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The conspiracy believers

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Interesting article.


Sad survey. People love conspiracies and are dumb enough to believe them. Maybe the worst is how many people of both parties buy in to "Vaccines cause autism" and the US government planned 9/11. But of course all the other usual suspects are there too: Pizza gate, birther, etc.





Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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Candidate preference seems to mean more than age, education and political interest when it comes to which of these conspiracies someone is likely to believe.


Or which conspiracies you believe means more than age, education, and political interest when it comes to which candidate you prefer.


It's a correlative relationship, not a causal one.

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"The US government never cut deals with Nazis... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true, Operation Paperclip)


"The US government isn't listening to your calls or reading your email... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be very true, Snowden leaks)


"The US government doesn't engage in propaganda or subvert the free press domestically and abroad... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be ongoing and very true, Operation Mockingbird / Church committee)


"The US government has never studied mind control or its applications in espionage and assassinations... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true and ongoing, MK-Ultra documents released through FOIA)


"The US government would never purposefully infect poor people with diseases and not tell them about it just for research... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true, Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments)


"The US government doesn't engage in false flags designed to mislead the country into war... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true, Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Northwoods, and to some degree the WMD in Iraq)


"The US government doesn't actively subvert counter culture movements in clear violation of the constitution... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true and ongoing, COINTELPRO)


"The US government doesn't profit from the narcotics trade... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven false through numerous sources and leaks including Webb and Mena Arkansas)


"The US government doesn't arm, fund, or negotiate with terrorist organizations... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven false, Iran Contra, AQ/ISIS in Syria's civil war)



Yup. Those stupid "conspiracy theorists" are such fools to dare question the unimpeachable integrity of the powers that be/were. Ignore the man behind the curtain, he's just a conspiracy theory.

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"The US government never cut deals with Nazis... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true, Operation Paperclip)


"The US government isn't listening to your calls or reading your email... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be very true, Snowden leaks)


"The US government doesn't engage in propaganda or subvert the free press domestically and abroad... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be ongoing and very true, Operation Mockingbird / Church committee)


"The US government has never studied mind control or its applications in espionage and assassinations... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true and ongoing, MK-Ultra documents released through FOIA)


"The US government would never purposefully infect poor people with diseases and not tell them about it just for research... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true, Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments)


"The US government doesn't engage in false flags designed to mislead the country into war... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true, Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Northwoods, and to some degree the WMD in Iraq)


"The US government doesn't actively subvert counter culture movements in clear violation of the constitution... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true and ongoing, COINTELPRO)


"The US government doesn't profit from the narcotics trade... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven false through numerous sources and leaks including Webb and Mena Arkansas)


"The US government doesn't arm, fund, or negotiate with terrorist organizations... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven false, Iran Contra, AQ/ISIS in Syria's civil war)



Yup. Those stupid "conspiracy theorists" are such fools to dare question the unimpeachable integrity of the powers that be/were. Ignore the man behind the curtain, he's just a conspiracy theory.

Aaaaaaaannnnnnnddddd.............still no aliens.

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Conspiracy believers democrats please repeat after me: Wikileaks leaking John Podesta's embarrassing emails is not "election hacking."




Reminder: "email hacking" takes 3 fewer characters than "election hacking.",


but that's not what the average democrat wants to hear.



YouGov poll: 52% of Democrats believe Russia tampered with the vote totals to get Trump elected president





Edited by B-Man
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"The US government never cut deals with Nazis... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true, Operation Paperclip)


"The US government isn't listening to your calls or reading your email... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be very true, Snowden leaks)


"The US government doesn't engage in propaganda or subvert the free press domestically and abroad... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be ongoing and very true, Operation Mockingbird / Church committee)


"The US government has never studied mind control or its applications in espionage and assassinations... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true and ongoing, MK-Ultra documents released through FOIA)


"The US government would never purposefully infect poor people with diseases and not tell them about it just for research... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true, Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments)


"The US government doesn't engage in false flags designed to mislead the country into war... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true, Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Northwoods, and to some degree the WMD in Iraq)


"The US government doesn't actively subvert counter culture movements in clear violation of the constitution... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven to be true and ongoing, COINTELPRO)


"The US government doesn't profit from the narcotics trade... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven false through numerous sources and leaks including Webb and Mena Arkansas)


"The US government doesn't arm, fund, or negotiate with terrorist organizations... That's just a conspiracy theory."

(proven false, Iran Contra, AQ/ISIS in Syria's civil war)



Yup. Those stupid "conspiracy theorists" are such fools to dare question the unimpeachable integrity of the powers that be/were. Ignore the man behind the curtain, he's just a conspiracy theory.

The ratio of fake to real conspiracies on the web is what? 8,000,000 to one? You have your own batch of gems. You certainly frequent the crazy sites. How's autism linked to vaccines? That one you like? 9-11 inside job? Kennedy?


You're the king of conspiracies--you believe a million wacky tin foil hat things. I am concerned about the people who just buy the echo chamber conspiracies like pizza gate and how they might grow up to follow guys like you.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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  • 4 months later...

The ratio of fake to real conspiracies on the web is what? 8,000,000 to one? You have your own batch of gems. You certainly frequent the crazy sites. How's autism linked to vaccines? That one you like? 9-11 inside job? Kennedy?


You're the king of conspiracies--you believe a million wacky tin foil hat things. I am concerned about the people who just buy the echo chamber conspiracies like pizza gate and how they might grow up to follow guys like you.

sure, the signal to noise ratio is extremely high. however that is by design, don't you think? disinformation is real and has a role to play in a multitude of ways. whether it is it's primary purpose to obfuscate or one of it's lessor objectives to put out real truth, the purposes are multi-layered.


your concerned about people who buy into the echo chamber? i'm sorry but you must look at the other side of that coin. the folk who believe in conspiracies are far outweighed by those who are continually hoodwinked by those who, shall we say, really don't have your best interests at heart. this has been proven time after time throughout history. to ignore this fact is tantamount to an ostrich sticking their head in the sand. further, you denigrate by stigmatizing with, "wacky tin foil hat things". i'm pretty positive that, at the time, those conspiracy facts that DR posted were considered 'wacky' before they were discovered to be true.


are you denying any of the conspiracy facts DR posted as being true? I can certainly post a multitude more if you'd like. they go way back in American History. is there some other covert reason why you seem opposed to truth?


conspiracy theories are only that... till they're not.





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The girl was not under the age of 15, as the initial reports said, but nearly 17 when she first reached out to Weiner, the report said. She and her family were also not Clinton supporters, as the girl claimed in a letter published by BuzzFeed, according to social media posts unearthed by the website.

“Seeing that Weiner is both a repeat offender — his sexting addiction cost him his job in Congress as well as a shot at becoming mayor of New York — and associated with one of the most important people in Clinton’s inner circle, it is conceivable that this was a set-up from the beginning, with the objective of embarrassing the Clinton campaign,” the report reads.


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The girl was not under the age of 15, as the initial reports said, but nearly 17 when she first reached out to Weiner, the report said. She and her family were also not Clinton supporters, as the girl claimed in a letter published by BuzzFeed, according to social media posts unearthed by the website.

“Seeing that Weiner is both a repeat offender — his sexting addiction cost him his job in Congress as well as a shot at becoming mayor of New York — and associated with one of the most important people in Clinton’s inner circle, it is conceivable that this was a set-up from the beginning, with the objective of embarrassing the Clinton campaign,” the report reads.




Is she Russian?

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speaking of conspiracy theories...


would the Main Stream Morons perpetuating the Russian Hacking/Collusion with the Trump campaign be considered such? i mean... they have absolutely no evidence, at all. yet they continue to push the stories hard.


wacky tin foil hat crap for sure....

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