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  On 1/4/2017 at 5:44 AM, matter2003 said:


The media is full of petty people who have a vendetta against the Bills and the Pegula's and use every opportunity to show it. Then they wonder why true professional's like John Wawrow are the one's getting the interviews and the breaking stories. Is it not strange to anyone else that local beat reporters are almost NEVER the ones to break a Bills story? How the hell does Maneesh Mehta, a New York Jets beat reporter break a story about Sammy being out for an extended period of tim and not one of the people surrounding the team??


Maybe if they'd stop looking for things to dig up and make up they'd actually see what was really happening and report on it instead of giving their one sided conjecture that is laughably wrong most times and obviously bitter...

you are 100 percent right. The national media break almost every story because the locals have no relationships, even with the players. If TT gets a bruised toe some national guy mentions it and never credits a local reporter. The locals debate rumours they create, never facts.

By the way, do you think that Rex and Pegula discussed Whaley's future since they have the same reporting structure. I hope not, so why is it so hard to think Whaley was in on the Rex decision. It was not a hi-bred structure, it was a pure structure.


Completely agree. It is much ado about nothing. Manufactured news, but that's the way the media works these days. They don't report the news, they just make **** up and pretend it's real.

  On 1/4/2017 at 3:39 AM, Dragonborn10 said:

Rex reported directly to the owner. Whaley was not in full command of the organization. Is this really any different than in many places in some for or another? Do people really think the GM just sits back and signs and drafts whatever players he feels like without the input of the HC? How many owners just sit back and let the GM pick the HC without final say?

Organizations almost never have a purely vertical structure any more. They are blends of horizontal and vertical reporting often with dyads forming a team for decision making. There are few if any decisions that can and should be made by one person.

The Bills are far from dysfunctional when in comes to organizational structure. The media is just using an antiquated lens to look at the organization. You can argue/debate that the people in the organization may not be qualified to make these decisions but there is nothing wrong with have a GM/HC dyad structure of management. There really are very few decisions from player personnel, the draft, free agency, or final roster make-up that can't be made by consensus.

All this media huff will blow over. This is more about them living in the past than it is about the Bills.

Take Polian for instance. He had all the power in Indianapolis and year after year he let the talent get worse propped up only by Peyton Manning. He should be the last guy telling people how to run a modern organization.


Media people and now Bills fans have turned a pretty clear cut and logical situation into a soap opera because people gotta have their drama. Can't find anything emotional to talk about? Manufacture it. - Silly humans.


I honestly can't believe people give two craps whether the head coach reports to the GM or the owner. The owner is making the decision about the head coach anyway - regardless. And you could make a case for why you don't want the head coach too beholden to the GM anyway. Let the Pegulas do what they want. It is their friggin team. They have been exceptionally successful in other businesses. They will figure out how to make this team a winner.

  On 1/4/2017 at 8:20 AM, bbb said:


I was listening to the presser and thinking holy crap, these guys are talking about when a phone call was made or who said what to who like it's the Senate Watergate Hearings or the Nuremberg Trials - as if any of this crap really matters.


Haha. So true.


Wait!! Rex asked to speak to pegula privately and you didn't demand to listen in on the call? What a dumpster fire! No wonder Rodack rates the Bills HC job as the worst of the ones out there.

Posted (edited)

The media is full of people who are hell bent on attempting to force Terry and Kim Pegula to bend to their will. I perceive that Terry is a gentleman, but you don't accomplish what he has without backbone. Now is his time to tell the media to have a Coke and a smile, and to press on with what he's doing.

Edited by jjmac
  On 1/4/2017 at 5:02 AM, YoloinOhio said:

my favorite question in the presser was "so is it safe to assume that Rex reported directly to the Pegulas?"

What a waste of time!

i was thinking the same. It sounded like Sal too, and he should certainly know better. There's obviously Vic's Vendetta against Whaley going on as well.
  On 1/4/2017 at 1:11 PM, Seasons1992 said:

This is officially the "sane" TBD'er's thread. You all go up in my book of favorites.

Hear, hear! A lot of old timers (like me) are just baffled by the whole kerfuffle. OK, the Bills had a less-than-stellar-year, and everyone is upset. But It's football, for crissake, not a soap opera! Poor Larry Felser must be rolling in his grave ...


My favorite narrative is all these NFL coaches who have never been head guys won't consider the Bills. Therefore, we need to panic because the org. is a dumpster fire and the media says it dysfunctional. And, we'll never have a good coach.


There are many HUNGRY coaches out there who would LOVE a chance to take on the challenge. You have to fight if you want one of these jobs. And, Anthony Lynn is doing that right now with his agent. They are pushing the narrative he's losing interest because of the PC. Give me a break.


This is the sane thread?


So, everything is OK at OBD then? It's just a nasty local media-driven vendetta? All of the dysfunction that is playing out right in front of us isn't really dysfunction - it's just the media telling us it's dysfunction. OBD didn't do this, Sully did. wow.


We hired a big personality HC that draws attention no matter where he goes...and we fired him in 2 years with an obviously divided FO 1 game before the season ends, benching our starting QB and installing an interim. We play an abysmal game including a bizarre special teams disaster. The locals get the same old Bills feeling watching the coaching carousel fire up yet again. No sign that there is a tight process for managing the transition into another regime, just the opposite. Then we get mad when anyone in the media dares to wonder (skeptically) who is running this thing? So they appropriately go to the General freaking Manager and he lies and plays politics while looking ridiculous and treating the media like it's not their place to ask. That level of sh-t show, as it should, draws in the national media.


The FO did that all by themselves. It's not just picking on poor little Buffalo.


People here are faulting the local media (that has been covering failure after failure for the entire stretch of our drought) for calling what's walking and quacking like a duck in front of the entire country....a duck.


One thing good about this is it's easy to tell who the miserable SOBs are around here. It's worse than a coffee klatsch of horny housewives who sit around all day smoking cigarettes, talking about each other's husbands and who they want to !@#$. They're absolutely powerless to do anything so they come here to vent their frustrations because they "know" with absolute certainty what has gone on behind closed doors, and what should MUST be done to remedy the situation. They build elaborate constructs in their tiny little minds that are about as coherent as a Rube Goldberg mousetrap. Most of them don't have a clue how to run a business yet alone an NFL franchise. It's idiocy on parade.


I've been confused by all the anger since all this started. Not every GM/Coaching structure is the same in the league. It was clear from the start that Whaley's responsibilities were player acquisition/drafting, and coaching was to go direct to Pegula himself.


But hey, lets all flip out about it. Why not.

Posted (edited)
  On 1/4/2017 at 2:19 PM, Nanker said:

One thing good about this is it's easy to tell who the miserable SOBs are around here. It's worse than a coffee klatsch of horny housewives who sit around all day smoking cigarettes, talking about each other's husbands and who they want to !@#$. They're absolutely powerless to do anything so they come here to vent their frustrations because they "know" with absolute certainty what has gone on behind closed doors, and what should MUST be done to remedy the situation. They build elaborate constructs in their tiny little minds that are about as coherent as a Rube Goldberg mousetrap. Most of them don't have a clue how to run a business yet alone an NFL franchise. It's idiocy on parade.

Thank god you're here to set them straight with another, "you're all stupid," post. Imagine what this place would be like without your constant attacks. I shudder to think about how many posters have stepped away from the keyboard because of just how frightened they are of earning your ire, and what would happen if you were constantly ignored!

Edited by FireChan
Posted (edited)

Well lookie here. Another bitter little person weighs in. Won't feel good about yourself till The Bills win a Super Bowl now will ya? You've got such a zen of inner peace about you. Thanks for the personal attack.


Read the TOS.

Edited by Nanker

Pretty consistent message to be drawn from the posts above: The Bills are OK at worst, but the media, NFL insiders, other coaches, etc. are dead wrong. Only those of us who follow the Bills every week/day really are in tune with reality on this issue.


Only one question left for me: What are your criteria for success in the NFL?

  On 1/4/2017 at 4:49 AM, What a Tuel said:

It all started with Whaley not holding a press conference when the media wanted him to. It snowballed from there when he didn't give them the answers they wanted.


For example they were looking for either a "I was not 100% behind the Rex Ryan hire", or an "I was 100% behind the Rex Ryan hire" quote.

They were also looking for a "Yes, I convinced Pegula to fire Rex" quote, or an "despite poor performance I wanted to give Rex Ryan and this organization continuity" quote.


All the while calling the Pegula's bozos on the side.


There isn't ONE answer that they wanted. No matter what he said, he was going to get ripped. If Whaley was flawless in the pc they wouldn't have anything to cry about. It was going to happen no matter what he said. He wasn't that bad imo. Not sure what a guy is supposed to say.


Regarding the firing of Rex. I'm sure he and pegs talked and were on the same page of firing Rex after the season. Then Rex demanded that tyrod would start vs the jets in his private meeting with pegs and he was fired. Whaley didn't know Rex was going to be fired during the meeting. Is he going to tell the world that? No. There's a chance tyrod is still a part of this team next year. His name shouldn't have been mentioned and it wasn't.


The media can go **** themselves. They're ruining sports.

  On 1/4/2017 at 2:07 PM, filthymcnasty08 said:

This is the sane thread?


So, everything is OK at OBD then? It's just a nasty local media-driven vendetta? All of the dysfunction that is playing out right in front of us isn't really dysfunction - it's just the media telling us it's dysfunction. OBD didn't do this, Sully did. wow.


We hired a big personality HC that draws attention no matter where he goes...and we fired him in 2 years with an obviously divided FO 1 game before the season ends, benching our starting QB and installing an interim. We play an abysmal game including a bizarre special teams disaster. The locals get the same old Bills feeling watching the coaching carousel fire up yet again. No sign that there is a tight process for managing the transition into another regime, just the opposite. Then we get mad when anyone in the media dares to wonder (skeptically) who is running this thing? So they appropriately go to the General freaking Manager and he lies and plays politics while looking ridiculous and treating the media like it's not their place to ask. That level of sh-t show, as it should, draws in the national media.


The FO did that all by themselves. It's not just picking on poor little Buffalo.


People here are faulting the local media (that has been covering failure after failure for the entire stretch of our drought) for calling what's walking and quacking like a duck in front of the entire country....a duck.

Please explain how the front office is obviously divided?


Thanks in advance


All the "dysfunction" noise means nothing to me. The Buffalo media has an unusual amount of reporters whose job is to give their opinion. Too many (in my opinion!). It's obvious that Pegs fired Rex because his defense stunk and they were a loosey goosey club with no discipline. Pegs and the rest of the front office don't feel the need to explain every nuance of the firing to the media. They also don't want to explain all the behind the scenes dealings with Tyrod's contract.


I'm ok with this. Just get the next coaching hire right and please keep Tyrod here until you have someone better.


One thing to keep in mind is you have two people (Terry and Whaley) who aren't very good at off the cuff answers and speaking to the media. That makes it seem like they don't know what they're doing or don't have a plan.


See what happens when you move the press box from the 50 yardline to the corner of the end zone and go from a nice spread to serving cheese on bread to the media.

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