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Discipline: Watkins & Shady Say Bills Need a Culture Change


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People really want a 71 year old that's had one 10-win season since 2009 to come in and be the HC, huh?


Looking forward to the tantrums when that doesn't happen.

they're the same idiots who wanted Rex Ryan. However. Coughlin could come in with a different role and be adequate.
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Sammy Watkins and Marcel Dareus have had interesting quotes this year.

Both said their systems in college were much more complex. Both saying that their college programs, more or less, were better than Buffalo.


I'm glad you said that, although I don't think that Sammy said his college program was more complex. He said Dabo was a disciplinarian and we need that. Lynn may actually be that.


The real interesting thing though, is that Dareus flat out said that Alabama's defense was way, way more complicated than Rex's.

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Sammy did mucho talking today. Even acted as Robert Woods' agent at one point.


I listened to him talk but i think that's all it is. Just talk.


Dude said we need a coach that's gonna scream at us, yell at us, curse at us. Yeah ok. Having a guy curse at grown men who make more money than they do is not the right recipe.


Football is a physical sport and these players are not your average, eating fast food, not working out, sitting down most of the day guys. These are athletes who take good care of their bodies (most of them at least). To have a guy who's not in shape, works more hours yes but not breaking a sweat while doing it, come in and start cursing at grown men? Nah its not gonna work.


You can have a coach who can bring discipline to a team by hitting them where it hurts. Their pockets and their fame. If a player isn't performing well or if a player clearly did something like get a personal foul that impacted the game, or a holding call that keeps your defense on the field for another set of downs, sit him. That's it. You dont perform you dont play. If that player doesn't want to sit on the bench for most of the year, i bet he'll start playing like he should.


To be honest that's just ONE way to have discipline without cursing at someone. You can go about it in MANY ways.

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People really want a 71 year old that's had one 10-win season since 2009 to come in and be the HC, huh?


Looking forward to the tantrums when that doesn't happen.


I would like to have Coughlin as our HC, my opinion is not the thruth, I'm not an insufferable idiot.

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overall, the fans didn't like him, the media didn't like him, the new owners didn't like him.


Guess that's what a disciplined hard ass will get you.

The owners actually wanted to keep him. They just didn't want to give him an extension when he still had 2 years left on his contract and hadn't earned one. Does that mean they "didn't like him"?
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The owners actually wanted to keep him. They just didn't want to give him an extension when he still had 2 years left on his contract and hadn't earned one. Does that mean they "didn't like him"?


Marrone isn't easy to like. But they weren't going to fire a coach coming off of the franchise's first winning season* in a decade.


You're right that he didn't show enough to earn an extension. Marrone confused effort with results, saw an out in his contract, overestimated his attractiveness as a HC candidate and thought he could at least land the Jets job. As a result, he took a chance and left. And it backfired...at least temporarily.

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Sammy Watkins says the Bills' culture needs to change. He says "discipline" needs to be addressed on and off the... http://es.pn/2im5E0E



Sammy Watkins said he would like to see a strict, disciplinarian of a coach for the Bills to change the culture.



What impressed me, watching the interview, is how hard the reporters pressed and led Sammy to get him to say those things. It's not like he just started spontaneously opining. Having watched the interview I feel better about his quotes.

Also LOL at Sammy's comments on EJ. The first was something like, you know he's gonna keep throwing, he might throw an INT, it doesn't matter, he's gonna keep throwing, that's what you want to see those 50/50 balls.

The second (later on in the interview) was something like "I played with E my first year, you gotta keep alert on every play, otherwise he might hit you in the back of the head and you not looking"

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What impressed me, watching the interview, is how hard the reporters pressed and led Sammy to get him to say those things. It's not like he just started spontaneously opining. Having watched the interview I feel better about his quotes.

Also LOL at Sammy's comments on EJ. The first was something like, you know he's gonna keep throwing, he might throw an INT, it doesn't matter, he's gonna keep throwing, that's what you want to see those 50/50 balls.

The second (later on in the interview) was something like "I played with E my first year, you gotta keep alert on every play, otherwise he might hit you in the back of the head and you not looking"

:lol: Maybe just a coincidence, but all the WRs just upped their life insurance this week 🤔
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I'm glad you said that, although I don't think that Sammy said his college program was more complex. He said Dabo was a disciplinarian and we need that. Lynn may actually be that.

The real interesting thing though, is that Dareus flat out said that Alabama's defense was way, way more complicated than Rex's.

last year he said this, that his system was Prepared him for the pros by being as complex as the pros. It was a labyrinth of wording to say that Clemson had more nuances. I think it was more specifically to do with more checks in route running. Etc
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Until both these guys play every game at 100%, they got no business throwing Rex under the bus

Why? Rex didn't know his arse from a hole in the ground, that's why he is unemployed. At the college level those players were in a great program.

Dareus I can agree with.He is lazy and was a waste except for a few games this year. But, Sammy was dead on the other day. Nice for him he put his big boy pants on and can potentially become

a leader on a team tha desperately can use more of. And he seemed to call out unamed players more than wrecks.

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Sal Capaccio 🏈 (@SalSports)

12/30/16, 12:06 PM

LeSean McCoy says discipline "has been an issue" with Bills/coaching this year but "players have to be accountable"



Will the Rex apolgists attack Shady (paging Bart Scott paging Bart Scott)

Edited by MAJBobby
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