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That moment


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We all cling for it. It's undeniable, unmistakable...and impossible to ignore.

You can say all you want about the 4-2 start, (yes i know after 0-2) but even the most jaded, down-trodden fan in that instant, had to feel good we blanked the Patriots in New England.

For me it was like walking on air, and it was only 4-2.

What's it going to be like when we finally do what has to happen and start 6-3, 7-4, 8-5? Take that Patriots win and x by 1000

What we have is an owner who wants to win as bad as we do. It's easy to see. I know 17 years is a long time, it's half this posters life sadly...and it's an understatement to say we deserve better.

But i'll wait. One more year of wildcard weekends, champioships and Superbowls that pass by. One more year of football pools. One more year of hosting family and friends over at the ol' homestead watching said events that don't involve our beloved Buffalo Bills. But i'll watch anyway. Why?

Why give in one more time?

That moment

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