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The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:

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3 hours ago, B-Man said:

Your weekly Clarice.


The Great Unmasking


I'm not talking about the unmasking of persons caught up in the Obama administration's illegal surveillance of everyone connected with Trump and his campaign.  For that, there's been more than sufficient evidence.  If you need more while we wait for the OIG reports, here are some excellent summaries: Sharyl Attkisson's timeline of the events and Mark Steyn's review:

As I think most persons paying attention now realize, the investigation into foreign interference with the 2016 election was created as a cover for domestic interference with the 2016 election. ... Brennan and Clapper and Comey and McCabe.  They took tools designed to combat America's foreign enemies and used them against their own citizens and their political opposition.  It was an intentional subversion of the electoral process conducted at the highest level by agencies with almost unlimited power.  And, if they get away with it, they will do it again, and again and again.  That's what Brennan's telling us on Twitter, and Clapper on "The View":

Yeah?  So what?  Whatcha gonna do about it?

Good question.

Or, in the pithy words of the creator of "Dilbert," Scott Adams:


Four things to understand about SPYGATE: 
1) There was no spy in the Trump campaign. 
2) The spying that did NOT happen was totally justified.
3) It would be bad for national security to identify the spy who doesn't exist. 
4) His name is Stefan.

I'm talking about a different series of unmaskings: Heroes and Knaves, Allies and Foes, Pundits and Nincompoops, Friends and Enemies of Israel, all unmasked by the genius of President Trump.


Heroes and Knaves

It's appropriate this Memorial Day weekend to salute the retiring NSA director, Admiral Mike Rogers, for courageously standing up against the Obama Administration and the intelligence apparatus, risking all to blow the whistle on the illegal sharing of FISA information on the part of those working to aid Hillary and defeat Trump.  A full timeline of his actions is detailed here

The author, Jeff Carlson, is quite obviously correct in his conclusions: "we will never understand what Rogers did for our country," and we would never have known of the spying and FISA violations without him as the intelligence community was caught unaware by the upset presidential race and was working hard to cover up its illegal conduct. 

Much more at the link:






Looks like Mark Steyn reads Greggy's threads. :ph34r:


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19 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

(It wasn't foreign surveillance equipment)


I was ready to be skeptical about that, until...



 IMSI catchers are widely used by local, state and federal police, as well as foreign intelligence agencies.


Gee, what organizations are notably absent from that list?

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22 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


I was ready to be skeptical about that, until...



Gee, what organizations are notably absent from that list?


No Tom..................they said "Federal Police"


don-t-hit-me-2286332.jpg....Don't hit me.

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Just speculation, but since Kelly has taken  over, leaks from the WH have been quite controlled.... He and MC have cracked down on bugs inside the WH, so now we are trying to eavesdrop from outside? 

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On 5/22/2018 at 12:47 PM, Deranged Rhino said:


Our former Director of National Intelligence just admitted he's incapable of thinking clearly under pressure. That's terrifying.

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This is mighty interesting... putting a pin in this until I have all the files I requested:








There were two other criminal cases against Halper - one is in a basement in Philly which I requested, the other was "destroyed" per the court. What's interesting is it's the newer case which was destroyed... 


That's usually what happens when you're offering a quid pro quo to an informant - make the case go away if he helps kind of thing. 



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43 minutes ago, peace out said:

Whoa! That's actually pretty wild. Did you discover that yourself?


For the past several months - once the scope of this thing blew past my ability to chase it all solo - I've been working with a team of journalists (indie and mainstream), attorneys (government and private), in addition to my private military/IC sources. This was shared with me by a government attorney on the team who has access to all the legal databases and can request documents from federal and state courts without raising alarms. I'm sharing it in this thread because this thread houses more speculation than the rest - and until I can confirm it for myself I'm keeping it in the "wild" category.  

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4 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


For the past several months - once the scope of this thing blew past my ability to chase it all solo - I've been working with a team of journalists (indie and mainstream), attorneys (government and private), in addition to my private military/IC sources. This was shared with me by a government attorney on the team who has access to all the legal databases and can request documents from federal and state courts without raising alarms. I'm sharing it in this thread because this thread houses more speculation than the rest - and until I can confirm it for myself I'm keeping it in the "wild" category.  


orrrrrrrrr you're just copying some other loser on Twitter




At least use a different image source than he did :lol:

Edited by peace out
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