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New Chenelly Tweets 1/3/17


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Just my "educated" opinion:


Buyer's remorse. The Pegulas are beginning to realize that they made a mistake putting all of their eggs in the Doug Whaley basket and this was amply illustrated by the press conference the other day.



If this was honestly true they would just fire him. We are 2 days in to the hiring season. If they now thought "hang on we got this wrong we should have cleaned house" they could just do so and not be behind the curve.


I know you hate this possibility Peter - but I think an objective analysis of what has happened leads one to conclude that the Pegulas fell out of love with Rex very quickly once they hired him and in contrast their respect and trust in Doug Whaley has grown steadily in the past 2 years. I think they were 100% spot on with regards to Rex whether they are right to trust Whaley time will tell. I personally do not believe that Whaley is on a hot seat right now.... but these owners have already shown themselves to be impatient and willing to make whatever changes necessary to help the team win.


There are a lot of people blaming Whaley for things at the moment that are on the Pegulas because they don't want to admit that so far they have demonstrated an amateurish approach to running this organisation. The buck for everything ultimately stops with them and until they are setting a clear direction and then getting out of the way it will continue to be dysfunctional whether it is Whaley or someone else sitting in the GM chair whilst coaches are hired and fired around him.


I hope they genuinely do give Whaley the power and step back this time and then let him get on with it and if it goes south fire him. At the moment they are too involved in the minutiae of running this team.

Edited by GunnerBill
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Pegula thought it was so bad, he had to make personal phone calls to straighten it out.

Yes, Whaley is terrible at press conferences...we all get that...if he is finally able to pick his own coach and build the team the way he wants....let's judge that instead of his lack of public speaking skills.....which are not a requirement of a GM

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There's a "17 years crowd" now?


As if those who see a generational failure to produce a playoff team are just "stuck on that one tiny little detail," and fail to see all the success and talent the Bills have had. This roster is not that talented. It's a 7-9 win roster, depending on bounces and injuries. The W/L record for 17 years speaks for itself.


Now (possibly) subtract Tyrod, Kyle, Gilmore, Woods, and Aaron Williams. In other words, 5 of your best players, on this 7-9 win roster.

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Yup, that's all that's going on here. :lol:

Well then explain what is going on for me. In ten days we went from wanting Rex gone to losing our minds over a press conference.


That is always how it is here. We get distracted by side shows. Everyone (except Peter) wanted Rex gone. Our owner obliged. But because how the firing was handled Rex is being painted as a victim and the team as dysfunctional.

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If this was honestly true they would just fire him. We are 2 days in to the hiring season. If they now thought "hang on we got this wrong we should have cleaned house" they could just do so and not be behind the curve.


I know you hate this possibility Peter - but I think an objective analysis of what has happened leads one to conclude that the Pegulas fell out of love with Rex very quickly once they hired him and in contrast their respect and trust in Doug Whaley has grown steadily in the past 2 years. I think they were 100% spot on with regards to Rex whether they are right to trust Whaley time will tell. I personally do not believe that Whaley is on a hot seat right now.... but these owners have already shown themselves to be impatient and willing to make whatever changes necessary to help the team win.


There are a lot of people blaming Whaley for things at the moment that are on the Pegulas because they don't want to admit that so far they have demonstrated an amateurish approach to running this organisation. The buck for everything ultimately stops with them and until they are setting a clear direction and then getting out of the way it will continue to be dysfunctional whether it is Whaley or someone else sitting in the GM chair whilst coaches are hired and fired around him.


I hope they genuinely do give Whaley the power and step back this time and then let him get on with it and if it goes south fire him. At the moment they are too involved in the minutiae of running this team.



Yes, Whaley is terrible at press conferences...we all get that...if he is finally able to pick his own coach and build the team the way he wants....let's judge that instead of his lack of public speaking skills.....which are not a requirement of a GM


Wow, I feel so much better now that I know that Doug Whaley is leading the franchise that I love.


Sorry, I cannot get excited about him.

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Wow, I feel so much better now that I know that Doug Whaley is leading the franchise that I love.


Sorry, I cannot get excited about him.


I'm not excited about Doug Whaley but the truth is he isn't leading the Bills. The Pegulas are. They are making all the big decisions until we see evidence to the contrary. Why are you so reluctant to cast any of the blame in their direction?


For what it is worth I don't think Doug could have had a single complaint if they had sent him down the road with Rex.

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You mean Polian couldn't possibly be making these comments to prop up a friend of his for the job? Is that why in the same interview he suggested Frank Reich would be a good coach?


Let me ask you this, if you knew a company was a crap place to work or "dysfunctional", would you suggest to a friend to go work there?

He must have had a falling out with Frank. Good point!

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FINALLY Doug Whaley can build the roster the way he wants!




So who was drafting, signing FA, etc. while he has officially been GM?


Where is all this talent we keep hearing about? This is not a talented or deep roster. We could easily subtract Tyrod, Woods, Gillmore, Aaron Williams, and Kyle Williams for a variety of reasons. that's 5 of the best players on a mediocre roster.


That's a lot to replace just to get back to where we are today.


Either way, he's here and he's going to be the GM, so we might as well hope it works out. I'm pessimistic.

Edited by TheFunPolice
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FINALLY Doug Whaley can build the roster the way he wants!




So who was drafting, signing FA, etc. while he has officially been GM?


Where is all this talent we keep hearing about? This is not a talented or deep roster. We could easily subtract Tyrod, Woods, Gillmore, Aaron Williams, and Kyle Williams for a variety of reasons. that's 5 of the best players on a mediocre roster.


That's a lot to replace just to get back to where we are today.


Either way, he's here and he's going to be the GM, so we might as well hope it works out. I'm pessimistic.

He had to pick players that Ryan wanted for the defense that Ryan coached....instead of building off the 2014 defense and picking players on offense to improve the team

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He had to pick players that Ryan wanted for the defense that Ryan coached....instead of building off the 2014 defense and picking players on offense to improve the team

Important add first that he didn't get to pick Ryan. If he picked the coach, picking the players the coach wants goes with that, and then Whaley is responsible for it all. Don't get to pick the coach, and then be responsible for picking players that coach wants for his system...it's all a mess.

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He had to pick players that Ryan wanted for the defense that Ryan coached....instead of building off the 2014 defense and picking players on offense to improve the team

Cuz I'm sure grabbing guys like I.K. Enkenpali was a Whaley move not a Rex one. /sarcasm


I'm just riffing off you btw. Totally agree with and get what your saying.

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I understand that some either like Whaley or just want to convince themselves that he can do the job.


But this whole "Whaley gets to start fresh" as if he has no record here is a joke.


He's been the GM for 4 years. Maybe you think this roster is talented. I don't. But we'll see.


It's just amazing that the man is literally off the hook for everything that has happened while he has been GM. The guy isn't responsible for anything you don't like for the past 4 years. He did the Hughes trade though. And the McCoy trade. But nothing else. Unless you like it.


I think Buddy Nix is still a consultant, so we could always blame him still.

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He's been the GM for 4 years. Maybe you think this roster is talented. I don't. But we'll see.

Personally, I do. I think there are holes, just like every team, but overall I think the roster is talented enough to make the playoffs.

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He had to pick players that Ryan wanted for the defense that Ryan coached....instead of building off the 2014 defense and picking players on offense to improve the team

The talent on the roster isn't that great aside from a couple players...IMO a soft blow up with moving on from some vets, getting a few picks and clearing up some cap space to be able to build the roster up might be just hat we need....



They have a very small window to succeed if at all considering the FAs we have and the overall age of the team.


The opportunity for success was 2015. They could've built off a strong year that year. They !@#$ed up by hiring Rex. It set the franchise back immensely. They'd be better off blowing up everything right now as opposed to the "we are built to win now" mentality. Whaley needs a very strong offseason for that to happen. Almost a miracle, IMO.


Yup. Well Said!

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The talent on the roster isn't that great aside from a couple players...IMO a soft blow up with moving on from some vets, getting a few picks and clearing up some cap space to be able to build the roster up might be just hat we need....

This I can get onboard with.

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