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The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:

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8 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

This filing is ***** nuts. 



It's somehow worse than even I was expecting.

So help me out here. I’m a guy who likes a movie where the good guys win.  I am certain Comey and his crew are not the good guys, so I would not believe a single thing that sanctimonious lurch looking mo’fo said.  And while I generally believe law enforcement represents the good guys, I’m often uncomfortable with their ability to twist facts and the truth to compel someone under questioning to force a reply in a manner they want.  As a friend of mine, retired law enforcement officer at the time and now deceased told me, “I’d never speak to the police, they’re not your friends in an investigation” (with obvious exceptions regarding your status).  

On the other hand, these filings are allegations from the defense based on Flynn’s testimony, or results of Powell’s review of taped interviews and depositions?  In other words, Flynn says “I never said it”, or Powell listens to recordings and they know exactly what Flynn said? 

Same with the “kill shot” reference—provable, or someone said that someone said Clapper used words to that effect? 

and yes, I can dig through them and do my own research yada yada blah blah blah but maybe, just maybe I already know and I’m testing you. (I don’t, and I’m not). Or...do I, and am I? 


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11 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

... Flynn's going to be a rich, rich man. 


I know there are a buncha threads that this is in ...

Tracy Beanz comments on  this filing are worth the read:

(thread, and sorry if someone else posted it)

"I want to make sure everyone is reading all of this. This is an absolutely stunning filing. I don’t even need to make comment. Here we learn more texts about Strzok and Page and the Flynn setup. No Logan act violation. They knew then and they and their media lackeys didn’t care."


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2 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

So help me out here. I’m a guy who likes a movie where the good guys win.  I am certain Comey and his crew are not the good guys, so I would not believe a single thing that sanctimonious lurch looking mo’fo said.  And while I generally believe law enforcement represents the good guys, I’m often uncomfortable with their ability to twist facts and the truth to compel someone under questioning to force a reply in a manner they want.  As a friend of mine, retired law enforcement officer at the time and now deceased told me, “I’d never speak to the police, they’re not your friends in an investigation” (with obvious exceptions regarding your status).  

On the other hand, these filings are allegations from the defense based on Flynn’s testimony, or results of Powell’s review of taped interviews and depositions?  In other words, Flynn says “I never said it”, or Powell listens to recordings and they know exactly what Flynn said? 

Same with the “kill shot” reference—provable, or someone said that someone said Clapper used words to that effect? 

and yes, I can dig through them and do my own research yada yada blah blah blah but maybe, just maybe I already know and I’m testing you. (I don’t, and I’m not). Or...do I, and am I? 



Just waking up — will respond to this :beer: 

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The reminder that this is only six (seven?) months past the end of the Mueller report was necessary for me. #twoweeks was getting old. Nothing was ever going to happen before the Mueller probe ended. In light of that, this is coming in pretty fast. 

The unwillingness to prosecute for the last two major OIG reports disappointed many, but those saying bigger fish to fry should have been listened to. Durham interviewing Clapper and Brennan may mean some big fish are gonna fry.

One source added that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz's upcoming report on alleged FBI surveillance abuses against the Trump campaign will shed light on why Durham's probe has become a criminal inquiry. Horowitz announced on Thursday his report would be available to the public soon, with "few" redactions.


John Ratcliffe said in a Fox report this morning that when people read the Horowitz report they will know why Durham is now running a criminal investigation. 


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2 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

On the other hand, these filings are allegations from the defense based on Flynn’s testimony, or results of Powell’s review of taped interviews and depositions?  In other words, Flynn says “I never said it”, or Powell listens to recordings and they know exactly what Flynn said?


Sorry for the delay, needed to get coffee in me first... 


The motion is really worth reading in full, but let's take it a piece at a time. The central thrust made by Powell is that the government has failed to disclose all pertinent evidence related to Flynn, including exculpatory material. While several key pieces of evidence she uses to make her case remain sealed (Strzok's 302, and his partner's 302 after the Flynn interview), a bunch more was released based on this motion. This includes new text messages from Strzok's mobile between he and Page which confirm she edited the 302. Also, the original hand written notes of the interview show the edited version of the 302 does not match up with what the notes say. 


In other words, there is now clear, indisputable evidence that Page, Strzok, and McCabe (at least) purposefully edited a 302 (which is essentially an affidavit, tampering with it is a big no-no) to make it appear Flynn was being dishonest. That, of course, was the charge they hung on him in order to try to pressure him to flip. He was never charged with anything else, only this -- which we now know was contrived by the FBI in order to widen the investigation into Trump. 


That's not Powell saying it. That's the evidence which was just released. 


Of course, we knew this was coming for over two years -- I should pull the old thread, but we discussed how Flynn's 302 was edited way back when. The government claimed all that was edited was the title page and date of the document, not the substance of the 302 itself at the time. Now we know that was a lie (that the NYTs and NBC pushed HARD when it popped up on the media's radar). 


Take Trump out of the equation (this has never been about Trump for me, Flynn was my starting point) and really soak in what this motion and the evidence contained within is demonstrating: that the FBI (really the CIA/FBI fusion team set up by Brennan, Clapper, and Comey to run the counterintelligence probe into Trump's campaign) falsified evidence to put pressure on a three star general in order to get him to lie about the campaign and to justify their own illegal operation. 


That's as dirty as it gets. 


And now it's indisputable. 


3 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

Same with the “kill shot” reference—provable, or someone said that someone said Clapper used words to that effect? 


I'm less certain on this, need to read the motion again in full. I was too focused on the above... 


But this has long been a rumored thing Clapper said. Like the long rumored McCabe jab: "First we ***** Flynn, then we ***** Trump." Those statements leaked to OS from unnamed sources around the FBI (other agents) -- I've never seen anything to further validate it. Though, McCabe and Flynn's beef goes back to McCabe trying to fire Robyn Gritz (see below)... Flynn stood up for her and made McCabe look like the bastard he is -- so he wanted Flynn's scalp from the jump. 



44 and Flynn's beef goes back to the gun running program into Syria, which Flynn wanted to testify to Congress about and Obama fired him for even thinking about doing it. 


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On 8/28/2019 at 2:16 AM, Hedge said:

The Catherine Herridge  video is up from when she sentenced. 

Russia's Maria Butina released from Florida prison, set to be deported

Russian citizen Maria Butina was quietly released from a Florida prison Friday morning and is now set for speedy deportation after having served most of her 18-month sentence for pleading guilty to acting as an unregistered agent for the Kremlin, Fox News has learned.



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2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:



But that Trump guy, he's stupid, an idiot, he knows nothing about anything, blah, blah, blah.  

And just think, if the Ds had been willing to work with him things may not have gone down this way. I'm very glad the democrats decided to go full on nutso. The swap needs to be drained. While I am under no illusion that it has been - it took 50+ years to build, it isn't going to be destroyed in three years - this is a start. Do arrests make some low-level twerp think twice about #resisting? Do arrests make high level agency people think twice about #resisting? Only time will tell.

At this point, I am fairly confident there will be some indictments (*****, just seeing what Lisa Page did to the Flynn 302s SMH). Will there be pleas and convictions? Again, only time will tell. 


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1 minute ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

But that Trump guy, he's stupid, an idiot, he knows nothing about anything, blah, blah, blah.  

And just think, if the Ds had been willing to work with him things may not have gone down this way. I'm very glad the democrats decided to go full on nutso. The swap needs to be drained. While I am under no illusion that it has been - it took 50+ years to build, it isn't going to be destroyed in three years - this is a start. Do arrests make some low-level twerp think twice about #resisting? Do arrests make high level agency people think twice about #resisting? Only time will tell.

At this point, I am fairly confident there will be some indictments (*****, just seeing what Lisa Page did to the Flynn 302s SMH). Will there be pleas and convictions? Again, only time will tell. 



Well said. :beer: 


The fact Durham has yet to interview McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, or Comey says it all to me. They're the fish he's lining up to snipe. You start with everyone else but your primary targets, then get them to help make your case. 


Page has been cooperating for over a year and a half. 

Same with Priestep. 


It's going to be ugly for these folk.

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