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12-23: Doug Whaley on WGR


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Bills GM spoke on Rex Ryan's uncertain future for 1st time Friday, but declined to say if he will return in 2017. http://es.pn/2ikYgmK


Regardless of whether you think he's doing a good job or not, Whaley comes across as an unintelligent buffoon on these radio spots. Maybe he's just nervous or naturally inarticulate, but he's not really doing himself any favours when he speaks in public.


He comes across as a guy with a stuttering problem or speech impediment with neither having anything to do with his intelligence.

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Regardless of whether you think he's doing a good job or not, Whaley comes across as an unintelligent buffoon on these radio spots. Maybe he's just nervous or naturally inarticulate, but he's not really doing himself any favours when he speaks in public.

He is in an impossible situation due to the leaks coming out of OBD. All we really know is that there have been anonymously sourced reports that Rex is a goner and that the Pegulas have not countered those reports with a public statement of any kind which they certainly would have done if there was no chance that he was going to be fired.


That means that the Pegulas have either decided to fire Rex after the season is over or they have not yet decided whether to fire him and are waiting to see what happens in these last two games. In either case, there is no answer Whaley can give to any of these questions other than to dodge them as best he can which is bound to be awkward and make him look evasive.


There is no way that the team can operate efficiently enough to make a good showing in these last two games and to take advantage of any luck that comes their way should Baltimore and Denver etc. start losing games if the Pegulas say anything that would substantiate the stories about Rex's future. At the same time, they would paint themselves into a corner if they made a public statement of confidence in Rex. If there is any chance they are going to make a change when the season is over, they have no choice but just say nothing for now. Whaley is in the same boat.


How foolish would they all look if they said anything now to substantiate the rumors about Rex and then the team wins out, gets lucky and sneaks into the play offs? How foolish would they look if they gave Rex a public vote of confidence only to fire him 5 minutes after the Jets game is over?

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Didn't see much here other than the usual. Obviously the owner is disappointed and Whaley's comments reflect that.


I think everybody knows that they're coaching, managing and playing for their jobs.


If they go 9-7, the hardest decision is going to rest with Pegula: Is the team 9-7 and a few players away from being a playoff team, or is the team peaking at 9-7 and next year starts the downhill slide?


7-9 or 8-8 and the decision becomes easier.

Edited by gobillsinytown
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GMTM (Tim Murray of the Sabres if not a fan) is also awkward with the media. Either way I take more credit on what they do in terms of talent on the field/ice and I for one feel Whaley's been a good GM. I'd give him an overall grade of B- since he's come here.


As an aside, GMTM and DW have at least one thing in common: they both overpay in trades.

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I have a question about Doug has the 53 and Rex has the 46. Is it safe to assume, that Rex and Doug work together to acquire players that fit the offensive and defensive schemes of the coaches? I'd rather not think that Doug just says..."Hey I've always liked this guy and I'm going to sign him".

Yes, that is a very safe assumption.


But transitioning personnel to fit particular schemes takes time; more than a season or two. A good coach can evaluate his talent and maximize it without being so scheme dependent.


Ultimately, it comes down to beating the man in front of you, regardless of scheme, anyway. We need additional dominant players, regardless of the schemes they line up in.

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In other words, I don't have the ability to fire Rex even if I wanted to.

I understood that a bit too. It also sounded to me, that if for someway the Bills get in the playoffs (which they think is almost impossible) Rex may stay. Otherwise, the are dissappointed and he is gone.

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He probably had some. Still Nix's call. All that matters is who makes the decision.


Be careful with that double edged sword.

I fall on the sword. Whaley was a big part of the Hughes trade as he was in picking EJ and the 2013 draft.


Whaley has had some bad moves but also assemble enough talent to get us to 9 or 8 wins without a franchise qb. If he ever gets that qb, he will be thought of as one of the best GMs in the NFL.

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Hughes was Nix.

In name only.


Whaley was the defacto GM since the summer of '12, when college scouting season starts to heat up. Nix was GM mostly by title as the practicalities of the job were handled by Whaley on a day to day basis for the most part and he was in the Kirk chair for the '13 draft as well as any trades made or attempted to be made, including Hughes. It was all part of the planned transition to Whaley and the Bills did right by Nix by letting him resign on his own terms.

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I fall on the sword. Whaley was a big part of the Hughes trade as he was in picking EJ and the 2013 draft.


Whaley has had some bad moves but also assemble enough talent to get us to 9 or 8 wins without a franchise qb. If he ever gets that qb, he will be thought of as one of the best GMs in the NFL.

If Elliott and Prescott didn't do so well I'd imagine that Whaley could have earned the NFL Executive of the Year with way he was able to bring in a Pro Bowler in Lorax this offseason as well as alternates Zach Brown and Brandon Tate in free agency.

Edited by The Jokeman
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In name only.


Whaley was the defacto GM since the summer of '12, when college scouting season starts to heat up. Nix was GM mostly by title as the practicalities of the job were handled by Whaley on a day to day basis for the most part and he was in the Kirk chair for the '13 draft as well as any trades made or attempted to be made, including Hughes. It was all part of the planned transition to Whaley and the Bills did right by Nix by letting him resign on his own terms.

All good moves by Whaley were not his. All bad moves by Whaley were his own awful mistakes. Hope this helps. - Tim

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