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GDT: Bills vs. Dolphins 1st Half Thread


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After 2 three and outs in a row? Yeah, that'll do it. You'll recover, but that will have you sucking wind on that third drive.

These guys are supposed to be world class athletes. I'll buy into what you're saying if it was the second half, but halfway through the first quarter with commercial breaks to rest they shouldn't be exhausted. Rex is issue. This offense does hurt the defense, but it's too early in the game to blame it on being tired.
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If we lose this game, Rex is toast


I am confused what this game has to do with it. Is there something you think he demonstrates about his 2017 coaching projection that he hasn't shown in the first 30 games? These last two games shouldn't influence anybody's opinion if they are attempting to make a valid logical strategic football decision. No way the couple games we finish the season with should have any impact or teach us something we don't already know and isn't crystal clear after 30 games of not being good at his job.

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