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Hughes head-butt of the Miami coach

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Just watched the video of the head butt. No big deal.

First off, Carpenter ran the return guy out of bounds and started jaw-jacking with him. No idea why. Maybe he was interviewing for a job.

Next, a bunch of players were running around like army ants, and this assistant coach with a yellow hat starts running around like an idiot, first confronting Corey Graham. He then darts a few yards to his right, and Hughes meanders over to him. The guy gets up in Hughes face, and Hughes does the smallest head-butt I've ever seen....and the guy is wearing a hat with a VISOR on front, so there's no way this could have hurt him in any way.

Again, Hughes is painted as some violent head-butting maniac, when all he did was give the crazy coach a little love tap on the visor of his yellow hat.

No big deal.

Edited by TC in St. Louis
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It doesn't matter if it was a headbutt or not. It's another example of someone on the Bills doing something stupid, selfish and undisciplined; this time is happened to not result in a flag, but it easily could have and shows his priority was on acting like a tough guy and not on winning a football game. This is why the Bills are a loser team and will never win until the organization is purged of every manager, coach and player who acts this way. It would help if the fans didn't condone and excuse this nonsense too, but that'll never happen.



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I actually had no problem with what hughes did on that play.....he was showing backbone and sticking up for a teamate


I totally agree. I actually didn't like that some of the other players where letting that coach go so crazy. That coach was the one out of control.

Edited by Triple Threat
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It doesn't matter if it was a headbutt or not. It's another example of someone on the Bills doing something stupid, selfish and undisciplined; this time is happened to not result in a flag, but it easily could have and shows his priority was on acting like a tough guy and not on winning a football game. This is why the Bills are a loser team and will never win until the organization is purged of every manager, coach and player who acts this way. It would help if the fans didn't condone and excuse this nonsense too, but that'll never happen.



Very sane response, thanks. Selfish and undisciplined are two words that accurately describe (mainly) the defense.


Regarding the butt...I agree with those who said it wasn't a head butt. I think it was a belly butt. Hughes kind of pushed against the guy's belly and he popped back like the pillsbury doughboy.

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He expected the Zebras to give the Bills a penalty as New England got away with the Zebras being ridiculed by the call except on TSW and New England (no coincidence). The Zebras were obviously warned to not overreact and just throw flag at "whomever they felt like".

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I actually had no problem with what hughes did on that play.....he was showing backbone and sticking up for a teamate


Agreed. And I'll add...


I dont care what the score was, or what the stats say from Sunday. The biggest indictment of this team is that no one took a single shot at Landry all day. That's all I need to know about the way Rex has this kitty team playing.

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Agreed. And I'll add...


I dont care what the score was, or what the stats say from Sunday. The biggest indictment of this team is that no one took a single shot at Landry all day. That's all I need to know about the way Rex has this kitty team playing.

That's more an indictment of the players than the head coach IMO. I seriously doubt that Rex gave instructions to not take any shots at Landry, the players on the field decided that.

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