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Mike Arena (@MikeA_TWCNews)

12/27/16, 4:24 PM

Rang Rex Ryan's doorbell at his Orchard Park home. He answered said "no offense dudes, but Im not talking to you" and closed the door #Bills


thats really classless. no matter how you feel about rex he tried and its a game. he is a defeated man and tried and was fired from what is his dream job.

having no empathy and going to the dudes house is on next level tardville.


Mike Arena (@MikeA_TWCNews)

12/27/16, 4:24 PM

Rang Rex Ryan's doorbell at his Orchard Park home. He answered said "no offense dudes, but Im not talking to you" and closed the door #Bills


that is bush league but it wasn't the media that leaked info from One Bills Drive that Rex was getting axed. There is a cancer over there that needs to be excised or this will continue on.


Mike Arena (@MikeA_TWCNews)

12/27/16, 4:24 PM

Rang Rex Ryan's doorbell at his Orchard Park home. He answered said "no offense dudes, but Im not talking to you" and closed the door #Bills


Shouldn't he have answered the door and just said "no defense dudes" and then closed the door? Ba dump dum!



that is bush league but it wasn't the media that leaked info from One Bills Drive that Rex was getting axed. There is a cancer over there that needs to be excised or this will continue on.

Didn't you hear? We are getting a new HC.

That should solve the cancer problem, right?




Mike Arena (@MikeA_TWCNews)

12/27/16, 4:24 PM

Rang Rex Ryan's doorbell at his Orchard Park home. He answered said "no offense dudes, but Im not talking to you" and closed the door #Bills

Another in a long line of local hacks. Sadly, in today's media, being a complete disrespectful degenerate is what apparently gets you promoted. So this young tool I've never even heard of (so I just looked up...he covers Niagara County for TWC, no wonder) tried to get a scoop by taking the lowest road to a story, showing up a coach's house. Man, I wish our local reporters covered politics with the same approach these sports reporters do with a game. Man, we'c lean this mess up in NYS right quick if anyone in the media actually did investigative reporting and held these career politicians to a level of accountability, even remotely.


Wow, these guys are brutal. No matter what you think of Rex as a coach, he's a person with a family and did the best job he could. It wasn't good enough and he deserved to be fired, but you do not go to a mans house that's just classless


TG is close to blacklisted from reading his stuff, and followed on Twitter. Insanely talented writer, but his penchant for negativity is becoming too much.


I don't even follow him on twitter for this reason. Brutal.

Yeah he really should stick to what he actually has a talent doing and enjoy reading and those are the off the field pieces like on Talley, Sammy etc.


he gets off on it, he's probably sitting alone in a dark room with one hand on his phone and one on his junk

And a bottle of hooch on the dresser


And didnt take long


Tim Graham (@ByTimGraham)

12/28/16, 10:11 PM

You're a pill. Rather than me choke on that, how's bout you choke on this mute?


That response to a tweet of Wow Classy.


that is bush league but it wasn't the media that leaked info from One Bills Drive that Rex was getting axed. There is a cancer over there that needs to be excised or this will continue on.


Someone leaked that Rex got fired yesterday?

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