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Laptop making strange noises


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I just opened up my new Dell laptop with Windows 10... sooo, it started making some really strange noises. I have no idea what this was... until I remembered waking up in the middle of the night last night terrified as I heard the same bizarre noises. It sounded like a police/fire scanner tonal sequence.


Points will be awarded for the best honest answer. Style, humor and insults are also score-able.


But, seriously, what the hell is happening?

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It's all the gay porn you have on it

sooo, back in college it was fun to get a guys computer/laptop and open up a bunch of gay porn videos and start playing them...close his laptop and when he opens it tons of dongs just going at it... yeah, good times.





Pas qu'il n'y ait rien de mal à cela.

Mangez merde vous italien piquer



Pas qu'il n'y ait rien de mal à cela.

Mangez merde vous italien piquer

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did you leave the gay porn movies running?



I just opened up my new Dell laptop with Windows 10... sooo, it started making some really strange noises. I have no idea what this was... until I remembered waking up in the middle of the night last night terrified as I heard the same bizarre noises. It sounded like a police/fire scanner tonal sequence.


Points will be awarded for the best honest answer. Style, humor and insults are also score-able.


But, seriously, what the hell is happening?

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