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What Is John Brennan Hiding?
by Andrew Klavan


Original Article



Former CIA Director John Brennan has become the sleaziest man on cable news — and that, my friends, is saying something. He continually peddles wholly unsubstantiated horror stories about the president of the United States, stories which the insanely anti-Trump press is only too happy to echo and magnify. It's time to wonder just what this guy is trying to accomplish and why.


Let's begin with a couple of cases in point.


An Obama-appointed Department of Justice inspector general finds that former FBI Director Andrew McCabe lacked candor while testifying under oath about stories he leaked to the press. The IG report goes to the FBI-run Office of Professional Responsibility, which recommends McCabe's firing. Attorney Jeff Sessions fires McCabe. It's true the president taunted McCabe relentlessly on Twitter, but it's pretty clear he had nothing to do with the firing.


After accusing the president of "venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption" for making McCabe a "scapegoat," Brennan rose up out of the MSNBC cesspit called Morning Joe to deliver this completely fanciful scenario about what might happen next. Calling Trump a "cornered animal," he said he feared Trump might try to distract us from his own wrongdoing by starting a war.


more at the link.

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2 hours ago, B-Man said:
What Is John Brennan Hiding?


... Besides his role in a palace coup, his love of communism, his love of the Muslim brotherhood, and his close (financial) ties to Pakistani ISS. 


He's a traitor who isn't smart enough to know when to shut up. The last several men to hold the title of DCI have done great damage to this nation - but they can't hold a candle to Brennan's contributions. 


When the full truth of Brennan's predilections come to light, people will want to bring back public executions. 

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Nothing to see here, carry on interviewing porn stars about dirty, dirty, sex or waxing poetic about collusion delusion ... Meanwhile huge events are happening and going almost completely uncovered:





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56 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Nothing to see here, carry on interviewing porn stars about dirty, dirty, sex or waxing poetic about collusion delusion ... Meanwhile huge events are happening and going almost completely uncovered:






Day-um.  Never thought I'd live long enough to see KSA do anything that public in not opposing Isreal.  Thaks again for the info. :beer:

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53 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

... And breaking now: balistic missiles being fired at Saudi Arabia: 



(Most likely by Iran - though its waaaaay too early to know for sure)


Is the situation in Iran that dire for the Mullahs that they need to provoke a shooting war to get the Russians to intercede?


Or is this a last gasp of some Yemini bad actors?


This doesn't make sense to this (too) casual observer.

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6 minutes ago, Taro T said:


Is the situation in Iran that dire for the Mullahs that they need to provoke a shooting war to get the Russians to intercede?


Or is this a last gasp of some Yemini bad actors?


This doesn't make sense to this (too) casual observer.


No idea right now, I'm just hearing about it and the first wave of information about these kinds of things tends to be inaccurate at best. 


I think it's interesting that the crown prince was at the White House, talking about Iran with Trump this week - then this happens. Related? Too early to tell (for me). But at the very least the timing is interesting. 


I can't find the clip right now, but if you go watch the press gaggle the crown prince and trump did last week there is a moment where someone asks the prince about the Iran deal - watch his reaction. He smiles, looks like the cat who ate the canary, composes himself and says: "we will talk about that today". 


Everything I'm getting is that operations are underway (or about to be) from the GCC v Iran. Not sure when the US will take a more visible role but I'm betting it won't come until the Iranians ask for it publicly. 

5 minutes ago, /dev/null said:

Trump is just trying to distract from the Stormy interview





More: video of a missile hitting Riyidh- 


Edited by Deranged Rhino
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2 hours ago, Taro T said:


Is the situation in Iran that dire for the Mullahs that they need to provoke a shooting war to get the Russians to intercede?


Or is this a last gasp of some Yemini bad actors?


This doesn't make sense to this (too) casual observer.


The Russians aren't going to intervene against the Saudis, unless their border with Iran is somehow threatened. The Russians aren't going to risk further US intervention by getting involved. Not to mention that both Iran and Saudi Arabia are oil competitors.


I think that this either is a move of the IRGC to try to get the Saudis to back off and give the Yemeni proxies breathing room, or trying to goad the Saudis into more direct action to bleed the Saudi military a bit/gather intel on the actual Saudi capabilities.

Edited by Koko78
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14 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


No idea right now, I'm just hearing about it and the first wave of information about these kinds of things tends to be inaccurate at best. 


I think it's interesting that the crown prince was at the White House, talking about Iran with Trump this week - then this happens. Related? Too early to tell (for me). But at the very least the timing is interesting. 


I can't find the clip right now, but if you go watch the press gaggle the crown prince and trump did last week there is a moment where someone asks the prince about the Iran deal - watch his reaction. He smiles, looks like the cat who ate the canary, composes himself and says: "we will talk about that today". 


Everything I'm getting is that operations are underway (or about to be) from the GCC v Iran. Not sure when the US will take a more visible role but I'm betting it won't come until the Iranians ask for it publicly. 



More: video of a missile hitting Riyidh- 



linky no worky


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6 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Crud. Apologies. 


There are lots of video now of the attack/interceptors at work tho. I'm operating with one hand tied behind my back presently. Will be back to normal in another week or so. :beer:

Oh, so you're going to have both hands tied behind your back?

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