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The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:

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Keep researching that and posting it, please. It's helping.


But you can't run from your own foolishness.


You can't discern peace from war so your judgment has been exposed to be quite comically faulty.


Work on it, BF. You can do better.


St Clair is your source, not mine.

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St Clair is your source, not mine.


As I stated, if you understood what you read in that OP, you'd understand more about what I'm getting at. Please keep on posting about those patents. It's helping. But it's your interpretation of what you're looking at that's in question...


Like your inability to discern the difference between peace and war. Or your refusal to factor in the deaths of brown folk into your casualty counts.


That type of dishonesty, or willful ignorance, makes everything you say suspect. You clearly cannot discern fact from fiction if you think we are living in the longest era of peace in history. You don't care about truth, you care about whatever lie you must tell yourself to feel comfortable. That's your right, of course.


It's just cowardly.

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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"My interpretation of the patents" hahaha. You said those works of fiction were invented by a nobel laureate and that it proved the government had access to antigravitronic (!!!) technology.


But when I pointed out that they were in fact invented (loosely using the word here) by wackadoo self-teleporter and alien Philadeain civilization discovering John St. Clair, you said " ".


And you're still defending it.


You're really this crazy!

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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"My interpretation of the patents" hahaha. You said those works of fiction were invented by a nobel laureate and that it proved the government had access to antigravitronic (!!!) technology.


But when I pointed out that they were in fact invented (loosely using the word here) by wackadoo self-teleporter and alien Philadeain civilization discovering John St. Clair, you said " ".


And you're still defending it.


You're really this crazy!


That, again, shows you don't understand what you're reading.


And it's hilarious.


But please, keep on talking about it. You're doing good work, it's much appreciated. :beer:

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Your own words are good enough.


Hyperspace Research Institute.


You're doing the lord's work. It's appreciated. :beer:


Now, explain to us again how America is living through its greatest period of peace again? Because that's the real conspiracy. How all along we've been living in peace according to you despite 16 years of non stop war...

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You're doing the lord's work. It's appreciated. :beer:


Now, explain to us again how America is living through its greatest period of peace again? Because that's the real conspiracy. How all along we've been living in peace according to you despite 16 years of non stop war...


Peace and health. Don't forget the "health" part. Apparently, you're wrong if you choose to only address the "peace" half of that statement.

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Peace and health. Don't forget the "health" part. Apparently, you're wrong if you choose to only address the "peace" half of that statement.


Yet the data also shows that this is a period of peace in historic terms, health stats excluded.

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Yet the data also shows that this is a period of peace in historic terms, health stats excluded.


What do they say about statistics again? That's right. The reality is we've been actively waging non stop war for going on two decades. The casualties of that war have not just been hundreds of thousands of civilians, soldiers, and bad guys, it's been our constitutional rights to due process and privacy.


But whatever you have to tell yourself to justify your jingoism I guess. You've already admitted that you are motivated by hate. In fact you're so filled with hate for Russians that you support the US agenda of working with groups that blows up little girls in Britain so long as it leads to more dead Russians.


That's not only dangerously short sighted and naive, it's just sad.


Like I said before, I truly hope you find peace one day. :beer:



The first step is to admit you have a philosophical problem. You support blindly any alliance that creates more dead Russians. That's your goal.


No matter how many little girls get blown up in the process.




More dead Russians means more live and happier persons across the world. I'll take that trade any day.

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What do they say about statistics again? That's right. The reality is we've been actively waging non stop war for going on two decades. The casualties of that war have not just been hundreds of thousands of civilians, soldiers, and bad guys, it's been our constitutional rights to due process and privacy.


But whatever you have to tell yourself to justify your jingoism I guess. You've already admitted that you are motivated by hate. In fact you're so filled with hate for Russians that you support the US agenda of working with groups that blows up little girls in Britain so long as it leads to more dead Russians.


That's not only dangerously short sighted and naive, it's just sad.


Like I said before, I truly hope you find peace one day. :beer:





So you finally admit that you think the CIA blew up little girls in Manchester.




And of course, I'm going to ask you again to provide proof that our constitutional rights have been eviscerated.


Yes, it is. Victorian terms, specifically.


You know who else expressed his wars in Victorian terms?

Edited by GG
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So you finally admit that you think the CIA blew up little girls in Manchester.




No, sir.


I have said that the CIA is in a battlefield alliance in Syria with the group that blew up the little girls. Instead of wiping them off the map, elements within CIA are funding, arming, training, and sharing intelligence with ISIS and AQ forces to fight Assad... and looking the other way when they blow up children in England.


You called that a trade you'd make any day... which, is just terribly sad.


I sincerely hope you find peace. Letting hate drive you to abandon your moral compass is how the bad guys win. :beer:



Back to the overall discussion:


US army loses $1.3b worth of weapons and equipment


The US army has lost track of more than A$1.3 billion worth of arms and equipment sent to Kuwait and Iraq, Amnesty International claims, raising fears the weapons could have fallen into the hands of ISIS.




Tens of thousands of assault rifles, hundreds of mortar rounds and armoured Humvees were among the equipment misplaced, Amnesty said.




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US army loses $1.3b worth of weapons and equipment


The US army has lost track of more than A$1.3 billion worth of arms and equipment sent to Kuwait and Iraq, Amnesty International claims, raising fears the weapons could have fallen into the hands of ISIS.




Tens of thousands of assault rifles, hundreds of mortar rounds and armoured Humvees were among the equipment misplaced, Amnesty said.





Yeah but to put it in contect, the US Army (or any Federally funded organization for that matter) losing $1.3B is like you or I losing pocket change in the seat cushions

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Yeah but to put it in contect, the US Army (or any Federally funded organization for that matter) losing $1.3B is like you or I losing pocket change in the seat cushions

Money isn't the problem here.

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No, sir.


I have said that the CIA is in a battlefield alliance in Syria with the group that blew up the little girls. Instead of wiping them off the map, elements within CIA are funding, arming, training, and sharing intelligence with ISIS and AQ forces to fight Assad... and looking the other way when they blow up children in England.


You called that a trade you'd make any day... which, is just terribly sad.


I sincerely hope you find peace. Letting hate drive you to abandon your moral compass is how the bad guys win. :beer:



I'll venture that you'll start posting pictures of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam or remind everyone that Bin Laden used to benefit from USA's help to fight Russians in Afghanistan.


Yet, while it's been pointed out to you that the alliances in Syria are anything but symmetrical, you cling to the naive notion that if US aid ends up in the wrong hands or helps the wrong group is tantamount to direct US involvement. And you go through great length to express false outrage at what the US is doing, despite clear facts that USA's involvement saves lives.


You continue to ignore the very basic premise that the main reason the US finds itself in the current predicament is because US followed the exact hands-off foreign policy that you think will work. Look at the link I provided. There was a noticeable trend of decreasing combat related casualties through 2008, and then a rising trend.


Now, a smart guy like you can connect the dots to see which country decreased its foreign involvement in 2008 and which country increased it. Which UN Security Council member fought to the last minute foreign intervention in the Bosnian genocide?


But go ahead, and keep defending your annointed protectors of mankind.

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Yet the data also shows that this is a period of peace in historic terms, health stats excluded.


Don't need data to show that North America is in a very good situation for just under 40 years now.

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Don't need data to show that North America is in a very good situation for just under 40 years now.


Well, except for the 11 million or so illegal aliens. And that whole 9/11 thing. And the banking catastrophe. And the collapse of manufacturing. But other than that, peaches and cream.

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