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Russ will NOT be involved in HC hiring process


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John Wawrow @john_wawrow 11m11 minutes ago

FYI: I'm told Russ Brandon will not be involved in the #Bills coach hiring process. Decision is strictly with the Pegulas.




Progress if true


So far Pegula said Football guy go get our HC

Russ stay out of it


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Progress, are you kidding me? Did you read "Decision is strictly with the Pegulas." As in the ones who know the least about football in the organization and picked Rex freaking Ryan?

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It's all over the news how it's Lynn's job to lose. There won't be a search, just going through the motions. Whaley has a guy he knows will do whatever he wants. Anyone that wants to bet against that let me know. It's a done deal


you better be wrong.

Why don't they heat the concourses?


whatever, heat the seats.

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Exactly. Not buying this at all. Pegulas and more importantly Russ realize people have soured on him and it creates bad press if they admitted he was involved. This is all just a show to appease fans that want Brandon far away from football matters. He is still involved. They are just trying to convince us he's not to gain points with us. And sadly some are falling for it. Why would anyone take anything this franchise says as the truth??


I have thought the same as well

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Progress, are you kidding me? Did you read "Decision is strictly with the Pegulas." As in the ones who know the least about football in the organization and picked Rex freaking Ryan?

Yes Progress


Their football guy makes his recommendation to Terry. They ultimately decide


That is progress from hiring a Russ Brandon (Rex) recommendation


John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 3m3 minutes ago


Whaley will make recommendation. Up to Pegulas to approve.

Understanding is hard sometimes for people

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Progress, are you kidding me? Did you read "Decision is strictly with the Pegulas." As in the ones who know the least about football in the organization and picked Rex freaking Ryan?


I would feel hetter about the Brandon comment coming straight out of Pegula's mouth. Than a AP reporters source. No knock on the reporter but Pegula has been extremely silent and inaccessible.

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