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Hire Matt Patricia!!!


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Bills fans want to be the Pats so bad. Hire their assistants and trade for their backup QB's! They fail to realize the Pats exist because all of these pieces are interchangeable and it doesn't matter if they lose them because they can plug and play someone else very easily

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Bills fans want to be the Pats so bad. Hire their assistants and trade for their backup QB's! They fail to realize the Pats exist because all of these pieces are interchangeable and it doesn't matter if they lose them because they can plug and play someone else very easily

Because of good coaching.

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They also have better players that know how to tackle and limit YAC . Not shot in the a$$ with any NE coaches as their track record elsewhere hasn't been great. But suspicious of any DC under the genius. It's his show. I like MCDaniels though, his offensive design is great and it's a passing league. The Pats have had good ads and average Ds over the years.

I suggest you research its not his show.


BB really is more of a GM on the field anymore.


Patricia designs and implements defense

McDaniels designs and implements offense

Scarneccia designs and implements OL for above offense


BB gives them the players based on Ernie Adams developed Player Value chart.

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They also have better players that know how to tackle and limit YAC . Not shot in the a$$ with any NE coaches as their track record elsewhere hasn't been great. But suspicious of any DC under the genius. It's his show. I like MCDaniels though, his offensive design is great and it's a passing league. The Pats have had good ads and average Ds over the years.

OK, I get that. Speaking for myself, I watch a lot of NE games, and their D had problems early on. Someone fixed them, and I have to assume Patricia played a role. He's clearly a smart guy. I'd be willing to give him a shot.

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This year it is def Patricia, but literally just last year BB took over the play calling because he got ticked off with their performance. I don't think he has ever done that with the OC.


I think Patricia be a great HC as long as he isn't handcuffed by management. What I mean by that is the owners and GM say "you will play X player because he makes X dollars" even though Patricia knows Y player is better. ( be like if the owner in Seattle told Carroll to play Flynn instead of a certain young rookie QB.)

Show me that report BB took over play calling last year. All my Pats fan friends (10 tell me this has been Patricias show since mid 2013)

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I think what one poster said is true as well. NO coordinator will leave NE for a job unless they have BB blessing to go take it. Now the reason for this is two fold (IMO)


1. He wants them to succeed and be ina good spot so wouldn't recommend a bad job. (Only one NO Coordinator even try for now be Jets. BB has a deep hatred for them and no coordinator go there but any other job I don't see him poo poking IF it was a good fit.


2. If it fails (Patricia case) you know he will take you back as a coordinator and or ref for you.


Again I think Patricia be a great HC but wonder if Buffalo owner and GM try force him do things he was against.

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How has their assistants fared as head coaches? About as well as their backup QB's that dumb teams keep trading for

How many of their Assistants started as a rocket scientist quit to persue his passion of coaching and bust his ass to run a defense in the NFL.

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OK, I get that. Speaking for myself, I watch a lot of NE games, and their D had problems early on. Someone fixed them, and I have to assume Patricia played a role. He's clearly a smart guy. I'd be willing to give him a shot.

And I like the Offensive guy. I want an offensive HC, his designs are brilliant and they win without TB when he's out. He also chooses to look the part of a professional not some bloke on a hunting trip. Personal preference of course, but I like that guy better is all.

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And I like the Offensive guy. I want an offensive HC, his designs are brilliant and they win without TB when he's out. He also chooses to look the part of a professional not some bloke on a hunting trip. Personal preference of course, but I like that guy better is all.

I'm not into the professional look so much, so that doesn't matter to me at all. But I like McDaniel too.

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Show me that report BB took over play calling last year. All my Pats fan friends (10 tell me this has been Patricias show since mid 2013)

It may been 2014, but was within last 2 years. And your Patriot friends know this as it was on talk shows for weeks.


Like I said I like Patricia and McDaniels both. I see McDaniels jumping and Patricia staying unless a team gives him a damn good offer.

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It may been 2014, but was within last 2 years. And your Patriot friends know this as it was on talk shows for weeks.


Like I said I like Patricia and McDaniels both. I see McDaniels jumping and Patricia staying unless a team gives him a damn good offer.

Then pegula give him a damn good offer.


Also give him and extra couple Mil if he can gets Ernie Adams value chart with him.

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The last thing we need is another defensive coach. I believe we need a proven, young offensive mind to develop a qb. I think a strong DC can do a good job with the pieces he is inherited, see Schwartz, Jim.


Unless you have a stud qb, in today's NFL, you should do the offensive coach route.

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Sashi Browns impressions after his Interview with Browns.


What exactly was Browns impression of Patricia?

"Very good one. Matts a talented young coach," Brown said Thursday morning at his Combine press conference. "Passionate. Relates well to players, similar to Hue. Very innovative in his approach. Tough. Holds players accountable. Comes out of a tremendous system with unparalleled success, really, in New England under [bill] Belichick and the Krafts. So for all those reasons, his experience in a successful organization, his ability to relate to players, his toughness, his accountability and intelligence - raw intelligence is off the charts - I think Matt will be a head coach here shortly in the league. We thought Hue was the right coach for us, but he was an impressive young man and glad we interviewed him."

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The last thing we need is another defensive coach. I believe we need a proven, young offensive mind to develop a qb. I think a strong DC can do a good job with the pieces he is inherited, see Schwartz, Jim.


Unless you have a stud qb, in today's NFL, you should do the offensive coach route.

I completely disagree. I think we need a good HEAD coach who recognizes the importance of offense and hires a good coordinator. Dan Quinn in ATL is a defensive coach. ATL has the #1 offense in the league. Rex Ryan is not that guy. But other guys who from the defensive side do (see Belichick, Bill).

Edited by dave mcbride
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I completely disagree. I think we need a good HEAD coach who recognizes the importance of offense and hires a good coordinator. Dan Quinn in ATL is a defensive coach. ATL has the #1 offense in the league. Rex Ryan is not that guy. But other guys who from the defensive side do (see Belichick, Bill).

I think you missed my point Dave. If we had Matt Ryan, by all means, hire MP.


But where this franchise has sorely lacked is developing qbs. Probably the best qb we have developed is Tyrod and that's probably because he spent the first part of his career in Baltimore.


Getting a guy who has a history of developing qb needs to be the number 1 priority of a coach hire. I do like MP as a coach but I do worry about guy who are coordinators in a specialty of the head coach. How much is it MP and how much is it Belichick?

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I think you missed my point Dave. If we had Matt Ryan, by all means, hire MP.


But where this franchise has sorely lacked is developing qbs. Probably the best qb we have developed is Tyrod and that's probably because he spent the first part of his career in Baltimore.


Getting a guy who has a history of developing qb needs to be the number 1 priority of a coach hire. I do like MP as a coach but I do worry about guy who are coordinators in a specialty of the head coach. How much is it MP and how much is it Belichick?

I don't think head coaches develop QBs. I think the OC does. Pete Carroll is a defensive coach whose OC (Bevell) has done a great job with Wilson. Sometimes the HC is the OC, but usually not. The most important task of a HC is building a staff. It's why Parcells was so great.

I have no idea about Patricia, but he is smart.

Edited by dave mcbride
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