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NYE Plans..( i will take some advice BTW)


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So what's everyone doing tomorrow? Interested to see the differences between the ages :lol:


I am 53 with 3 older teenagers in tow. Staying at a friends place in Harlem near the Apollo. Dinner close to here at 9PM, then think we will head to Central Park and the Bethesda Terrace to watch the fireworks and toast the New Year with a nice bottle of bubbly for the 5 of us( and hope we don't get arrested for contributing to the delinquency)!


What's everyone else doing?


BTW, we were debating heading to the Brooklyn Bridge to watch the fireworks, or maybe even Park Slope and Prospect Park. Any experience or suggestions I am all ears. Only thing that is out for us is midtown.

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37 with a wife and 2 kids, 7 and 3. The bride and I usually go out for dinner and drinks, but both she and my daughter are sick with colds. We're going to cook some food, drink a grip of champagne, and probably play cards or something. Oh yeah, and I have a marijuana peanut butter cup that was given to me by an art teacher at one of the schools where I work. Things could get interesting. Happy new year everyone.

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47. Going to a masquerade party. First NYE going out in years. Finally out of the restaurant business. It'll be nice to just relax for the night. I don't have some a*****e owner complaining about an hour wait time. I'm not the one who took every reservation at 7 and didn't stagger it.


Those of you working in a fine dining place tomorrow night, my heart goes out to you.

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Dinner/dancing party at local Durham restaurant with group of 4-5 couples. 9:30 start. We're all in our mid-40s and above.


Sunday will be spent at a friend's place lounging around all day with plenty of friends, food, drinks, and football.

Edited by eball
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47. Going to a masquerade party. First NYE going out in years. Finally out of the restaurant business. It'll be nice to just relax for the night. I don't have some a*****e owner complaining about an hour wait time. I'm not the one who took every reservation at 7 and didn't stagger it.


Those of you working in a fine dining place tomorrow night, my heart goes out to you.


In my younger years, I was always in a band and played every NYE - so I feel your pain. It looks like fun, but it's still work!


Now I'm 46 (for a couple more weeks) with a wife and a 13-year-old son, so those days are over.


We have always stayed home. I get champagne for Mrs. Gugny and me; and sparkling cider for our son, and we have a quiet night and watch the ball drop together.


This year, we were going to do something with friends of ours (a couple about 15 years older than us; their kids are grown) at either their house or ours. They decided they wanted to go out and have a nice dinner/drinks. Not our style with our son in tow, so we bowed out.


So we'll likely stay home, but I'm contemplating the three of us going out for a nice dinner earlier in the evening. We shall see!


Happy New Year, everyone!

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Ms MIH and I will watch TV her with wine me with beer. If Kathy Griffin is on CNN with AC360 we will watch that madness until 12:01 and go to bed. Both being 56, her cats Lucy and Abby (new addition from Finger Lakes SPCA) will be up all night partying I'm sure while we try to sleep.


Happy New Year TBD'ers... 2017 is our year! (sigh)

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I'm 57, my local son is down at the Orange Bowl, the other in Nashville. I saw this thread and asked the wife "is there anything you'd like to do for NYE?" The response was NO!. Sh'es early to bed, and earlier to rise.


Growing up my mother called it "amateur night". Looking back on it, do you really want to be the professional?


A few years back we went to a big gala at the opera house with my out-of-town mother-in-law and her brother from overseas. I had ZERO to drink but got stopped at a checkpoint about 1/4 mile from home. He asked for my license and where I was going. Home, I said. What's your addresss? I gave it to him. OK, go on, he said. I told him that was easy, and he pointed to the parking lot in front of appliance store next to us. It was packed with cars! He said "those are all people who couldn't do what you just did." Even if I'm fine, I worry about all those other people.

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My penance: I am working 1800-0600 through Monday morning.


Yet, Christmas was spent in Steamboat from 12/21 to 12/29... And the snow was awesome! Powder days on 12/25 and early 12/26! 100% before New Year's is always a treat! A 48 year old schooling an 18 year old son, even better! :pirate:


"You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you might find
You get what you need"





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34. Normally I am where I live in Puerto Rico and we go to a house party and shoot guns in the air when midnight hits.


This year I am in south Florida. The girlfriend and I (and another couple) are going to see Billy Joel in concert. I like Billy Joel however am not crazy about him. We got cheap tickets off StubHub for $100 each which is around the same price you pay to go to any private restaurant or club party these days so I am kinda excited.

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37. Dinner reservations at 5 with everything later booked up


Some shrimp/scallops over rissoto with a Manhattan or two.


Then the plan is to watch the ball drop show with the lady and not fall asleep before 12

Manhattans are like boobs. One's not enough, and three's too many. Cheers, man.


Am I the only one who is happy to see 2016 go away? Tough year for me.

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