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The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:

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6 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

There are VERY heavy hitters, right now, committing themselves to saying this is going to be catastrophic for the D party. And they're saying it in UNAMBIGUOUS language. 


And they're only telling you half the story. This is going to blow big. The State of the Union speech is going to be mighty interesting... 


Stay sharp, stay safe. If there was ever a time to try to distract, it's now. 

But won't the deep state protect the Dems??? I thought they controlled people's minds from behind the curtain? 


Image result for hillary deep state

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4 hours ago, 4merper4mer said:

This report will see the light of day?  Right.  It reminds me of unanimous DC confidence that James Comey is of unquestionable integrity and totally unbiased.


POTUS can declassify it he needs to. But politically it would hurt the message. If he's the one to declassify it, it becomes political retribution. If Congress does, then his hands are clean. 


Between now and the STOTU it's going to get pretty messy. The memo will be released, probably today. 


3 hours ago, Nanker said:

Toto has begun tugging at the corner of that curtain Tibs. It’s going to be full Open Komono very soon. 



3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Image result for hillary wizard of oz


Wrong face. Put Eric Schmidt's face on there instead and you'll be closer to the truth about what's coming.

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Why DID Eric and former US Ambassador to the UN and Clinton Energy Secretary Bill Richardson go to RNK? Scant info on their excursion behind the rusted curtain, other than his darling daughter dear's musings on being in The Truman Show. (Strange coincidence that name, n'est-ce pas?) 

  1. Intarwebs subterfuge with Goo-Goo-li II
  2. Nuke-nuke material evidence
  3. Present to Rocket Man of Advanced Guidance Controls
  4. Kiddie smuggling

Asking for a friend.

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1 minute ago, Nanker said:

Why DID Eric and former US Ambassador to the UN and Clinton Energy Secretary Bill Richardson go to RNK? Scant info on their excursion behind the rusted curtain, other than his darling daughter dear's musings on being in The Truman Show. (Strange coincidence that name, n'est-ce pas?) 

  1. Intarwebs subterfuge with Goo-Goo-li II
  2. Nuke-nuke material evidence
  3. Present to Rocket Man of Advanced Guidance Controls
  4. Kiddie smuggling

Asking for a friend.


Did he set up secure communications? Email addresses? 




Don't forget this guy in this equation either... the "other" Rocket man - who gets billions in subsidies from the US taxpayer:


Image result for elon musk

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She packed my bags last night pre-flight
Zero hour nine AM
And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then
I miss the earth so much I miss my wife
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight



And I think it's gonna be a long long time
'Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone


Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact it's cold as hell
And there's no one there to raise them if you did
And all this science I don't understand

It's just my job five days a week


And I think it's gonna be a long long time
'Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone


And I think it's gonna be a long long time... 

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6 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


They will. 


Then why all the hashtags and grandstanding by a only a small percentage of Republicans in the house, everyone on FOX News, and Trump JR (Also Snowden, Assange, & Wikileaks)?  If they had the votes it would have been released already.

Edited by garybusey
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3 minutes ago, garybusey said:


Then why all the hashtags and grandstanding by a only a small percentage of Republicans in the house, everyone on FOX News, and Trump JR (Also Snowden, Assange, & Wikileaks)?  If they had the votes it would have been released already.


They have to get it to the floor for a vote first. The memo didn't break until 3pm EST yesterday, and EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT ON THE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE VOTED AGAINST LETTING OTHER CONGRESSMEN from seeing it. 


Think about that. How much are they going to fight to keep citizens from seeing it? 


It won't matter. It's coming out. If not today, then tomorrow. Between now and the State of the Union expect to see fireworks.

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2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


It won't matter. It's coming out. If not today, then tomorrow. Between now and the State of the Union expect to see fireworks.


I'm still watching the fireworks you promised we'd get this past Monday when some documents got released.


Hopefully for your sake these new fireworks are actually lit.

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Just now, garybusey said:


I'm still watching the fireworks you promised we'd get this past Monday when some documents got released.


Hopefully for your sake these new fireworks are actually lit.


If you aren't paying attention, you're in the middle of the storm I've been talking about for over a year. It's here. It's battering DC right now. And the rats are on the run. 


Just sit back and enjoy the show. There's no stopping it now.

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1 hour ago, Doc Brown said:

If they don't then it's just posturing on their part trying to discredit Mueller.  Show me the evidence.


That would be a fair conclusion to draw if it goes that way. 


But I'll say this, the unambiguous language in which this is being discussed says that there is something real here. Not just posturing. We'll see though. :beer:



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3 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


That would be a fair conclusion to draw if it goes that way. 


But I'll say this, the unambiguous language in which this is being discussed says that there is something real here. Not just posturing. We'll see though. :beer:




Released on a Friday.  The Friday before the NFL's Conference Championship games.

No coincidence on the timing

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