keepthefaith Posted July 7, 2018 Posted July 7, 2018 1 hour ago, Koko78 said: There's a better chance she'll die of old age in the next 5 years than be indicted. 5 years!?! Can I get some action on the under? Actually you might be right. She's too damn stubborn to die.
3rdnlng Posted July 7, 2018 Posted July 7, 2018 2 hours ago, Koko78 said: There's a better chance she'll die of old age in the next 5 years than be indicted. I think her dicting days are over.
Azalin Posted July 7, 2018 Posted July 7, 2018 6 hours ago, ALF said: That will motivate Democrat voters to flip the Senate in Nov ., SCOTUS being one reason. This Nov election will be the most critical ever imo I don't think so. The democrats as a party are falling apart. An increasingly radical element within the party are driving away more moderately inclined dems, and by all appearances the party leadership is moving with the radicals. Members of the #walkaway movement may not necessarily be inclined to join the republicans, but they're sure as hell not going to support the party that's leaving them behind. Also, do not make the mistake of thinking that Trump has a positive influence on the classic, conservative Republican. Those people make up the bulk of the "never Trumpers" - they do not, and most will not, support Trump. Most Republicans who post here neither supported him for president nor voted for him. Any who did did so strictly to vote no against Hillary. Much of Trump's support comes from the working class, many of whom are moderate or Blue Dog Democrats; people like those who also supported Regan by crossing party lines to vote back in 1980. Trump's opposition needs nothing so serious as a Justice nomination to rile themselves into a frenzy. They actively look for something new to freak out over every single &%$#ing day. That's why they're so ridiculously unhinged and losing members left & right. They're doing everything they can to write themselves off into irrelevancy, and they don't even realize it. And with regard to your 2nd sentence, this November's mid term election isn't anywhere nearly as consequential as the 2016 election was. Not even close. 1
row_33 Posted July 7, 2018 Posted July 7, 2018 The Dems knew they didn’t have a snowballs chance when McGovern and Carter (second time) and Mondale and Dukakis were nominated. It’s still early and lots can happen. A big diff is people increasingly don’t care what the MSM spins any more.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted July 7, 2018 Posted July 7, 2018 2 hours ago, row_33 said: The Dems knew they didn’t have a snowballs chance when McGovern and Carter (second time) and Mondale and Dukakis were nominated. It’s still early and lots can happen. A big diff is people increasingly don’t care what the MSM spins any more. Dukakis was leading until the willie Horton thing.
ALF Posted July 7, 2018 Posted July 7, 2018 On 6/22/2018 at 5:05 PM, TakeYouToTasker said: If we're being fair, the alt-right isn't actually on the right. If you look at their policy: They are fully ensconced in identity politics and racial preference (hallmarks of the left). They are heavily pro-union. They believe in a high minimum wage. They believe in nationalized health care. Etc. The alt-right are nothing more than militant, white, disaffected Democrats. On 6/22/2018 at 5:27 PM, GG said: I totally agree with you. I was primarily addressing the mouth breathers who reflexively lump anything with "right" in the description into the same bucket. As I've been pointing out forever, there's far more debate among the right/conservative flank here than anything that would pass for a debate among the left. Not surprising really, the left gets its dogma from an ideology that has to stifle opposing thought, otherwise it would be exposed as bankrupt. The alt-right (neo nazis) extremists are left wing Democrats ? I'm very naive to have missed this , my bad.
3rdnlng Posted July 7, 2018 Posted July 7, 2018 1 hour ago, joesixpack said: Dukakis was leading until the willie Horton thing. He tanked it. 1 1
Keukasmallies Posted July 7, 2018 Posted July 7, 2018 15 hours ago, ALF said: There has never been a President like Trump before though to motivate voters from both parties. But important sectors of the 'mocrat base won't turn out because they've always been swaddled by the party and can't imagine anything happening to their entitlements; plus they didn't vote last time....
GG Posted July 7, 2018 Posted July 7, 2018 1 hour ago, ALF said: The alt-right (neo nazis) extremists are left wing Democrats ? I'm very naive to have missed this , my bad. If you read up on history, you would know that the far left anarchists/communists are just as bad as Nazis. With a much higher body count btw 1
4merper4mer Posted July 7, 2018 Posted July 7, 2018 17 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said: If she's indicted on several major felonies for example, including (for sake of argument) sedition. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but let's face it, they do not have the physical or mental capacity to commit felonies.
TakeYouToTasker Posted July 7, 2018 Posted July 7, 2018 3 hours ago, ALF said: The alt-right (neo nazis) extremists are left wing Democrats ? I'm very naive to have missed this , my bad. Look at their policy preferences. Their desire is an activist government doling out a high minimum wage, universal healthcare, ect; in addition to being heavily pro-union and highly engaged in group politics. The only difference is that they want these things only for white people. They are essentially the European right, which in America is on the left. 1
Doc Brown Posted July 7, 2018 Posted July 7, 2018 3 hours ago, TakeYouToTasker said: Look at their policy preferences. Their desire is an activist government doling out a high minimum wage, universal healthcare, ect; in addition to being heavily pro-union and highly engaged in group politics. The only difference is that they want these things only for white people. They are essentially the European right, which in America is on the left. That's pretty accurate although they don't support a federal minimum wage (they aren't opposed to states implementing one). They don't mind a welfare state as long as it mainly helps white people. They're just economic nationalists (which is in line with progressives in some ways), against immigration (legal and illegal), and anti-interventionists when it comes to foreign policy. They basically despise liberals and neo/traditional conservatives. I just see them as a white nationalist group whose main purpose is to prevent America from becoming less white. To accomplish this they must get the left out of power at all levels and simultaneously take over the Republican party. They try to accomplish the former by provoking leftists (by saying all this racist and anti immigrant crap) in order to turn a majority of Americans off to the Democratic party and the latter by primarying traditional Republican candidates to the point that they control the party. They're pathetic and will fail. I was glad to see Bannon get the hell out of the Trump administration and to see Roy Moore lose in Alabama.
TakeYouToTasker Posted July 8, 2018 Posted July 8, 2018 7 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said: Brace your souls for the fire. 1
4merper4mer Posted July 8, 2018 Posted July 8, 2018 On July 3, 2018 at 2:17 PM, Deranged Rhino said: Re: Awan - this is an older thread from last year, but very important to keep in mind as to how this connects to the larger picture: (click for full thread and sources) Sorry dude but that broom you heard was this being swept under the rug.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted July 8, 2018 Posted July 8, 2018 On 1/4/2017 at 11:34 PM, Deranged Rhino said: (Full disclaimer: This is a long read. If I had more time, I would have written less. Skepticism is welcomed and encouraged, I'm not trying to preach to a choir nor posit speculation as fact -- the very nature of this topic demands speculation to some degree. Rather, I'm trying to start a conversation about a very serious subject that, no doubt, will be viewed by some as anything but. Discernment is the key, and to quote a far wiser man: 'it is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.' Let the conversation begin...) Introduction: Since at least July of 2016 (and I would argue since at least 2011) the Deep State has clearly, and loudly, been at war with itself. This war has bled through to the mainstream in various ways and stories from the coverage of Brexit, to Trump's victory and its ensuing fallout, to the proxy wars in Syria and the Ukraine, to the build up of forces in the South China Sea. We've seen bold assassinations, blatant false flags, extensive disinformation campaigns, and at least two attempted coups originating from within the IC of the United States -- all within just the past three months. As crazy as it's already been, recent weeks have seen a major uptick in the madness. There has been a clear and obvious escalation of this secret war, including the possible deployment of highly advanced, and highly secret, weaponry -- which would be a clear sign that the gloves have officially come off. And this appears to just be the opening salvo... Things are about to get a whole lot nastier. While this Deep State war is not being talked about in the mainstream media, nor is it acknowledged publicly by any heads of state, it is nonetheless the driving force of our current geopolitics and world events. Ignoring it, or denying its reality, binds us to a state of inaction and confusion. And inaction on this matter is death. Not just of the individual, but also of our principles. We are currently at a major crossroads as a civilization, not just as a country or system of government, but as a people. The way forward can only be found if we are operating from a place of truth and kindness, not disinformation and fear. Much of that truth has been meticulously hidden from us and can only be found by doing the work yourself. No one is going to do the work for you. Not the mainstream media, not the alternative media, certainly not your elected officials and representatives -- they all have skin in this secret and ongoing war whether they know it or not. It requires a great deal of discernment, time, and patience to sort the fiction from the truth. All of which are dwindling commodities in our modern world filled with electronic distractions. The aim of this thread is to cut through that disinformation and shine a light on the conflict going on behind the curtain. The powers that be have been stealing the planet out from under us for decades, slicing the pie up into smaller and smaller pieces between themselves. But now that there's no more pie left to slice, these factions have begun to turn on one another. War isn't coming. It's already here and will only escalate as we move through 2017. Despite this bleak declaration, there's actually a sliver of hope to be found. This infighting between factions of the Deep State has created an opening for us, the people, to finally retake control of our minds, cities, states, countries, and planet. But that requires us to realize the truth of our reality and the opportunity this conflict has presented us. We must stand together and loudly protest against those who wish to continue the decades of deceit and genocidal madness that's enriched the few at the expense of the many. Make no mistake, this is about "us versus them", but it's not about politics. It's not about republicans and democrats. It's not about race. It's not about creed or religion. It's about the light versus the darkness. This is as much of a spiritual battle as it is a physical one which is why bullets won't win this war, only love and truth shall prevail. Sounds cheesy and hippy-dippy, I know. But it doesn't make it any less accurate. You simply cannot get a positive from a negative. There will be a great temptation to view one side of this shadow war as the "good guys" and one side as the "bad guys". Tribalism runs deep and has been a tool of these factions for centuries to keep us divided and ignorant. The truth is both sides are working against our better interests. There aren't white hats and black hats within the Deep State. There is, however, a growing number of worker bees within the Deep State who have had enough of the status quo and are taking advantage of this infighting to distribute the truth to the masses. A last minute penance of sorts. These are the only heroes in this fight and even they are anti-heroes at best. None of what will follow is a condemnation of every single person in our cornerstone institutions or our national government, nor is it a call to burn the system down. It is merely a condemnation of the few giving the marching orders -- and those people are hardly publicly known and rarely operate out in the open. None of the following is meant to support the "west" or "the rest" or any such reductionist interpretation. My side is with humanity as a whole and the unfiltered truth as best we can discern it. The Players: Before we can really dig in, we must first better define the Deep State and which factions are warring with which. The mistake most people make when researching the Deep State's existence is to assume it's monolithic in structure: one group of individuals behind the scenes working in concert to steer world events in their favor. This has never been true and has in fact been a tool used to keep people from taking this topic seriously. The Deep State is instead comprised of many competing factions whose interests often don't align other than their desire to remain in the shadows. The Deep State is better described as a mafia with different families, each with their own agenda, methods, and means. Put in the most simple form, the war we are witnessing today is an ideological one pitting the Unipolar Globalists against the Mulipolarists. Both of these ideological factions are themselves divided and comprised of a multitude of subsets with their own goals, and both of these factions are represented across multiple agencies, nations, and corporations around the globe. Trying to reduce them down to one nation, one ideology, one agency, or one controlling group would be a disservice to the truth and a waste of time. Since the early 1990s, if not the early 1940s, the Unipolarist Globalist faction (Globalists for sake of brevity) of this Deep State mafia has been firmly in control. That wasn't a huge problem for any of the other competing mafias comprising the Deep State since there were more than enough spoils to go around. With the Globalists in charge and the other factions reduced to the role of remora fish, there were still plenty of profits to be had as the world's wealth and resources were systematically condensed into fewer and fewer hands over the course of the 20th century. Yet, the pie can only be sliced so thin before some groups begin to feel left out. The Globalist agenda stripped the wealth from the lower and middle classes systematically around the world, the most recent thievery taking place with the crash of '07. The events of '07 not only angered the population as austerity measures were forced on much of Europe and America, but they also reduced the amount of the peoples' disposable income. Income that had previously been funneled to other factions of this Deep State mafia in the form of recreational gambling, drugs, and other such vices. Whether or not this dwindling pie was the motivation or whether it simply gave the other factions the opportunity to rebel against the Unipolarist ideology is anyone's guess at this time. However this war started, what is undeniable is that the Globalist faction is under severe attack from at least one other faction of the Deep State, if not multiple factions. December 2016 -- The gloves came off: As they've become increasingly more desperate, the Globalists have ratcheted up their war efforts and have been desperately trying to engineer a massive global kerfuffle to distract the general population and delay the inevitable. What we have witnessed over the past three weeks can be described as the Globalists' hail-mary to stave off annihilation. Three recent news items make this case quite convincingly: 1) The assassination of NATO's auditor general on December 16th, 2016: 2) The assassination of Andrei Karlov on December 19th, 2016: 3) The downing of a Russian airliner on December 25th, 2016: On the surface these three events don't seem to be connected. But once you dig a bit deeper you will discover that in combination these three events represent a clear escalation of the Deep State's ongoing shadow war. Two of these stories, Karlov's assassination and the downing of Russian Tu-154, were reported widely in the western press. The death of Chandelon was hardly mentioned at all. So, that's where we'll start: Assassination #1... In order to understand the Globalist methods, you first have to come to grips with the fact that this faction has been using the US military and intelligence complexes as its shell since the end of WWII. That's not to say this is where this faction started, merely where it's resided for the past half century. A unipolar global order demands a military force capable of projecting power anywhere on the planet. Since 1991 (really since 1944), the US has been the only country with the means and industry to make that possible. Using the US military and IC as the tip of its spear, this Globalist faction has been funding and deploying terrorist operations against its enemies and allies alike since at least the 1950s, if not before. From Operation GLADIO to supporting the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, the evidence of this tactic is overwhelming and abundant. You can, in fact, trace the roots of modern jihadism back to the days between world wars wherein the Germans (pre-Nazism though the Nazis continued this work) were radicalizing young Muslims to attack British occupying forces in the ME. This tactic has been a valuable and often used tool in the Globalist toolkit and continues to this day. This, for obvious reasons, is also one of the most controversial elements of the Deep State because it undercuts nearly everything we're told is truth in our day to day lives here in the US. ISIS, AQ, the Taliban are our enemies after all, there's no way the United States IC and Military would ever be involved, direct or indirectly, in funding, training, and deploying these radical killers simply to further their own geopolitical agendas... At least until you examine the actual evidence: That's not to say, in any way shape or form, that the Globalists created these terrorist organizations. Merely that they have used them as disposable proxies to maintain control of their portion of the global pie. Sunni radical jihadists are the favorite tool of the Globalists because they're easy to manage and even easier to disavow. Through cut-outs in Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, and Qatar (and others), the Globalist faction of the Deep State has funneled billions of dollars in weapons and technology to these groups for the explicit purpose of spreading terror across not just the ME but Europe and the US as well -- both to keep the multipolarists (in this case the Iranians and Russians specifically) in check as well as to keep the general populations of the west in a state of fear and confusion. And to keep the MiC dollars flowing into their coffers. It's a plan that's worked near flawlessly for the past 15 years... Until the Syrian debacle. What changed in Syria? Quite simply, the status quo of the Deep State changed as this silent war kicked off near the end of 2011. The Globalists were first denied a coup in the Ukraine in 2013. ( They then decided to double down on their efforts in Syria, increasing the funding of the foreign jihadists streaming across the borders into Syria. This was met by stiff resistance from the opposing factions (including multipolarists in Russia and Iran) who leaked evidence that Turkey and NATO members were in fact profiting off the backs of ISIS's rise in Iraq through cheap oil: These Russian accusations came on the heels of Turkey shooting down a Russian jet not two weeks earlier: In the immediate aftermath of these accusations, Turkey began to do a 180 with regards to its relationship with Russia. Why? If anything, it appeared that relations between the two nations were reaching a tipping point where direct conflict was inevitable. This was a dicey situation for multiple reasons, not the least of which was the Article 5 implications. The Globalists pushing for a direct conflict between Russia and the West seemed like they had complete control. So why did Turkey suddenly do an about face? Could it be Erdogan was given a better offer from a different player within the Deep State? It's speculation, but considering the chain of events that followed it suddenly has more teeth. Within 7 months, Erdogan would survive a "coup" attempt after which he used said coup to distance himself from the Globalists in the west. Erdogan claimed the west, and the US specifically, were behind the attempted coup and continue protecting its mastermind in Gulen. The veracity of these charges seem unlikely if you don't factor in the Deep State into your equation, as Erdogan is clearly nothing short of an authoritarian dictator at this point. His word alone should not be trusted. But like I said, this isn't about good guys versus bad guys. It's about competing ideologies between bad guys and worse guys. With Turkey pulling away from the Globalist sect, NATO was forced to evacuate nukes from their base in Incirlik. Erdogan cracked down hard on his own people and constitution, furthering this divide and fueling the narrative that he is nothing more than a power hungry despot. But thanks to the Russian accusations and scrutiny from the world press at large, the illegal oil shipments through Turkey suddenly stopped. This was a significant victory for the multipolarists as it cut off a vital pipeline of untraceable funding for the Globalists various terror networks in both the ME and Europe. The response from the Globalists was swift and severe. While Turkey moved into a closer orbit with Russia, the audacity of terrorist bombings jumped: Some of this, undoubtedly, is the work of the Kurds and Erdogan's own forces as he attempts to centralize his own authority even more. But several, including the largest casualty counts in 2016, were credited to ISIS forces who were likely sending a message to Turkey on behalf of the Globalists and specifically their terrorists operations ongoing in Syria. Which brings us back to the assassination of Chandelon, NATO's Chief Auditor. His body was found on December 16th with a gunshot wound to the head. He had several weapons registered to his name, but the gun that killed him was not one of them. Plus, the gun that did him in was allegedly discovered in the glove compartment of the car rather than in his hand... which makes the cover story of a common suicide a bit tough to swallow for anyone possessing even the tiniest bit of critical thinking skills. So, why was this guy suicided and how does it connect to the other two stories I've highlighted? We can start to answer that question by looking into what else happened on that very day, December 16th. That was the day 44 made his very public threat to retaliate against Russia for the still unproven and highly divisive claims that the Russians "hacked" our election process. In 44's own words the US promised to take action "at a time and place of our own choosing." Assassination #2... Three days later, the assassination of Ambassador Karlov occurs. Cut-outs in both the Russian government and Turkish governments (in the form of Ankara's mayor and a Russian Senator) immediately pointed the finger at NATO security services as being behind this brazen assassination in an attempt to undercut the growing relationship of Turkey and Russia. Other agencies in the region pointed the finger at ISIS (which, of course, is by extension pointing the finger at the west). Whether the Globalist faction of the Deep State was truly behind this murder will never be covered in the press. Though it's impossible to remove them as a prime suspect due to the timing (three days after 44 publicly threatened retaliation) and their known connection to ISIS itself. Turkey has recently stepped things up further, pinning it once again on Gulen -- pointing out he is still being protected by the US directly. Putin went as far as to release a public statement claiming the attack was designed to undercut the peace process in Syria while various corporate outlets ran wild with the story, speculating it was a false flag designed to bring on WW3. One op-ed even went to extremes to paint the murder as a boon to the west: That the Globalists have been itching to engineer a shooting war between Russia and the US is not even a secret at this point. HRC's campaign was built around stopping the bloodshed in Syria by instituting No Fly Zones -- which could only be accomplished by taking out Russian anti-air sites on the ground in Syria (meaning US pilots dropping bombs on Russian troops). That detail wasn't examined by anyone in the mainstream media during the election of course, so firmly do the Globalists control those institutions. So the motivation for a false flag assassination designed to elicit a response from Russia or Turkey, which would then give the pretext for the war these Globalists have clearly been begging for, does hold water. But that alone isn't enough to convince anyone. Until you plug Chandelon's murder and the downing of TU-154 into your analysis. Both are connected... The timing of Chandelon's murder and Karlov's assassination are too close to be anything other than connected. The rule of thumb in intelligence circles is that nothing is a coincidence. Chandelon, who was responsible for internal auditing as well as in charge of external investigations into money laundering activities and terrorist financing, was one of the few who would be in position to "leak" information on exactly this sort of wet-work operation should it have gone sideways in Ankara. That he was taken off the board the same day 44 issued public threats and a mere three days before a major terrorist event, should be a red flashing warning light to those people paying attention. Of course the assassination of Karlov itself has all the hallmarks of a Deep State operation, reminiscent of '63 in Dallas as many have pointed out. The lone shooter makes a public (and scripted) admission of motive before being gunned down as he fled. It's of course rather convenient that the shooter was taken out before he could say anything more or be subjected to any sort of interrogation or trial. Whether the assassin was a simple patsy or in some way mind controlled (yup, you have to leave that possibility open when dealing with the Deep State), we'll now never know. Despite the efforts to provoke a response from Russia and/or Turkey, the Globalists found themselves floundering. Neither Turkey nor Russia were taking the bait, despite cut-outs from both nations pointing the finger clearly at the west. The Globalists needed to make an even bigger play at poking the bear... The crash of TU-154... What's most telling about the crash itself was the Russian response. Almost immediately after the crash, despite the state of the wreckage and numerous body parts of the jet's passengers (note some of the language used in the initial crash site reports), an explosion or anything terrorist related was instantly denied by the FSB and Putin himself -- hardly before the investigation had even begun let alone concluded. As stated previously, the Globalists are not just based in the west. They exist in the Kremlin as well. It seems clear to me, based on the immediacy of the FSB's pronouncement, that Russia was going out of its way to eliminate the west or any of its terror groups as suspects. At least publicly. This would be necessary if Putin were facing pressure from the Globalists in his own country. Any admission, or even hint of terrorist involvement or western influence, would make it near impossible for Putin to ignore. The hardliners within his own government would demand a response. But when a response is precisely what the Globalists are looking for, it was simply not an option. So the Russians spun it as quickly as they could through their chosen state sponsored media outlets like RT and Pravda. This would at the very least buy the opposing factions within the Deep State time to gather evidence. Above Top Secret Weaponry... But then there's this little gem which came out three days after Christmas and is, inarguably, the most speculative bit of information I'm presenting at this time: The article claims that an advanced "Radio Electronic Weapon" was used to take down TU-154. Before you scoff at this notion let's remember what happened to the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea in 2014: The Cook, a 4th generation missile cruiser equipped with the previously impregnable and superior AEIGIS combat system was allegedly taken off line by a single Russian jet deploying a new electronic weapon. This event shook the USN to its foundations because the entirety of its fleet and NATO's missile defense platforms in Europe rely upon AEIGIS to maintain its superiority over Russian technology. If one plane could cripple one of our more advanced surface ships, what would that mean for NATO's ever increasing deployment of its missile shield in Eastern Europe? Back to TU-154, this sort of weapon would certainly be able to cripple a passenger jet and cause it to crash. It would be many orders of magnitude more simple in fact when compared to taking the Cook offline. The main point is, this type of technology exists and is highly classified. When the highly classified goodies begin to be deployed by the Deep State against its own, that's when you know the gloves have come off and things are about to get really nasty. Whether this top secret weapon was deployed by Globalist forces within the US/NATO or Globalist forces within Russia itself is impossible to determine at this time. And admittedly, the entire notion that such a weapon was deployed at all is entirely speculative. But when you combine these three seemingly unconnected stories together a striking picture begins to emerge: Forces within the Deep State are working overtime to engineer a war between Russia and the West, so far they have been unsuccessful largely thanks to counter attacks launched by opposing Deep State factions. Wrapping it all up: The Russian response to both the assassination of Karlov and the downing of TU-154 have been telling. There has not been an overreaction at all, instead there has been a pause. My assumption is that this pause is designed to give the multipolarists time to gather evidence and rethink their strategy. If there were a chance that the courts in the west would prosecute these Globalist ringleaders, I think we would see a response in the form of a disclosure like we saw of Turkey's oil smuggling operation. There might be a release or disclosure of the evidence that ties these men and women to both ISIS, the assassinations of Karlov and Chandelon, as well as the downing of TU-154 in this scenario. But since there isn't a court in existence that has ever shown an interest in prosecuting these Deep State members, another response is more likely. Namely, an escalation of the shadow war that's already raging. It may come in the form of assassinations of some of these ringleaders (we'll see these as "accidents" in the press, or medical emergencies), but it's most certainly not going to be in the form of troops marching across borders. If that happens, then you'll know which side has won. To that end it's time to stop thinking in terms of state actors and time to start thinking on a deeper level about these events. Let's see them for what they are, a war of ideologies between factions of this Deep State. ... Which is why this little bill which slipped through the cracks over the Holidays should be worrisome to all of us: So are Trump and Putin both Multipolarists?
Deranged Rhino Posted July 8, 2018 Author Posted July 8, 2018 On June 29, 2018 at 6:51 PM, Deranged Rhino said: It's real bad news for Germany on the defense front. From what I've heard (Sherpa might know better), the Luftwaffe can only field four operational fighters right now. Four air defense/superiority fighters - for all of Germany. Worse, it's premier strike craft is the Panavia Tornado - capable fighter in the 90's and early 00's - but they haven't had any avionics or comms updates since the 90s. So Germany's only fighters can't communicate with NATO craft or identify friend or foe. That's why Germany didn't participate in strikes on Syria along with the US, UK and France - they don't have the capability at present. Their navy is even worse, with just two submarines and little else. Their army has been watered down somewhat due to rollbacks in requirements, but it's still one of the more effective armies in the world... but the latest generation of German armor, the leopard II which they sold in droves to Turkey, got decimated by ISIS in Afrin who were just using Russian anti-tank missiles. Turkey lost 2/3rds of their order in under 18 months. German armor isn't survivable in other words. If the US pulls out of Germany and doesn't redeploy to Norway or Poland, NATO would be !@#$ed. It would force the EU to pay for and create its own army. But that army, which they are trying to build, is largely dependent on Luftwaffe air power - which currently only exists on paper. And the German economy likely could not afford the expenditure to buy enough aircraft once the US left and further strained its economy, which is sagging already under the 2m+ refugees who crossed into their borders. France and the UK both have capable air forces and navies, they'd be fine... this is about squeezing Germany and Merkel imo. Germany is the EU. If the US did leave (which I still don't think they will), I would think they'd redeploy to Poland and Norway who have been better hosts and have done a ton of joint exercises lately. It would also position US forces closer to Russia, giving more of a hard line stance to deter Putin from grabbing any more land. Maybe that's the plan... Trump's crazy enough to do it. But I'm not holding my breath.
Foxx Posted July 8, 2018 Posted July 8, 2018 3 hours ago, Tiberius said: So are Trump and Putin both Multipolarists? have a little class would ya. no need to quote an overly long post in it's entirety. 1
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