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The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:

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Clapper giving CNN the first interview since stepping down... and it's a doozy. :lol:


Will post it in full when it comes online.

Any updates on this?


Did the Greys sit down with him during the interview? Or maybe a tip off for where those Oak Island people should dig next?

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Any updates on this?

Did the Greys sit down with him during the interview? Or maybe a tip off for where those Oak Island people should dig next?

I haven't seen the full interview online yet.


No greys. Just a lot of butt hurt.

Here's 3 minutes of it. Still not finding the entire interview yet though.



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Surely couldn't just be people who don't like Trump and Flynn who leaked it. You always ignore Occam's Razor in favor of the Ian Fleming narrative.



I don't ignore it. This thread is speculation specifically about the existence and operation of a Deep State, so the simplest explanation in this case doesn't apply. Doesn't mean I don't acknowledge the possibility. In this case, the people who leaked it clearly do not like Trump or Flynn specifically because Flynn would be a backdoor channel to negotiate any stability with Russia should the need arise.


Like the clip said above, this engineering of a new Cold War by elements within the IC has been going on longer than 45's been in office. It spans administrations...

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I don't ignore it. This thread is speculation specifically about the existence and operation of a Deep State, so the simplest explanation in this case doesn't apply. Doesn't mean I don't acknowledge the possibility. In this case, the people who leaked it clearly do not like Trump or Flynn specifically because Flynn would be a backdoor channel to negotiate any stability with Russia should the need arise.


Like the clip said above, this engineering of a new Cold War by elements within the IC has been going on longer than 45's been in office. It spans administrations...

So this thread is only for wacky conspiracies? Not rational explanations?


Good to know. And remember kids: don't put your hat in the microwave.

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I don't ignore it. This thread is speculation specifically about the existence and operation of a Deep State, so the simplest explanation in this case doesn't apply. Doesn't mean I don't acknowledge the possibility. In this case, the people who leaked it clearly do not like Trump or Flynn specifically because Flynn would be a backdoor channel to negotiate any stability with Russia should the need arise.


Like the clip said above, this engineering of a new Cold War by elements within the IC has been going on longer than 45's been in office. It spans administrations...

Kucinich surely isn't some wacko conspiracist either. There's some deep **** going on, and whatever one thinks of trump, his election is helping expose the existent of a DS.

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So this thread is only for wacky conspiracies? Not rational explanations?


Good to know. And remember kids: don't put your hat in the microwave.


"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."


Might want to consider those words a bit, BF.


Kucinich surely isn't some wacko conspiracist either. There's some deep **** going on, and whatever one thinks of trump, his election is helping expose the existent of a DS.


Of course he isn't. But to BF, anything that pushes him outside of his bubble is "wacky" -- despite all the evidence that he's provided over the past few months that his own view of reality and how the IC functions is in fact much further from actual reality than anything posited in this thread. BF isn't ready to think beyond the talking points he's been fed his entire life. He's comfortable in his bubble and isn't ready to do the work required to look beyond it. That requires courage, intellectual honesty, and discernment -- things BF hasn't shown he has much of in his posting history.


Maybe one day he will be ready, until then he'll continue with drive by insults that say more about him than anything in this thread.

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Back on topic:


Lots going on, the news is filled with the casualties of this deep state war on a daily basis now. It's very hard to understand what's going on without considering this battle between Deep State factions that's embroiled not just our CIA, FBI, NSA, DIA, the corporate media, and our executive branch of government but also our political discourse. Neo-McCarthyism is all the rage, dividing the populace while factions within the IC leak classified material to the media in the hopes of destabilizing not only the administration but also any hopes of stable relations with Russia.


Interesting tweet today from JA: https://twitter.com/julianassange/status/831858565535129600


Here's one take on the breakdown of the various factions within just the CIA from former case officer, and proponent of open source intelligence, Robert David Steele:



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NY Times Hot Story!


"Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials.

American law enforcement and intelligence agencies intercepted the communications around the same time they were discovering evidence that Russia was trying to disrupt the presidential election by hacking into the Democratic National Committee, three of the officials said. The intelligence agencies then sought to learn whether the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts to influence the election.

The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation."

But the investigation and criminal leaks must continue as the agenda of the DS must be pursued! Trump is dangerous to their part of the swamp.

Edited by Nanker
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