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The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:

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2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Need more evidence?




Downer. Clinton flunkie, CF donor, and coup plotter rewarded with a seat on the board of.....




I wonder what might become of the Australia Huawei ban.


1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:

But that was before the Trump/Russia delusion went on for two years. I don't think he's feeling that conciliatory now. And the way Paul keeps hammering 44 on the floor makes me think they're going to destroy his legacy by exposing his role. I don't think they'll indict him - but they'll expose all his captains and his role in this - which was substantial. 


The impending retribution and then future recrimination will be the real legacy of this sorry matter.


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13 hours ago, keepthefaith said:


Finally we settled with tenant.  Spent $30K on litigation, collected $29K and not a dime of the rent due.  Was it worth it?  Hell yes.  On principle we made the guy's life hell for a stretch of it.  Great story with lots of twists and turns.  He finally settled once I pulled his attorney and mine into a room at court and I told the other side (in rather terse terms) I would spend whatever it took to prevail.  He had signed a personal guaranty that had teeth.  The next day we succeeded in freezing some funds that his in-laws had loaned him and his wife that were briefly on deposit at his bank.  I probably owe his wife a thank you who I'm sure let him have it once that happened. 


You sound like my former landlady. Soent nearly two years litigating over a 500 dollar beef. I self defended because the case was obvious. She had done a walkthrough, returned my deposit and then two months later sent me a bill for damages. I told her politely to stuff it. She got angry and then proceeded to spend 7000 dollars in pursuit of the 500 ( and attempted to hang that on me as well). 


Two court appearances and an arbitration hearing later, she got nothing and liked it. I asked her attorney,( who's a customer of mine) how long she intended to keep this idiocy up. He told me she was finished because to file a third appeal would have required 15000 dollars.


I did my best not to laugh when he said that.

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3 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Gee... would ya' look at that. Who could have seen that coming? 



Image result for john huber soon

is there any confidence that he will recommend? i have read reports where it is unsure of exactly where his investigation stands as he has not interviewed people that it is thought he should have if his investigation was really looking into the abyss.

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2 hours ago, Foxx said:

is there any confidence that he will recommend? i have read reports where it is unsure of exactly where his investigation stands as he has not interviewed people that it is thought he should have if his investigation was really looking into the abyss.

Everything I have read on what he has or has not done has been pure conjecture. His office has been quiet as church mice in conducting the investigation.  No testifying in front of Congress, no leaks, no press conferences. 

Think back on how long it was before it was generally known that Huber was even conducting an investigation - it was that quiet.  It is why so many people think nothing is happening. It is possible he and his office have been sitting around twiddling their thumbs for almost two years now, but I kinda doubt that.  ?‍♀️

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5 hours ago, Foxx said:

is there any confidence that he will recommend? i have read reports where it is unsure of exactly where his investigation stands as he has not interviewed people that it is thought he should have if his investigation was really looking into the abyss.


The fact Huber's work is still a source of mystery and contention gives me confidence he's doing much more that twiddling his thumbs. I've heard the same complaints that he isn't interviewing who he needs to, or that he's just a Jeff Sessions stunt. But the people who push that always leave out the Horowitz of it all, and forget when Sessions announced Huber, it was that he was working hand in fist with the IG. So Huber's office would not need to interview certain people involved,  because Horowitz's office (with 100s more attorneys) already have done so and referred that to Huber for indictments. Huber could then take that material to the GJ without having to re-do Horowitz's work.  


My expectations for the past two years remain pretty much where they where when we started. This has been a planned roll out/exposure of a plot to overthrow the president by higher ups in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DNI, and 44's cabinet. Knowing how much is at stake, they had Huber/Horowitz working parallel to Mueller because (I hope) they realize that the country can't do another two years of Special Counsel investigating (even into the other side). It would only slow everything down to a crawl and assure more division and friction. Plus, having to restart the investigation - of which much of Horowitz's work is out in open source already, enough to make criminal cases for scores of people - would allow the coup plotters time to interfere/play politics to neuter the SCO's chances of securing actual indictments.


What I read this tweet by Sperry to mean is that Barr is aware that Huber/Horowitz are working on this and other matters (they've met twice since the AG took over, for half a day at a time type meeting - whatever they were discussing was substantive), and wants to wait to see if their investigation goes far enough or not before making a call one way or the other on a new special counsel - which in and of itself is a tacit admission that at least Barr thinks Huber is doing more than just optics. 


Personally I don't think we need a SCO for the brass at the DOJ (the Comey's, Power, McCabes, Strzoks, Pages, Ohrs) or for the IC (Brennan/Clapper)... For the higher ups in 44's administration? Maybe - but if they get indictments on the lower rung that might end up being unnecessary due to plea deals/rats rolling over kind of thing. 


2 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

Everything I have read on what he has or has not done has been pure conjecture. His office has been quiet as church mice in conducting the investigation.  No testifying in front of Congress, no leaks, no press conferences. 

Think back on how long it was before it was generally known that Huber was even conducting an investigation - it was that quiet.  It is why so many people think nothing is happening. It is possible he and his office have been sitting around twiddling their thumbs for almost two years now, but I kinda doubt that.  ?‍♀️


Agreed. No one really knows what Huber is up to. I have people at DOJ swearing to me he's working on this and deeply serious about charging people. I've had Hill staffers tell me the exact opposite. I tend to believe the former only because Congress leaks like a sieve and I've been told that so much of the Counterintelligence operation has been done outside Congress's view precisely to protect the integrity of the investigation. 


I think Nunes knows a bunch - but not all. I think Grassley and Graham know most of it - but that's about everyone in Congress who's been read in. Jordan and Meadows are good lieutenants for the operation, but I think they've been kept out of the loop on the finer points for purposes of insulating both them and the investigation - or they are playing a role (screaming for a special counsel so the right feels like there's a chance - then they'll say one isn't needed when they see what Huber has really been up to which will assuage those on the right who share their view of wanting a SCO). 


But I'm guessing like the rest of the people right now.

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3 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


The fact Huber's work is still a source of mystery and contention gives me confidence he's doing much more that twiddling his thumbs. I've heard the same complaints that he isn't interviewing who he needs to, or that he's just a Jeff Sessions stunt. But the people who push that always leave out the Horowitz of it all, and forget when Sessions announced Huber, it was that he was working hand in fist with the IG. So Huber's office would not need to interview certain people involved,  because Horowitz's office (with 100s more attorneys) already have done so and referred that to Huber for indictments. Huber could then take that material to the GJ without having to re-do Horowitz's work.  


My expectations for the past two years remain pretty much where they where when we started. This has been a planned roll out/exposure of a plot to overthrow the president by higher ups in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DNI, and 44's cabinet. Knowing how much is at stake, they had Huber/Horowitz working parallel to Mueller because (I hope) they realize that the country can't do another two years of Special Counsel investigating (even into the other side). It would only slow everything down to a crawl and assure more division and friction. Plus, having to restart the investigation - of which much of Horowitz's work is out in open source already, enough to make criminal cases for scores of people - would allow the coup plotters time to interfere/play politics to neuter the SCO's chances of securing actual indictments.


What I read this tweet by Sperry to mean is that Barr is aware that Huber/Horowitz are working on this and other matters (they've met twice since the AG took over, for half a day at a time type meeting - whatever they were discussing was substantive), and wants to wait to see if their investigation goes far enough or not before making a call one way or the other on a new special counsel - which in and of itself is a tacit admission that at least Barr thinks Huber is doing more than just optics. 


Personally I don't think we need a SCO for the brass at the DOJ (the Comey's, Power, McCabes, Strzoks, Pages, Ohrs) or for the IC (Brennan/Clapper)... For the higher ups in 44's administration? Maybe - but if they get indictments on the lower rung that might end up being unnecessary due to plea deals/rats rolling over kind of thing. 



Agreed. No one really knows what Huber is up to. I have people at DOJ swearing to me he's working on this and deeply serious about charging people. I've had Hill staffers tell me the exact opposite. I tend to believe the former only because Congress leaks like a sieve and I've been told that so much of the Counterintelligence operation has been done outside Congress's view precisely to protect the integrity of the investigation. 


I think Nunes knows a bunch - but not all. I think Grassley and Graham know most of it - but that's about everyone in Congress who's been read in. Jordan and Meadows are good lieutenants for the operation, but I think they've been kept out of the loop on the finer points for purposes of insulating both them and the investigation - or they are playing a role (screaming for a special counsel so the right feels like there's a chance - then they'll say one isn't needed when they see what Huber has really been up to which will assuage those on the right who share their view of wanting a SCO). 


But I'm guessing like the rest of the people right now.

lets hope your right. if indeed Huber can use Horowitz's investigations, then you're right, no need for him to explicitly interview certain people.  

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17 hours ago, Joe in Winslow said:

He told me she was finished because to file a third appeal would have required 15000 dollars.


That's what we like to call, in the legal world, the "fu.ck you" quote. If you want to pay it, great! If not, ***** off!

Edited by Koko78
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