GoBills808 Posted June 7, 2017 Posted June 7, 2017 Honestly...they can have the ME. Increase domestic energy production and let Russia spin their tires in the sand for a couple of decades. Also, 1000th comment.
snafu Posted June 7, 2017 Posted June 7, 2017 Probably not much, really. Honestly...if I had to make a guess, I'd pin this more on Russian dezinformatsiya with the ultimate intent of weakening our presence in the Gulf. It just the sort of thing they do, and fits with their longer-term geopolitical goals to become the major player in Middle Eastern politics at our expense. Could be, I suppose. They, or Iran, or both. Though it was an actual attack on parliament in Tehran, wasn't it? That's a pretty big punch in the nose, especially if it is self-inflicted. Honestly...they can have the ME. Increase domestic energy production and let Russia spin their tires in the sand for a couple of decades. Also, 1000th comment. Nice! Do you get a free bowl of soup with that comment?
DC Tom Posted June 7, 2017 Posted June 7, 2017 Could be, I suppose. They, or Iran, or both. Though it was an actual attack on parliament in Tehran, wasn't it? That's a pretty big punch in the nose, especially if it is self-inflicted. To clarify: I wouldn't be surprised if the Qatar thing was dezinformatsiya. The Tehran attacks...like I said earlier, taking in to account the linear relation from the Afghan mujahadeen to the Pakistani ISI, to the Taliban and al Qaeda, to ISIS, not the first time (little known fact: Iran almost invaded Afghanistan in the mid-90s, after the Taliban executed a half-dozen Iranian diplomats in or around Herat.) And don't forget: Iran is more actively engaged with ISIS in Syria right now than we are ourselves. ISIS has ample reason to attack Iran beyond any convoluted Arabian peninsula political conspiracy theory.
snafu Posted June 7, 2017 Posted June 7, 2017 To clarify: I wouldn't be surprised if the Qatar thing was dezinformatsiya. The Tehran attacks...like I said earlier, taking in to account the linear relation from the Afghan mujahadeen to the Pakistani ISI, to the Taliban and al Qaeda, to ISIS, not the first time (little known fact: Iran almost invaded Afghanistan in the mid-90s, after the Taliban executed a half-dozen Iranian diplomats in or around Herat.) And don't forget: Iran is more actively engaged with ISIS in Syria right now than we are ourselves. ISIS has ample reason to attack Iran beyond any convoluted Arabian peninsula political conspiracy theory. Well if it is ISIS acting on their own, then I'd actually feel better about my concern between Iran/Saudi. That's a cruiserweight battle that I don't think anyone wants to see. I think your Russian disinformation idea is more effective toward painting ISIS as an arm of Saud to attempt to destabilize the peninsula. Whether it is true or not is irrelevant. That's what I was trying to get at with someone trying to capitalize on Saudi/Qatar. I don't think the Russians had anything to do with that part of it -- I think the Qatar matter involves the US because it included Egypt, too, with the Islamic Brotherhood claims. I also always thought the US parked themselves in Afghanistan and Iraq with the added benefit of containing Iran. As soon as they left Iraq a lot more crap started hitting the fan with the Iranians (and then the nuclear deal made things worse).
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted June 7, 2017 Posted June 7, 2017 Probably not much, really. Honestly...if I had to make a guess, I'd pin this more on Russian dezinformatsiya with the ultimate intent of weakening our presence in the Gulf. It just the sort of thing they do, and fits with their longer-term geopolitical goals to become the major player in Middle Eastern politics at our expense. RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!
Deranged Rhino Posted June 8, 2017 Author Posted June 8, 2017 To clarify: I wouldn't be surprised if the Qatar thing was dezinformatsiya. The hacked emails were traced back to Russian IPs - though as we've seen with Vault 7, that's one of the easier bits of evidence to fake. The content of the emails, which again are the true driving force behind this sudden escalation, certainly paint the Saudis, Israelis, and the UAE in a poor light which in turn helps Russia and Iranian interests in the region. So, there's logic to that speculation and it wouldn't surprise me either. The one kink in that, of course, is the veracity of the emails. According to the news outlets who received the leaks, they were authentic emails. We will see on Saturday (again, if the next drop does indeed happen) if the authenticity continues. That, of course, brings back one of the recurring topics of debate with the Russian "meddling" conversations: if the information leaked is accurate and not falsified, do we ignore the contents just because the information was leaked by a foreign nation acting in their own (and not our) best interests? Since we're in an information war presently, it's a fundamental question to ask.
row_33 Posted June 9, 2017 Posted June 9, 2017 Shortly after calling into question President Trump's mental health on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe,' House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's own mental health came under scrutiny, as the 77-year-old California congresswoman referred to President Trump as "President Bush" and forgot what day of the week it is. A reporter quickly helped her correct the gaffe, interjecting "Trump," but Pelosi appeared oblivious she slipped up. An aide then emerged from the sidelines, passing Pelosi a note, notifying her she got the two presidents mixed up again.
DC Tom Posted June 9, 2017 Posted June 9, 2017 Shortly after calling into question President Trump's mental health on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe,' House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's own mental health came under scrutiny, as the 77-year-old California congresswoman referred to President Trump as "President Bush" and forgot what day of the week it is. A reporter quickly helped her correct the gaffe, interjecting "Trump," but Pelosi appeared oblivious she slipped up. An aide then emerged from the sidelines, passing Pelosi a note, notifying her she got the two presidents mixed up again. To her base, Republicans are a mindless, faceless, indiscriminate mass of evil anyway. So not only to they not care that she can't keep Republicans presidents straight, they think her confusion is understandable in the context.
B-Man Posted June 11, 2017 Posted June 11, 2017 Leading liberals develop blueprint to expand ‘deep state’ and undercut Trump. Forlorn liberals took refuge at the American Constitution Society’s national convention in Washington this week, discussing whether to encourage the growth of the “deep state” resistance inside the government or fight President Trump from outside. “The election of Donald Trump was an assault on the federal bureaucracy,” William Yeomans said to a room full of students and civil servants, including those recently displaced by Trump’s administration. “His values are simply not consistent with the values of people who are committed to public service and who believe deeply in the importance of public service.” Yeomans, an American University law professor with more than 25 years of experience at the Justice Department, was holed up inside the Capital Hilton hotel downtown on a sunny Friday afternoon leading a panel of bureaucrats and scholars divided about how best to fight Trump. Just remember, you’re setting the stage for a similar campaign of massive resistance to the next Democrat in the White House. And it may not be limited to the bureaucracy. I mean if this sort of thing is okay, why not refusal to pay taxes, or a Tea Party mob occupying the White House? And that’s just at the top of the slippery slope of “resistance.” At the bottom? Bureaucrats and politicians hanging from lampposts while their families try to evade the mobs. Is this really where you want to go, lefties? And if you think this is “special” because you think Trump is unfit for office, what about the majority of Americans who think the federal government operates without the consent of the governed? If bureaucrats are free to ignore the law, why should they listen to bureaucrats?............Glen Reynolds https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/267173/
B-Man Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 How the Deep State Built Its Field of Dreams By Clarice Feldman This week, we learned that former FBI Director James Comey will probably be a witness in any proceeding brought by his close friend Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Rod Rosenstein, a former Mueller staffer, appointed Mueller because Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who handed the oversight of this matter to his Deputy Rosenstein, had recused himself and that recusal was based on a misreading of the law by career Department of Justice attorneys. Sessions’s recusal, moreover, was engendered by illegal leaks. And the investigation by Mueller is being fanned by more of them. Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/06/how_the_deep_state_built_its_field_of_dreams.html#ixzz4kMbqVg5V
Deranged Rhino Posted June 18, 2017 Author Posted June 18, 2017 THE HISTORY CHANNEL IS FINALLY TELLING THE STUNNING SECRET STORY OF THE WAR ON DRUGS That core truth is: The war on drugs has always been a pointless sham. For decades the federal government has engaged in a shifting series of alliances of convenience with some of the world’s largest drug cartels. So while the U.S. incarceration rate has quintupled since President Richard Nixon first declared the war on drugs in 1971, top narcotics dealers have simultaneously enjoyed protection at the highest levels of power in America. On the one hand, this shouldn’t be surprising. The voluminous documentation of this fact in dozens of books has long been available to anyone with curiosity and a library card. (snip) Then Richard Stratton, a marijuana smuggler turned writer and television producer, explains, “Most Americans would be utterly shocked if they knew the depth of involvement that the Central Intelligence Agency has had in the international drug trade.” Next New York University professor Christian Parenti tells viewers, “The CIA is from its very beginning collaborating with mafiosas who are involved in the drug trade because these mafiosas will serve the larger agenda of fighting communism.” (snip) Then there’s the extremely odd tale of how the CIA imported significant amounts of LSD from its Swiss manufacturer in hopes that it could used for successful mind control. Instead, by dosing thousands of young volunteers including Ken Kesey, Whitey Bulger, and Grateful Dead lyricist Robert Hunter, the Agency accidentally helped popularize acid and generate the 1960s counter-culture of psychedelia. (snip) Most recently, there’s our 16-year-long war in Afghanistan. While less has been uncovered about the CIA’s machinations here, it’s hard not to notice that we installed Hamid Karzai as president while his brother apparently was on the CIA payroll and, simultaneously, one of the country’s biggest opium dealers. Afghanistan now supplies about 90 percent of the world’s heroin.
reddogblitz Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 The CIA didn't only experiment in the USA on USA citizens. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/7415082/French-bread-spiked-with-LSD-in-CIA-experiment.html
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted June 19, 2017 Posted June 19, 2017 MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s most prominent human rights lawyers, journalists and anti-corruption activists have been targeted by advanced spyware sold to the Mexican government on the condition that it be used only to investigate criminals and terrorists. The targets include lawyers looking into the mass disappearance of 43 students, a highly respected academic who helped write anti-corruption legislation, two of Mexico’s most influential journalists and an American representing victims of sexual abuse by the police. The spying even swept up family members, including a teenage boy. Since 2011, at least three Mexican federal agencies have purchased about $80 million worth of spyware created by an Israeli cyberarms manufacturer. The software, known as Pegasus, infiltrates smartphones to monitor every detail of a person’s cellular life — calls, texts, email, contacts and calendars. It can even use the microphone and camera on phones for surveillance, turning a target’s smartphone into a personal bug. The company that makes the software, the NSO Group, says it sells the tool exclusively to governments, with an explicit agreement that it be used only to battle terrorists or the drug cartels and criminal groups that have long kidnapped and killed Mexicans. Continue reading the main story https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/19/world/americas/mexico-spyware-anticrime.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
/dev/null Posted June 19, 2017 Posted June 19, 2017 MEXICO CITY Mexicos most prominent human rights lawyers, journalists and anti-corruption activists have been targeted by advanced spyware sold to the Mexican government on the condition that it be used only to investigate criminals and terrorists. The targets include lawyers looking into the mass disappearance of 43 students, a highly respected academic who helped write anti-corruption legislation, two of Mexicos most influential journalists and an American representing victims of sexual abuse by the police. The spying even swept up family members, including a teenage boy. Since 2011, at least three Mexican federal agencies have purchased about $80 million worth of spyware created by an Israeli cyberarms manufacturer. The software, known as Pegasus, infiltrates smartphones to monitor every detail of a persons cellular life calls, texts, email, contacts and calendars. It can even use the microphone and camera on phones for surveillance, turning a targets smartphone into a personal bug. The company that makes the software, the NSO Group, says it sells the tool exclusively to governments, with an explicit agreement that it be used only to battle terrorists or the drug cartels and criminal groups that have long kidnapped and killed Mexicans. Continue reading the main story https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/19/world/americas/mexico-spyware-anticrime.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news Are you sure this was the Mexican Government? It could very well have been Quetzalcoatl and the Anunaki came back home and found Teotichwican is overrun by Mexicans
DC Tom Posted June 19, 2017 Posted June 19, 2017 Are you sure this was the Mexican Government? It could very well have been Quetzalcoatl and the Anunaki came back home and found Teotichwican is overrun by Mexicans "Teotihuacan." Haven't you ever played Civ?
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted June 19, 2017 Posted June 19, 2017 "Teotihuacan." Haven't you ever played Civ? You actually played the aztecs?
Deranged Rhino Posted June 19, 2017 Author Posted June 19, 2017 You actually played the aztecs? They're quite bad ass in Civ 6.
DC Tom Posted June 19, 2017 Posted June 19, 2017 You actually played the aztecs? No. But I've conquered them many, many, many times.
/dev/null Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 No. But I've been conquered by them many, many, many times. corrected
Deranged Rhino Posted June 20, 2017 Author Posted June 20, 2017 Do we need to get a PPP multiplayer game of Civ going? I'll beat you all to Mars.
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