Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted November 30, 2018 Posted November 30, 2018 Didn't know where to put this, but here looks nice: questions : “German authorities raided Deutsche Bank offices Thursday as part of an investigation into whether the firm helped clients launder money through tax havens. One of the employees suspected of involvement works in the division responsible for fighting financial crime, according to people familiar with the matter. Around 170 police officers and other officials seized documents during searches through six different properties Thursday, including one employee’s home, according to authorities.”
Deranged Rhino Posted November 30, 2018 Author Posted November 30, 2018 ******************************* ******************* (actual Nazis in Ukraine imposing martial law - and they get rewarded) 1
Deranged Rhino Posted November 30, 2018 Author Posted November 30, 2018 (edited) 45 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said: Thread on why this is a BIG development: (click for more, it's still being published) (Iran's influence in the last administration ran deep) Edited November 30, 2018 by Deranged Rhino
DC Tom Posted November 30, 2018 Posted November 30, 2018 5 hours ago, Gavin in Va Beach said: The uranium deal viewed in conjunction with the infusion of money into the Clinton Foundation is a quid pro quo and pretty big deal, but I agree Skolkovo is huge and borderline if not outright treason. Can you imagine if those two things were done by a Republican? The media would have incited a mob to have built a gallows in front of the Capitol by now. Let me rephrase: it's not a big deal in terms of our national security, which is what all the screaming is usually about. We didn't give away uranium...we gave away ownership of a company that controls mining rights to the uranium. That's roughly analogous to the difference between me selling a car, and me changing mechanics. 1
Deranged Rhino Posted November 30, 2018 Author Posted November 30, 2018 There goes another resistance dream: (thread)
Deranged Rhino Posted November 30, 2018 Author Posted November 30, 2018 This (poorly written/framed) tweet is referencing the classified appendix of the OIG report, of which there were two. That the classified appendixes are starting to leak (and the MSM won't touch them) should be telling. It's also a sign that the next OIG report on FISA abuse is imminent. 1
Deranged Rhino Posted November 30, 2018 Author Posted November 30, 2018 Are you ***** kidding me... please be real, if so there will be a transcript and it will be illuminating for MANY otherwise sane individuals on the other side of the spectrum. Judges do not make law. That's a complete repudiation of our system of justice. Click for the full thread
Buffalo_Gal Posted November 30, 2018 Posted November 30, 2018 (edited) 4 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said: Ok, so reading a bit about this... he has copies of docs taken from the DOJ that show "criminal activity" by Clinton and by Mueller? Who gave him the original documents (he didn't have them legally)? And why did he keep copies after turning over the originals? (Insurance, but from whom?) And what were his plans for those documents? Who ordered the raid? Bonus questions: Was he a "whistleblower" because he was in deep doo-doo and needed to save his own hiney? Or a "real" whistleblower who saw bad things happen and came forward willingly?"The delivered documents also show that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate allegations of criminal misconduct pertaining to Rosatom and to other Russian government entities attached to Uranium One, the document reviewed by TheDCNF alleges." Edited November 30, 2018 by Buffalo_Gal 1
Deranged Rhino Posted November 30, 2018 Author Posted November 30, 2018 4 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said: Ok, so reading a bit about this... he has copies of docs taken from the DOJ that show "criminal activity" by Clinton and by Mueller? Who gave him the original documents (he didn't have them legally)? And why did he keep copies after turning over the originals? (Insurance, but from whom?) And what were his plans for those documents? Who ordered the raid? Bonus questions: Was he a "whistleblower" because he was in deep doo-doo and needed to save his own hiney? Or a "real" whistleblower who saw bad things happen and came forward willingly?"The delivered documents also show that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate allegations of criminal misconduct pertaining to Rosatom and to other Russian government entities attached to Uranium One, the document reviewed by TheDCNF alleges." I'm trying to dig into this a bit more myself with some people on the ground there. The story has changed a bit over the few days - originally the story was he wasn't withholding any documents, now - despite the reporting above - he allegedly had even more documents than what he turned over, some highly classified. That's unconfirmed as of now), so it's tough to tell what's really happening. My read on it, from the little I have heard, is that he was pressured into being withholding to benefit the Clintons and past administration, including members on the intel committees (both with the documents and with the Senate Intel Committee which, again, is the most swampy committee on the Hill) and Horowitz found out about it. My guess would be that he found out about it all through the Wolfe indictment/cooperation. Whitaker ran that, then as soon as he's installed Horowitz moves on this raid. That's how the pieces seem to be aligning - but this story is changing by the minute so I am not willing say anything with certainty at the moment. 1
DC Tom Posted November 30, 2018 Posted November 30, 2018 23 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said: Are you ***** kidding me... please be real, if so there will be a transcript and it will be illuminating for MANY otherwise sane individuals on the other side of the spectrum. Judges do not make law. That's a complete repudiation of our system of justice. Click for the full thread Update: "It was just a light-hearted joke, folks!" 2
Deranged Rhino Posted December 1, 2018 Author Posted December 1, 2018 (edited) It's Friday night, the Bills are on a two game winning streak and it's Squish The Fish Week to boot - so allow me to speculate wildly for a moment on a major piece of news which hit within the past few hours. WHERE'S THE DECLAS? John Solomon of the Hill has broken some big stories in the past year plus of his deep dive into the Trump/Russia narrative. Tonight, it was all but confirmed that he has a direct line to POTUS. Late this afternoon he published this piece which is worth the time. Note that nearly everything in here has been covered in this thread for the past year plus. But it's laid out succinctly and is rather damning in it's implications: The big piece of news broken in this article, aside from how well he lays out the entrapment circle deployed by the FBI/USIC, is the reveal that two committees have questioned witnesses about payments to undercover informants involved in this affair. The article concludes by underling the need for POTUS to release the Declass. Two minutes before Sean Hannity goes on air tonight, POTUS tweets the following: In the very first segment, John Solomon is interviewed along with Sarah Carter. The subject is the above article, but at the very end of the segment John Solomon reveals breaking news: (cued up to the relevant time, but the whole interview is worth a listen) To summarize, he says within just the past two hours (of what was then 9pm EST), investigators from Huber's team reached out to a Clinton Foundation Whistleblower who is not the same guy who's house was raided this week. Huber is due to testify on December 5th, specifically about his work into the Clinton Foundation. The inference here is that Solomon was given this information from POTUS himself, as the timing of Trump's tweet and the subject of the article all but confirm they are in communication and POTUS wanted eyes on that particular segment. Not to make this a Q thing, but it's inevitable at this stage. Whether you believe Q's information is authentic or not, the direct connection to POTUS has been firmly established to move it beyond just speculation. For good or bad, Q is being used by POTUS to deliver information to his base. With that in mind, let's re-examine a few pieces of this story: John Solomon's piece specifically uses references to The Godfather. The Godfather has been a reference made by Q multiple times earlier in the year. Immediately after the Hannity piece airs, Q posts for the first time in a few days (and has been on a tear since then) with some very interesting drops in relation to all of the above. The implication made by Q in this chain is that the Declass is being delayed until Comey testifies. THAT'S interesting on several levels if you reexamine the week's news cycle, and are willing to entertain my hypothesis that Mueller is working with Trump rather than against him. Why? What did we learn this week? That Mueller is going to indict people for lying to Congress - something that's rarely been enforced in our nation's history. What was the fall out of this news? Most on the right were outraged at the hypocrisy and invention of crimes by Mueller, while the left was celebrating justice being served... What was Comey doing? He was shitting his pants. He's in the middle of trying to stall and delay his testimony as outlined in other posts. The hearing was postponed until Monday... it likely will be denied and he'll be forced to testify on Tuesday and knows it. My speculation based on all this is the declass will come on the heels of Comey's testimony. They'll have him dead to rights on numerous perjury charges (unless he tells the full truth), which in turn gives them even more leverage to get him to roll over on bigger fish in State and beyond. So why is this all interesting beside the obvious? I think we're seeing communication TO Comey from the team around POTUS. He has Mueller making indictments for perjury right before Comey's due to testify. Then he has Solomon lay out the whole shebang in print on on Hannity (teeing it up with a tweet to get more eyeballs than normal on the information). Then he activates Q team to underline the point. The (dis)information war is real and happening all around us whether we recognize it or not. Let's see how Monday goes for Mr. Comey. I suspect he's in for a long restless weekend. (and also: ) Edited December 1, 2018 by Deranged Rhino 2
TtownBillsFan Posted December 1, 2018 Posted December 1, 2018 On 11/20/2018 at 12:10 AM, Deranged Rhino said: I always dismissed it as well. Until 2015 when I started to really look into it for purely entertainment/work reasons at the time. Here's the thing about that particular rabbit hole - or at least what I've learned over the past few years really trying to get to the bottom of whether or not it's real or just fear mongering: (Leaving this slightly vague for the purposes of not giving people nightmares) If you strip away the sensationalism, and focus on the actual occult practices rather than the "Church of Satan" Luciferians (who aren't satanic in terms of occult practices and beliefs), what you discover is that it's an ancient belief system. It's very much a religion, but it's Babylonian (or earlier). It's existed, and been practiced and handed down from generation to generation in all sorts of secret societies and sects. The practitioners of these rituals and belief systems believe it has tangible benefits to their lives. They believe dark magic is real and capable of being harnessed in all sorts of ways to benefit themselves. And because they believe it - they're willing to do horrific stuff to generate the outcome they believe in. So whether or not the power/forces they are trying to harness are real or not is irrelevant. It could be complete bunk. The nuttiest cult in the history of nutty cults. But that's irrelevant if they believe it's real. And they do. And in turn they are committing horrible crimes in the name of their occultist beliefs. Because of the thread we're in now I think it's VERY important to clarify something from the OP. The cabal/deep state (whatever term you wish to use) is NOT monolithic. The actual Baal and Moloch sects are just one group and it's international in composition, though a large percentage find themselves immersed in the western political system. Why? Because the blackmail material generated in these ceremonies and rituals (even the non lethal ones) is incredible useful in terms of controlling western politicians. Compromising them with minors or rituals of that type would be something the western people would never forgive or forget... hence, it's great for control. This is an incredibly deep topic that IMMEDIATELY makes people tune out. And I get it, I understand it, I was one of the many who tuned it out whenever it came up because it sounds so ridiculous... ... Until you research and find things like this. Just a joke, right? Because belief systems built around ancient Gods is conversational knowledge, right? Or is it the sort of joke that's funnier for people who understand that it's not chickens who were sacrificed to Moloch - but children. Then there are witnesses, like this. As someone who knows bad acting or forced acting when he sees it, I dare anyone to listen to his story around the 24 minute mark where he breaks down being asked to participate in sacrifices of children and tell me he's acting. (This topic isn't for everyone, I understand that fully - but since it was brought up I felt it important to share this information) I just watched this, starting around the 22min mark, and no, no way in the world was this guy faking it. I don't know what I'm being asked to believe. I'm a little afraid of what I'm being asked to believe. But this guy is not faking it. He saw some *****, hard full stop. I also watched it to the end from that point, and I'm not anti-jew in any way. I don't know if that's what we're supposed to take from it. Perhaps I need to watch the first 21 minutes I won't be anti-any religion, as it's people, not religion, that's bad.
TtownBillsFan Posted December 1, 2018 Posted December 1, 2018 On 11/26/2018 at 2:11 PM, TakeYouToTasker said: Talk about projecting... They're literally accusing the President of all the crimes they themselves are guilty of. This is a stupid post. Staggeringly so. It's really not, as smart at you TTYTT. It's literally what they're doing to us.
TtownBillsFan Posted December 1, 2018 Posted December 1, 2018 (edited) Ugh, just realized what it looks like here at the end. That's the problem with quoting a post from a couple days ago, and it not pulling in all of the quoted items in context. Bah! Oh well, I suck or am a retarded or whatever it is from DC, LOL, good on me. I stand by and beyond what I said (and yes, beyond on porpoise). Edited December 1, 2018 by TtownBillsFan to add ed to retard
boyst Posted December 1, 2018 Posted December 1, 2018 4 hours ago, TtownBillsFan said: Ugh, just realized what it looks like here at the end. That's the problem with quoting a post from a couple days ago, and it not pulling in all of the quoted items in context. Bah! Oh well, I suck or am a retarded or whatever it is from DC, LOL, good on me. I stand by and beyond what I said (and yes, beyond on porpoise). You'll trigger someone with the retard word.
Deranged Rhino Posted December 1, 2018 Author Posted December 1, 2018 December 5th... Of course that's when the state funeral would be. Almost like it was planned ahead of time. Rats are running. 8 hours ago, TtownBillsFan said: I also watched it to the end from that point, and I'm not anti-jew in any way. I don't know if that's what we're supposed to take from it. Perhaps I need to watch the first 21 minutes I won't be anti-any religion, as it's people, not religion, that's bad. Nor am I. The only religion I object too is the one being described in his testimony, and that isn't judiaism or Christianity or Islam or any known/accepted religion. Its a blood cult from antiquity.
/dev/null Posted December 1, 2018 Posted December 1, 2018 1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said: December 5th... Of course that's when the state funeral would be. Almost like it was planned ahead of time. Are you implying that George HW Bush, scion of the Deep State according to your many theories, was either killed by his very own Deep State or timed his own death, to the benefit of the Deep State? That's BSC even for you
Deranged Rhino Posted December 1, 2018 Author Posted December 1, 2018 Just now, /dev/null said: Are you implying that George HW Bush, scion of the Deep State according to your many theories, was either killed by his very own Deep State or timed his own death, to the benefit of the Deep State? That's BSC even for you The cabal is not monolithic. They're mafia families aligned only to work in shadows. Our reality is manufactured and controlled. This is McCain version 2.0. Timed, down to the second, to deflect from the big events next week (Comey's testimony on the 4th, Huber's on the 5th). When did the news hit on HW? An hour after the news referenced last night dropped. The timing is too neat to be coincidence. Also throw in the fact 44 visited 41 on the 28th. My money is on he died that day, and they held it until it was most beneficial to their deflection. What happened would be celebrated in the streets if people knew the true depths of the man's evil. One American political dynasty down, one to go.
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