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I admire Beerball. He took away some penalty points that were unfairly assessed against me. He is very judicious a man of great wisdom. He can at times be irascible and cantankerous but for an old codger he is cool.


I hope he is doing well!


I suspect N Korea or Iran.

After being with him for a short duration they would be willing to give up their nuclear weapons just to have someone take him of their hands. :w00t:


he is good texted him today



Tell him that Sammy said Merry elfin Christmas and is wondering if Beerboy received the bag of poop Sammy mailed.


I know it's bad but Sammy WILL NOT shut up until I find out if the poop arrived. Help me out here.


I admire Beerball. He took away some penalty points that were unfairly assessed against me. He is very judicious a man of great wisdom. He can at times be irascible and cantankerous but for an old codger he is cool.


I hope he is doing well!


He has something most others do not b.c he can put up with me sometimes...


That wasn't him you texted, it was me.

Curious...did you get a text from me?


I'm not sure if what I have is yours or it belongs to someone else that was in Mead's "infamous group text conversation".


Curious...did you get a text from me?


I'm not sure if what I have is yours or it belongs to someone else that was in Mead's "infamous group text conversation".


Holy crap - what circle of hell is that?!?


That wasn't him you texted, it was me.

your kids looked great and your grandson is getting big. Loved the matching Christmas jammies
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