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The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:

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Donald J. Trump
Look how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State. They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up Scam, and end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before! What goes around, comes around!
Appears he's sending a message.
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5 hours ago, joesixpack said:

bring. the mother!@#$ing. hammer. Donald.


Bring it down.



The legal system even for simple matters moves at a snail's pace.  Big hairy deals like what could be unfolding here will move even more slowly due to complexity and stonewalling by defendants and their lawyers.   This crap will easily extend beyond Trump's first term and could die on the vine if Trump isn't re-elected.  Decent chance we never get to a conclusion on much of it. 

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The Collapse Of The Collusion Narrative.

By Conrad Black



The early righteousness of the anti-Trump lynch-mob has been deflated.


It is now clear that Russian attempts at interference in the 2016 election, though somewhat outrageous, were ineffectual, unconnected with any particular party, a small effort given what a country of Russia’s resources and taste for political skullduggery and chicanery is capable of, and minor compared with the influence many countries, including the United States, have sometimes exercised in the elections of other countries. No serious person could find anything in the conduct of the president that could be construed as obstruction of justice, the all-purpose catch-all of American prosecutors, who can conjure that charge from the most mundane acts.


The Trump-impeachers, shuffling grimly forward into the desert like Old Testament slaves to the chant of the ineffable millionaire congresswoman Maxine Waters: “Impeach 45!” will perish in the sand. The vultures will pick their bones in an Ozymandian setting. No president has ever been impeached and removed successfully (though Andrew Johnson, who was not guilty of anything, escaped removal by only one vote in 1868). The required “high crimes and misdemeanors” the Constitution stipulates, have never been clearly defined, but apparently did not include President Clinton’s likely untruthfulness to a grand jury. After two years of exhaustive legal investigation accompanied by intense media innuendos about everything President Trump and his family have done more ambitious than putting on their shoes in the morning (unlike the Clinton case and much closer to the relentless media badgering and defaming of Richard Nixon in the Watergate affair), there is nothing to impeach with, or about.


More at the link:






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34 minutes ago, B-Man said:


That's not dishonesty.  Just bloviating.


Unless Trump does it and you're a Democrat.  Then it's so dishonest it's a direct threat to Democracy.  But to normal, mentally healthy people it's still just bloviating.


(Edit: proactive thanks to gator for proving my point.)

Edited by DC Tom
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6 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


So much of the files are redacted, but just the news articles themselves are pretty nuts. Interesting to see that Bill Clinton flew over to Africa on the Lolita Express with his buddy....Kevin Spacey. Humanitarians.

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16 hours ago, MakeBuffaloGreatAgain said:

This is awesome!!! How ironic that the flower power children who hated and never trusted the FBI and CIA , now champion their illegal spying and coup against a presidential candidate. Bizzaro world

They were always just commies.  It's not ironic at all.

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Your weekly Clarice.


The Great Unmasking


I'm not talking about the unmasking of persons caught up in the Obama administration's illegal surveillance of everyone connected with Trump and his campaign.  For that, there's been more than sufficient evidence.  If you need more while we wait for the OIG reports, here are some excellent summaries: Sharyl Attkisson's timeline of the events and Mark Steyn's review:

As I think most persons paying attention now realize, the investigation into foreign interference with the 2016 election was created as a cover for domestic interference with the 2016 election. ... Brennan and Clapper and Comey and McCabe.  They took tools designed to combat America's foreign enemies and used them against their own citizens and their political opposition.  It was an intentional subversion of the electoral process conducted at the highest level by agencies with almost unlimited power.  And, if they get away with it, they will do it again, and again and again.  That's what Brennan's telling us on Twitter, and Clapper on "The View":

Yeah?  So what?  Whatcha gonna do about it?

Good question.

Or, in the pithy words of the creator of "Dilbert," Scott Adams:


Four things to understand about SPYGATE: 
1) There was no spy in the Trump campaign. 
2) The spying that did NOT happen was totally justified.
3) It would be bad for national security to identify the spy who doesn't exist. 
4) His name is Stefan.

I'm talking about a different series of unmaskings: Heroes and Knaves, Allies and Foes, Pundits and Nincompoops, Friends and Enemies of Israel, all unmasked by the genius of President Trump.


Heroes and Knaves

It's appropriate this Memorial Day weekend to salute the retiring NSA director, Admiral Mike Rogers, for courageously standing up against the Obama Administration and the intelligence apparatus, risking all to blow the whistle on the illegal sharing of FISA information on the part of those working to aid Hillary and defeat Trump.  A full timeline of his actions is detailed here

The author, Jeff Carlson, is quite obviously correct in his conclusions: "we will never understand what Rogers did for our country," and we would never have known of the spying and FISA violations without him as the intelligence community was caught unaware by the upset presidential race and was working hard to cover up its illegal conduct. 

Much more at the link:





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1 hour ago, B-Man said:

Your weekly Clarice.


The Great Unmasking


I'm not talking about the unmasking of persons caught up in the Obama administration's illegal surveillance of everyone connected with Trump and his campaign.  For that, there's been more than sufficient evidence.  If you need more while we wait for the OIG reports, here are some excellent summaries: Sharyl Attkisson's timeline of the events and Mark Steyn's review:

As I think most persons paying attention now realize, the investigation into foreign interference with the 2016 election was created as a cover for domestic interference with the 2016 election. ... Brennan and Clapper and Comey and McCabe.  They took tools designed to combat America's foreign enemies and used them against their own citizens and their political opposition.  It was an intentional subversion of the electoral process conducted at the highest level by agencies with almost unlimited power.  And, if they get away with it, they will do it again, and again and again.  That's what Brennan's telling us on Twitter, and Clapper on "The View":

Yeah?  So what?  Whatcha gonna do about it?

Good question.

Or, in the pithy words of the creator of "Dilbert," Scott Adams:


Four things to understand about SPYGATE: 
1) There was no spy in the Trump campaign. 
2) The spying that did NOT happen was totally justified.
3) It would be bad for national security to identify the spy who doesn't exist. 
4) His name is Stefan.

I'm talking about a different series of unmaskings: Heroes and Knaves, Allies and Foes, Pundits and Nincompoops, Friends and Enemies of Israel, all unmasked by the genius of President Trump.


Heroes and Knaves

It's appropriate this Memorial Day weekend to salute the retiring NSA director, Admiral Mike Rogers, for courageously standing up against the Obama Administration and the intelligence apparatus, risking all to blow the whistle on the illegal sharing of FISA information on the part of those working to aid Hillary and defeat Trump.  A full timeline of his actions is detailed here

The author, Jeff Carlson, is quite obviously correct in his conclusions: "we will never understand what Rogers did for our country," and we would never have known of the spying and FISA violations without him as the intelligence community was caught unaware by the upset presidential race and was working hard to cover up its illegal conduct. 

Much more at the link:







Great article

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