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A few thoughts about this week


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It's been an interesting week to say the least. I've been doing my best to sit back and just take it all in, read what I can, and then put together my thoughts. I've definitely had a change of opinion about a few things and I'm interested to see how things unfold over the next few months. With that, even though it isn't about a game, here we go.


1. Dareus - It was really interesting to me how quickly he came out and made statements about Rex leaving. Moreso, he didn't give the same cookie cutter answers that many others gave. Dareus was quick to call out how complicated the defense is, how much it relied upon signal callers and what the loss of Aaron Williams did, and just how they lacked an overall identity. This is now two years in a row that Rex's defense has been called out by a major player. Dareus was criticized by many for his inability to get back on the field this season. Between that and these comments, I really do wonder what his commitment level was like this season for us.


2. Buffalo Media - A few weeks back, I remember liking how they went after Rex for some of his game calls and decisions. It wasn't the normal, generic questions where the coach gives a basic answer and they move on. No. They followed up and they pushed the issue. This week has shown me that the Buffalo media is a bunch of entitled, spoiled children. For an organization that gives them a job, indirectly by giving them a topic of conversation, you would think they wouldn't be so quick to absolutely trash the entire organization. Just read and Buffalo media outlet and they are going after the Pegula's, Whaley, Brandon, everyone. We've been called a joke of an organization to everything else you can imagine. Someone posted a link about a reporter who went to Rex's house the day after he got fired.


To be clear, this is a football team that plays a football game. They are people who give their opinions on a football game. I get into it as much as the next person. Hell, I'm writing this now. But the Buffalo media crossed a lot of lines for me this week and did so very quickly.


3. The National Media - I'm really curious to see the relevance the Bills have after this next coaching hire. Love Rex or not, he definitely kept us in the national spotlight more than we deserved. If we don't hire Coughlin, I feel like we will go back to the blue collar city with a football team that doesn't get mentioned unless we are playing a team in the spotlight.


Also, there have been some tweets by Clayton, Schefter, and Rodak that are coming off as spiteful because they don't have the access and answers to what's going on like they want.


4. The Bills make me want to shout!

Kick your heels up and shout!

Throw your hands up and shout!

Throw your head back and shout!


5. TT - I'm really happy that we are in total control of TT's future because I'd be very afraid to know what he would do if he had all the power. His not wanting to speak to the media yesterday said a lot to me around where his head is at. For me, I'm okay with him being benched this last game. Regardless of my opinion on him as our QB, the decision needs to fall on the next Head Coach. We are all in with that person and have to respect his decision. So, with what happened to Carr and Mariota last week, I'm okay playing it safe and not risking guaranteeing his contract for next year.

As for my opinion on TT, I hope he is kept. He is only the 20th highest paid QB in the league and that will probably only drop with the FA contracts. Glennon is projected to get around 15 mil and has done nothing. I don't see a better option at QB in the Free Agent market or draft class. So I hope the Head Coach keeps him as you have to give him the credit for one of our best offensive performances in 20 years.


6. Jets Game - I believe that, as a team and culture, you have to try and win every game. However, I am not going to risk the injury of any players going into next season. I would rest Sammy, Shady, and anyone else with an injury they are playing through. It's just not worth the risk. I don't want to see Cardale play as it serves no purpose. They say he isn't ready, he's said he isn't ready. Playing him only appeases the fans. Let EJ have his game and move onto the offseason, hopefully with a 9 overall pick.


7. Front Office Leaks - There was at least a 50/50 chance of the rumors of Rex's demise being true. If there was a leak or not, who knows. However, there has been quite a bit of smoke in leaks these past few years and I really believe that the Pegula's need to smoke that out and put an end to it. This is one of the bigger signs of organizational dysfunction and needs to be stopped. People don't want to work in an environment where leaks come out, the team doesn't dismiss them, and they end up true sometimes. It's a bad look.


8. Whaley - I'm not going to pretend to know what Whaley's influence was on the last two head coach hires were or when his influence on the draft started. I will only say this. I really do hope that the Pegula's are truly going to let him run this coaching search, make the hire, and run the draft. He's been in role long enough where he needs to make his bed. I do believe that his job should hang in the balance with how this next regime plays out. If they fizzle and it's 18, 19 years and counting. It's time to fully clean house. Brandon too.


9. Pegulas - I want to say thank you to the Pegulas again. They are getting crushed as owners of both the Sabres and Bills. For me, I don't want a meddling owner. I can't stand Jerry Jones and Irsay. I want my owner to be the PR face in the offseason, write the checks, hire and support the GM, and get out of the way. These people saved our team 2 years ago and that gratitude isn't going anywhere. I hope they are addressing how the organization looks and we see some great press conferences on Monday. But other than that, I'm good.


10. Brandon - I don't know what he does honestly. I believed him to run the P&L of the Bills and all of the non-football operational parts of the team. If it's more than that, I would like to know why and what qualifications he has. I have no reason to believe he does more than that. With that, I think he does an amazing job. We had record ticket sales in years 16 and 17 of this drought. If I'm the Pegula's and this is a business, isn't he doing exactly what he should be? Again, if he's meddling and giving unqualified advice and messing with the football side, then that needs to be shut down.



I know this season was disappointing but we all have to remember one thing, the members on here, Rex, the Pegula's, and everyone else just wants this team to win. This season hurt because we absolutely should have been in the playoffs. You take some broken plays out of the equation and we beat the Ravens, Dolphins the second time and we are in. We are in with the talent on the team right now. I don't know what I want for hires. I like the idea of Coughlin as HC, Lynn as OC, and Bradley as DC, but I doubt that's going to happen. Either way, just remember why we are all here. I hope Monday's press conferences eases the attack on the FO, and we don't rebuild this offseason, we just plain build.



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The voice of reason or a reasonable voice, all valid points and well stated. Thank you for your work this season. I have hung with this team forever ( mid to late sixties ) and find little to make me change now. That said it would be very nice to get back to some of the excitement we

all enjoyed so much in the late 1980s and early 1990s .

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With regards to #2, Media

Did Sully really call the Pegulas bozo's in the article or was that just someone here's comments? If so, if I were the Pegulas, I'd consider taking a page out of the Richard Sherman playbook and revoke their credentials for the entire BN. In today's internet world, the BN needs the Bills more than the Bills need the news


With regards to #10 Brandon

As to qualifications, his background is in marketing, specifically sports marketing I thought?? having said that in the 10 plus years he's been in Buffalo, he certainly knows more about running a football team than anyone around here does on this board and media, and more importantly, likely knows much more than the Pegulas do at this point, so if they want to have him be their representative for daily interactions, then so be it. You call it "meddling and giving unqualified advice" well if the Pegulas, have given him that authority, then he is speaking for them, as they feel he is qualified or more qualified than themselves. If instead he gave his "meddling and giving unqualified advice" directly to the Pegulas and then they came out and did as he suggested tothem, everyone would be more OK as it's coming from the owner, well if he's representing the owner, then it is coming from them.

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I agree that we were a few plays away from making the playoffs.


If we can stay reasonably healthy, replace Aaron Williams, add a new WR2 that can play, and upgrade LBs we will make the playoffs next year. Tyrod is average at best but he's our best shot to break the streak.


Go Bills! I still think we make the playoffs with this line-up...and that is the main credit I give to Doug Whaley.

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It's hard for the local media to acknowledge it but somehow this pathetic, embarrassing organization leads the entire NFL in rushing this season,,,and that includes the glamour darlings- Dallas Cowboys. I gotta think Whaley (front office), Lynn and maybe a small part of Rex should get credit for that.

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With regards to #2, Media

Did Sully really call the Pegulas bozo's in the article or was that just someone here's comments? If so, if I were the Pegulas, I'd consider taking a page out of the Richard Sherman playbook and revoke their credentials for the entire BN. In today's internet world, the BN needs the Bills more than the Bills need the news


Let me know how that works our with the PFWA. Not a snowballs chance in hell of that EVER happening. LOL

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With regards to #2, Media

Did Sully really call the Pegulas bozo's in the article or was that just someone here's comments? If so, if I were the Pegulas, I'd consider taking a page out of the Richard Sherman playbook and revoke their credentials for the entire BN. In today's internet world, the BN needs the Bills more than the Bills need the news


With regards to #10 Brandon

As to qualifications, his background is in marketing, specifically sports marketing I thought?? having said that in the 10 plus years he's been in Buffalo, he certainly knows more about running a football team than anyone around here does on this board and media, and more importantly, likely knows much more than the Pegulas do at this point, so if they want to have him be their representative for daily interactions, then so be it. You call it "meddling and giving unqualified advice" well if the Pegulas, have given him that authority, then he is speaking for them, as they feel he is qualified or more qualified than themselves. If instead he gave his "meddling and giving unqualified advice" directly to the Pegulas and then they came out and did as he suggested tothem, everyone would be more OK as it's coming from the owner, well if he's representing the owner, then it is coming from them.

I agree with you about Russ and don't know if I worded it wrong. I'm saying he unqualified in the football world, but does a great job in the business world.


Sorry for the confusion.

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I do agree not likely, but someone needs to say enough about many things getting out of hand. Even if the PFWA boycotted the Bills, with as many outlets these days trying to make a name for themselves, there'd still be plenty of news about them. And I do think the media needs the league more than the other way around in these days of the internet.


Well it just takes one to start a trend. You watch now that Trump is president things like this will change! :)



Let me know how that works our with the PFWA. Not a snowballs chance in hell of that EVER happening. LOL

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Great post. Can you give your thoughts about A-Lynn given the HC keys? To me, this situation is eerily similar to Schwartz's position 2 years ago. Do we ride A-Lynn out of town for a different OC? I think he did a good job considering the active roster he had.

Edited by Saint Doug
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Thanks for the post, Virgil. As usual very good points. Thanks for keeping this going for the year on behalf of Bill NYC. Happy New Year to all Bills Fans. Come January, we will start fresh and put our hopes again to the off season.

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Great post. Can you give your thoughts about A-Lynn given the HC keys? To me, this situation is eerily similar to Schwartz's position 2 years ago. Do we ride A-Lynn out of town for a different OC? I think he did a good job considering the active roster he had.

I think we have too much talent to hand the keys to Lynn. I like him, but we can win now.


I would love to see a HC that's defensive minded that's willing to keep him. Coughlin would be great for that

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It's been an interesting week to say the least. I've been doing my best to sit back and just take it all in, read what I can, and then put together my thoughts. I've definitely had a change of opinion about a few things and I'm interested to see how things unfold over the next few months. With that, even though it isn't about a game, here we go.


1. Dareus - It was really interesting to me how quickly he came out and made statements about Rex leaving. Moreso, he didn't give the same cookie cutter answers that many others gave. Dareus was quick to call out how complicated the defense is, how much it relied upon signal callers and what the loss of Aaron Williams did, and just how they lacked an overall identity. This is now two years in a row that Rex's defense has been called out by a major player. Dareus was criticized by many for his inability to get back on the field this season. Between that and these comments, I really do wonder what his commitment level was like this season for us.

3. The National Media - I'm really curious to see the relevance the Bills have after this next coaching hire. Love Rex or not, he definitely kept us in the national spotlight more than we deserved. If we don't hire Coughlin, I feel like we will go back to the blue collar city with a football team that doesn't get mentioned unless we are playing a team in the spotlight.

5. TT - I'm really happy that we are in total control of TT's future because I'd be very afraid to know what he would do if he had all the power. His not wanting to speak to the media yesterday said a lot to me around where his head is at. For me, I'm okay with him being benched this last game. Regardless of my opinion on him as our QB, the decision needs to fall on the next Head Coach. We are all in with that person and have to respect his decision. So, with what happened to Carr and Mariota last week, I'm okay playing it safe and not risking guaranteeing his contract for next year.

As for my opinion on TT, I hope he is kept. He is only the 20th highest paid QB in the league and that will probably only drop with the FA contracts. Glennon is projected to get around 15 mil and has done nothing. I don't see a better option at QB in the Free Agent market or draft class. So I hope the Head Coach keeps him as you have to give him the credit for one of our best offensive performances in 20 years.

7. Front Office Leaks - There was at least a 50/50 chance of the rumors of Rex's demise being true. If there was a leak or not, who knows. However, there has been quite a bit of smoke in leaks these past few years and I really believe that the Pegula's need to smoke that out and put an end to it. This is one of the bigger signs of organizational dysfunction and needs to be stopped. People don't want to work in an environment where leaks come out, the team doesn't dismiss them, and they end up true sometimes. It's a bad look.


8. Whaley - I'm not going to pretend to know what Whaley's influence was on the last two head coach hires were or when his influence on the draft started. I will only say this. I really do hope that the Pegula's are truly going to let him run this coaching search, make the hire, and run the draft. He's been in role long enough where he needs to make his bed. I do believe that his job should hang in the balance with how this next regime plays out. If they fizzle and it's 18, 19 years and counting. It's time to fully clean house. Brandon too.


Good post!


IMO, Dareus 'checked out' of Rex's D just as much as Mario did, he just shut up more about it until Rex was gone. I seem to recall under Wannstache, Dareus seemed to be phoning it in then next year under Pettine and even more under Schwartz Boy Howdy.


The national media - without the Ryan Bros circus, the Bills will have to get media attention the old fashioned way - they'll earn it, with wins.


TT - I can't say we have total control, but we should have more control than if we let him play and he gets hurt worse. I would like to see him kept, but also see our options.

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With regards to #2, Media

Did Sully really call the Pegulas bozo's in the article or was that just someone here's comments? If so, if I were the Pegulas, I'd consider taking a page out of the Richard Sherman playbook and revoke their credentials for the entire BN. In today's internet world, the BN needs the Bills more than the Bills need the news


Agree completely on this. Perhaps this would get the attention of the owners off syndicate which owns Buffalo News.

They could attend game on their own/company dollar but would not be entitled to any support (press box), parking for truck, etc.

They could only attend functions open to the public.

Make sure this is brought up in owners meetings with sample articles.

Make sure this is brought up with players and their agents.


Yes there would be protests "freedom of press" but when some bad mouths the way they are they deserve no accommodations.

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It's been an interesting week to say the least. I've been doing my best to sit back and just take it all in, read what I can, and then put together my thoughts. I've definitely had a change of opinion about a few things and I'm interested to see how things unfold over the next few months. With that, even though it isn't about a game, here we go.


1. Dareus - It was really interesting to me how quickly he came out and made statements about Rex leaving. Moreso, he didn't give the same cookie cutter answers that many others gave. Dareus was quick to call out how complicated the defense is, how much it relied upon signal callers and what the loss of Aaron Williams did, and just how they lacked an overall identity. This is now two years in a row that Rex's defense has been called out by a major player. Dareus was criticized by many for his inability to get back on the field this season. Between that and these comments, I really do wonder what his commitment level was like this season for us.


2. Buffalo Media - A few weeks back, I remember liking how they went after Rex for some of his game calls and decisions. It wasn't the normal, generic questions where the coach gives a basic answer and they move on. No. They followed up and they pushed the issue. This week has shown me that the Buffalo media is a bunch of entitled, spoiled children. For an organization that gives them a job, indirectly by giving them a topic of conversation, you would think they wouldn't be so quick to absolutely trash the entire organization. Just read and Buffalo media outlet and they are going after the Pegula's, Whaley, Brandon, everyone. We've been called a joke of an organization to everything else you can imagine. Someone posted a link about a reporter who went to Rex's house the day after he got fired.


To be clear, this is a football team that plays a football game. They are people who give their opinions on a football game. I get into it as much as the next person. Hell, I'm writing this now. But the Buffalo media crossed a lot of lines for me this week and did so very quickly. They are not wrong


3. The National Media - I'm really curious to see the relevance the Bills have after this next coaching hire. Love Rex or not, he definitely kept us in the national spotlight more than we deserved. If we don't hire Coughlin, I feel like we will go back to the blue collar city with a football team that doesn't get mentioned unless we are playing a team in the spotlight.


Also, there have been some tweets by Clayton, Schefter, and Rodak that are coming off as spiteful because they don't have the access and answers to what's going on like they want.


4. The Bills make me want to shout!

Kick your heels up and shout!

Throw your hands up and shout!

Throw your head back and shout!


5. TT - I'm really happy that we are in total control of TT's future because I'd be very afraid to know what he would do if he had all the power. His not wanting to speak to the media yesterday said a lot to me around where his head is at. For me, I'm okay with him being benched this last game. Regardless of my opinion on him as our QB, the decision needs to fall on the next Head Coach. We are all in with that person and have to respect his decision. So, with what happened to Carr and Mariota last week, I'm okay playing it safe and not risking guaranteeing his contract for next year.

As for my opinion on TT, I hope he is kept. He is only the 20th highest paid QB in the league and that will probably only drop with the FA contracts. Glennon is projected to get around 15 mil and has done nothing. I don't see a better option at QB in the Free Agent market or draft class. So I hope the Head Coach keeps him as you have to give him the credit for one of our best offensive performances in 20 years. ROMO


6. Jets Game - I believe that, as a team and culture, you have to try and win every game. However, I am not going to risk the injury of any players going into next season. I would rest Sammy, Shady, and anyone else with an injury they are playing through. It's just not worth the risk. I don't want to see Cardale play as it serves no purpose. They say he isn't ready, he's said he isn't ready. Playing him only appeases the fans. Let EJ have his game and move onto the offseason, hopefully with a 9 overall pick.


7. Front Office Leaks - There was at least a 50/50 chance of the rumors of Rex's demise being true. If there was a leak or not, who knows. However, there has been quite a bit of smoke in leaks these past few years and I really believe that the Pegula's need to smoke that out and put an end to it. This is one of the bigger signs of organizational dysfunction and needs to be stopped. People don't want to work in an environment where leaks come out, the team doesn't dismiss them, and they end up true sometimes. It's a bad look.


8. Whaley - I'm not going to pretend to know what Whaley's influence was on the last two head coach hires were or when his influence on the draft started. I will only say this. I really do hope that the Pegula's are truly going to let him run this coaching search, make the hire, and run the draft. He's been in role long enough where he needs to make his bed. I do believe that his job should hang in the balance with how this next regime plays out. If they fizzle and it's 18, 19 years and counting. It's time to fully clean house. Brandon too.


9. Pegulas - I want to say thank you to the Pegulas again. They are getting crushed as owners of both the Sabres and Bills. For me, I don't want a meddling owner. I can't stand Jerry Jones and Irsay. I want my owner to be the PR face in the offseason, write the checks, hire and support the GM, and get out of the way. These people saved our team 2 years ago and that gratitude isn't going anywhere. I hope they are addressing how the organization looks and we see some great press conferences on Monday. But other than that, I'm good.


10. Brandon - I don't know what he does honestly. I believed him to run the P&L of the Bills and all of the non-football operational parts of the team. If it's more than that, I would like to know why and what qualifications he has. I have no reason to believe he does more than that. With that, I think he does an amazing job. We had record ticket sales in years 16 and 17 of this drought. If I'm the Pegula's and this is a business, isn't he doing exactly what he should be? Again, if he's meddling and giving unqualified advice and messing with the football side, then that needs to be shut down.




I know this season was disappointing but we all have to remember one thing, the members on here, Rex, the Pegula's, and everyone else just wants this team to win. This season hurt because we absolutely should have been in the playoffs. You take some broken plays out of the equation and we beat the Ravens, Dolphins the second time and we are in. We are in with the talent on the team right now. I don't know what I want for hires. I like the idea of Coughlin as HC, Lynn as OC, and Bradley as DC, but I doubt that's going to happen. Either way, just remember why we are all here. I hope Monday's press conferences eases the attack on the FO, and we don't rebuild this offseason, we just plain build.



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