you right wingers are now spreading the story that Joe Biden was a Nazi concentration camp guard?  


There wasn't a single mention of Biden in that post you quoted, or him being a Nazi guard. 


Not one. 


You're a lunatic.

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3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

?So you right wingers are now spreading the story that Joe Biden was a Nazi concentration camp guard?  


Of course not, he was too busy being arrested while trying to see Nelson Mandela to be a Nazi concentration camp guard.


Though I'm sure all of the holocaust victims would have loved to touch his leg hair.

Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


That was my first thought. She's more beast than woman now.



Where's a toaster when you need one...



And her self-absorbed pleas....insufferable.




Edited by 32ABBA
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7 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Lots of chances to see what's really happening if you take the time to look.



Putting aside the occult angle for just a moment, what the heck was that? Creepy music in the background, hanging onto the faucet handle like it’s Sean Penn’s $#@*, and I found myself wanting to throw myself out a window just to get that voice out of my head. 

And I wish I was more creative because I’d be adding delicate little bubbles with a couple chunky b’s coming to the surface while she spoke.  

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