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Bills Announce Whaley to Lead the Head Coaching Search


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I couldn't find the whole Reddit, but there seems to be little substance in this shot. A lot of words and really doesn't say anything that could be substantiated, nor does he give any proof that he's an outsider. Geez, anyone on here could've done that.

Edited by Saint Doug
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Doug Whaley should have been fired already. Firing Rex to let this moron make the hire is pointless. Another fan base not known for being stupid drunks wouldn't put up with this.


Drink less and Buffalo will be known for one less drunk.

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I couldn't find the whole Reddit, but there seems to be little substance in this shot. A lot of words and really doesn't say anything that could be substantiated, nor does he give any proof that he's an outsider. Geez, anyone on here could've done that.


True . . . except that it is consistent with everything that has happened.

Yeah.....lets give the guy who used the following draft choices-- 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4 to land Watkins and Ragland, let's let him pick the next coach.


Maybe Doug will trade a first for a new coach just for fun.

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Again, from what I recall reading at the time: they shared kisses on the Pegula Yacht over expensive wine and it was made known how Whaley and Rex were kindred spirits and they all sang kumbaya.


I am exaggerating of course but at no time did I ever hear that Doug Whaley was not for hiring Rex until . . . oh wait . . . the same time as the rumors about Rex being on the hot seat started circulating.



Maybe because he realized the Owner group and Managing Partner Already decided and played good Soldier.


Wow a concept

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I never started to dislike Doug Whaley or suggest he should be fired (notwithstanding overpaying for Sammy etc.) . . . until I suspected that he was throwing the head coach under the bus with leaks and with ownership.


What I have read today confirms my suspicion.


This is not a good look for the organization in general, for DW in particular or to any prospective HC who is desirable and in demand.


I also do not like guys who go behind people's backs like someone (read Dough Whaley or someone close to him) to guys like Jason La Canfora. Again, not a good look and it says something about the person's character.

Maybe he doesnt leak information (if he does) OBD politic leaks existed long before Whaley. If in his GM time he was actually allowed to hire his coach.

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Maybe because he realized the Owner group and Managing Partner Already decided and played good Soldier.


Wow a concept


Yeah, he really has shown how much character he has these past few weeks with the leaks and all . . . .

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this full buffalo range post is disturbing if true, but it's also sadly believable given the turmoil in the organization. http://www.bu f f a l o range.com/hard-core-buffalo-bills-talk/223103-bills-employe-reddit-blowing.html


Get rid of the spacing to read the thread and check out the response early on.

Omg so lets take it as gospel and not someone with. Grudge against Whaley.


Isnt the role of the GM to build how he thinks the best program should be built because thats what i read.


GM thinks you win one way, a coach forced on him thinks it is a different way.


Pegulas structure was rex reports to Terry. Whaley reports to Terry SO GM likely voiced his displeasure to his boss



People want to fire Whaley Fine i get it.


How about you finally let him pick his coach first and fail before we do that is all i am saying.


So you have proof Whaley is the leak?

Of course not. For all we know it is Anthony Lynn wanting to be HC lol

Edited by MAJBobby
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So you have proof Whaley is the leak?


I do not have photos and a recording of his call with Jason LaCanfora etc., but where there is smoke there is fire. I have no doubt that Doug Whaley threw Rex under the bus with the owners or with the media or both.


They used to say follow the money.


To paraphrase, follow who kept his job and is leading the search for the new head coach.


What Whaley seems to have forgotten is that the media is not finished with this story and there will be more to come out. He better get used to more articles like the one that the TBN guys have written about him lately.


Enjoy Doug. No one feels sorry for someone who throws someone else under the bus . . . especially when you are the last football person on the bus.

Edited by Peter
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I do not have photos and a recording of his call with Jason LaCanfora etc., but where there is smoke there is fire. I have no doubt that Doug Whaley threw Rex under the bus with the owners or with the media or both.


They used to say follow the money.


To paraphrase, follow who kept his job and is leading the search for the new GM.


What Whaley seems to have forgotten is that the media is not finished with this story and there will be more to come out. He better get used to more articles like the one that the TBN guys have written about him lately.


Enjoy Doug. No one feels sorry for someone who throws someone else under the bus . . . especially when you are the last football person on the bus.

News flash LaCanfora has always been Brandons media shill

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I do not have photos and a recording of his call with Jason LaCanfora etc., but where there is smoke there is fire. I have no doubt that Doug Whaley threw Rex under the bus with the owners or with the media or both.


They used to say follow the money.


To paraphrase, follow who kept his job and is leading the search for the new head coach.


What Whaley seems to have forgotten is that the media is not finished with this story and there will be more to come out. He better get used to more articles like the one that the TBN guys have written about him lately.


Enjoy Doug. No one feels sorry for someone who throws someone else under the bus . . . especially when you are the last football person on the bus.


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Again, from what I recall reading at the time: they shared kisses on the Pegula Yacht over expensive wine and it was made known how Whaley and Rex were kindred spirits and they all sang kumbaya.


I am exaggerating of course but at no time did I ever hear that Doug Whaley was not for hiring Rex until . . . oh wait . . . the same time as the rumors about Rex being on the hot seat started circulating.



Not exactly true. I said on here in the spring of 2015 that what I had heard was that Whaley was asked to rank the candidates after the first interviews and Rex was not his #1 choice. He certainly has to take some of the blame for Rex because if he did feel strongly it was a bad move (it was) theb he didn't articulate that well enough and threw his weight behind the Pegulas too quickly.

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