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Trump foreign policy

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2 hours ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


Because I don't buy Trump's bull **** like you.  Back to your idological acceptance of nonsense which you can't help so I understand and pity you. Trump is and always has been a fool.

So, you don't want to believe the facts if they prove why it is necessary for Trump to have done what he did? Anything that doesn't fit your preconceived narrative must be wrong, eh? You are doomed to ignorance and asshattery because you refuse to use what brain matter you have. I've noticed one thing with your posts here. You always bring the conversation down and turn it into Trump bashing.

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4 hours ago, Koko78 said:


Don't be stupid, and stop spouting liberal asshattery.


Strategic resources ARE a national security issue.


I try not to...but I think believing Canada is a National threat to the USA is as close as stupid comes....


Show me where I am " spouting liberal asshattery " .....Is it when I say I agree with Trump's agenda but disagree with the way he's going about it...you know...when he's acting like a total jerk.....


All resources are important...the # 1 important resource on this planet is fresh water....Canada has the most fresh water on the planet....I say we stay friends with them and stop treating them like ****....


BTW, I'm a proud republican...always have, always will...

Edited by Iron Maiden
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1 hour ago, 3rdnlng said:

So, you don't want to believe the facts if they prove why it is necessary for Trump to have done what he did? Anything that doesn't fit your preconceived narrative must be wrong, eh? You are doomed to ignorance and asshattery because you refuse to use what brain matter you have. I've noticed one thing with your posts here. You always bring the conversation down and turn it into Trump bashing.


Trump is a lying fool who doesn't understand any issue with any kind of depth or breadth.  The issue of tariffs is just one specific example.  With regard to preconceived notions you're a sheep so continue to follow along. 

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4 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


Trump is a lying fool who doesn't understand any issue with any kind of depth or breadth.  The issue of tariffs is just one specific example.  With regard to preconceived notions you're a sheep so continue to follow along. 

Can you prove me any more right? You are not very self aware, are you?

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Just now, 3rdnlng said:

Can you prove me any more right? You are not very self aware, are you?


All you do is make declarations with not one shred of evidence to back up your assertions with some lame assed statement that you have proven something.  Humor yourself.

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4 hours ago, Koko78 said:



13 minutes ago, Iron Maiden said:



4 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:



6 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:


with all the shade being thrown around today, here's something that we can all agree on








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13 minutes ago, Iron Maiden said:

I try not to...but I think believing Canada is a National threat to the USA is as close as stupid comes......


Yet no one believes that. Citing national security grounds and believing Canuckistan to be a national security threat are NOT the same thing.


14 minutes ago, Iron Maiden said:

Show me where I am " spouting liberal asshattery " .....Is it when I say I agree with Trump's agenda but disagree with the way he's going about it...you know...when he's acting like a total jerk.....


Try reading the first sentence of your quoted post for and example of spouting liberal asshattery.


15 minutes ago, Iron Maiden said:

All resources are important...the # 1 important resource on this planet is fresh water....Canada has the most fresh water on the planet....I say we stay friends with them and stop treating them like ****....


BTW, I'm a proud republican...always have, always will...



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10 minutes ago, /dev/null said:




with all the shade being thrown around today, here's something that we can all agree on









I never much cared for that picture, actually.  Too much teeth, too much "cocaine chic."

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15 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

Don't spoil the moment!

6 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


I never much cared for that picture, actually.  Too much teeth, too much "cocaine chic."


you had to do it anyway didn't you? Just as I was about to print it and return her to the ceiling over my bed where that pic belongs! 


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26 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


Trump is a lying fool who doesn't understand any issue with any kind of depth or breadth.  The issue of tariffs is just one specific example.  With regard to preconceived notions you're a sheep so continue to follow along. 


I would say that Trump lacks the skills to publicly articulate the specifics of issues, goals, etc...Not a strength of his.   However His business which has been built over decades and the nature of which can be risky while navigating through some tough economic times (in real estate) is strong evidence that he does understand complex projects.  If it were so easy to do many more would do it.  He deserves a lot of credit for his success and for employing capable people who help manage a  difficult business.


Anyone that is paying attention knows that tariffs are not the end game, freer trade is.  He's stated this many times in recent months, been very open about it.  Tariffs are simply the instrument of short term negotiating pressure with the goal being better long term trade relationships. 


Even the Republican pols who are squawking about this are being short sighted. 


If it backfires, then Trump can be criticized. 







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15 minutes ago, keepthefaith said:

I would say that Trump lacks the skills to publicly articulate the specifics of issues, goals, etc...Not a strength of his.   However His business which has been built over decades and the nature of which can be risky while navigating through some tough economic times (in real estate) is strong evidence that he does understand complex projects.  If it were so easy to do many more would do it.  He deserves a lot of credit for his success and for employing capable people who help manage a  difficult business.


Anyone that is paying attention knows that tariffs are not the end game, freer trade is.  He's stated this many times in recent months, been very open about it.  Tariffs are simply the instrument of short term negotiating pressure with the goal being better long term trade relationships. 


Even the Republican pols who are squawking about this are being short sighted. 


If it backfires, then Trump can be criticized. 


I would advise you to make a much closer examination of his business record and then decide for yourself what kind of acumen he has. 

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21 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


I would advise you to make a much closer examination of his business record and then decide for yourself what kind of acumen he has. 


He's made billions of dollars in the private sector, playing by the same rules everyone else does.  He has far more acumen than most anyone else in government and private enterprise.


Your characterization of him as anything other than wildly successful is nothing more than standard leftist playbooking:  IE anyone who doesn't understand how wise and dynamic liberal policy is, is a moron.  Your side of the aisle has been doing this for literally decades.


The truth is that you're simply wrong, simple, and mean spirited.  And you're losing.  Badly.


To your earlier response, no, that's not what you were talking about.  The board records what you type, and any disagreement by you at this point is nothing more than intellectual dishonesty.  But even if that was what you were talking about, which it wasn't, and you betrayed with your own words, you're still wrong:  Domestic steel production is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a pillar of national security.  Nations working to skirt American interests to those ends pose a direct threat to national security to those ends.  Tariffs are a corrective slap on the wrist to nations who have done/ are doing this, and are easily reversible once those nations get their houses in order.


The fact is that your dislike of President Trump, Republicans, and conservatives has colored your opinion so strongly that you reject wholesale the actual motives of policy drivers from that side of the aisle, and have instead decided to substitute your own warped reality for what is actually happening.


Because of this you have invalidated your opinion, and have less than zero credibility in this arena.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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7 hours ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


He's made billions of dollars in the private sector, playing by the same rules everyone else does.  He has far more acumen than most anyone else in government and private enterprise.


Your characterization of him as anything other than wildly successful is nothing more than standard leftist playbooking:  IE anyone who doesn't understand how wise and dynamic liberal policy is, is a moron.  Your side of the aisle has been doing this for literally decades.


The truth is that you're simply wrong, simple, and mean spirited.  And you're losing.  Badly.


To your earlier response, no, that's not what you were talking about.  The board records what you type, and any disagreement by you at this point is nothing more than intellectual dishonesty.  But even if that was what you were talking about, which it wasn't, and you betrayed with your own words, you're still wrong:  Domestic steel production is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a pillar of national security.  (It's been a dying industry for decades) Nations working to skirt American interests to those ends pose a direct threat to national security to those ends. Like Russia and Putin for example   Tariffs are a corrective slap on the wrist to nations who have done/ are doing this, and are easily reversible once those nations get their houses in order. People like Sen Ben Sasse don't buy your BS!


The fact is that your dislike of President Trump, Republicans, and conservatives has colored your opinion so strongly that you reject wholesale the actual motives of policy drivers from that side of the aisle, and have instead decided to substitute your own warped reality for what is actually happening.


Because of this you have invalidated your opinion, and have less than zero credibility in this arena.


Another set of nothing declarations driven by your right wing slants.  Save your pseudo-intellectual BS for someone who doesn't know any better. 

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3 hours ago, joesixpack said:


The bot has less than zero credibility in ANY arena.

Certainly not in hockey prognostication, but in this case it is odd that he is against the Bernie-esque tariffs and Take You To Econ101 is for them.

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1 hour ago, 26CornerBlitz said:


Another set of nothing declarations driven by your right wing slants.  Save your pseudo-intellectual BS for someone who doesn't know any better. 

Your response to TYTT is nothing but weakshit. What do Russia and Putin have to do with the issue at hand? What does Ben Sasse have to do with this? The issue at hand is tariffs on our NAFTA partners for facilitating the attempted Chinese destruction of our steel industry. Decades ago China started to destroy our steel industry by subsidizing their own steel production and dumping it here. Besides being of an inferior quality it didn't allow us to be competitive price-wise because they were subsidizing it to destroy our industry. We finally put tariffs on Chinese steel in 2016. They promptly worked a deal with our NAFTA partners Canada and Mexico to sneak it past our tariffs by utilizing them as a conduit. Trump just put steel and aluminum tariffs on all imports of such and then exempted countries from those tariffs who were treating us fairly. Canada and Mexico were not one of those countries.


Stating that tariffs on steel from Canada and Mexico is necessary for our national security is accurate. It is understood by anyone who knows something about the situation. Ridiculing that thought process by claiming those in the know are worried about an invasion by those two countries is not only disingenuous but childish. You have tried to take this discussion into a shithole with your intellectual dishonesty. It doesn't surprise me though, that's your MO that you have shown over and over here at PPP. What made you think that it would be successful this time when every other time you've been duly chastened and sent away licking your wounds?

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20 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

Your response to TYTT is nothing but weakshit. What do Russia and Putin have to do with the issue at hand? What does Ben Sasse have to do with this? The issue at hand is tariffs on our NAFTA partners for facilitating the attempted Chinese destruction of our steel industry. Decades ago China started to destroy our steel industry by subsidizing their own steel production and dumping it here. Besides being of an inferior quality it didn't allow us to be competitive price-wise because they were subsidizing it to destroy our industry. We finally put tariffs on Chinese steel in 2016. They promptly worked a deal with our NAFTA partners Canada and Mexico to sneak it past our tariffs by utilizing them as a conduit. Trump just put steel and aluminum tariffs on all imports of such and then exempted countries from those tariffs who were treating us fairly. Canada and Mexico were not one of those countries.


Stating that tariffs on steel from Canada and Mexico is necessary for our national security is accurate. It is understood by anyone who knows something about the situation. Ridiculing that thought process by claiming those in the know are worried about an invasion by those two countries is not only disingenuous but childish. You have tried to take this discussion into a shithole with your intellectual dishonesty. It doesn't surprise me though, that's your MO that you have shown over and over here at PPP. What made you think that it would be successful this time when every other time you've been duly chastened and sent away licking your wounds?


I pointed out actual National Security Risks to the US that Putin and Russia represent.  Ben Sasse publicly stated that Trump's tariffs are "dumb". 


"This is dumb," Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb, said in a statement. “Europe, Canada and Mexico are not China, and you don’t treat allies the same way you treat opponents. We’ve been down this road before — blanket protectionism is a big part of why America had a Great Depression. 'Make America Great Again' shouldn’t mean 'Make America 1929 Again.'"


Try paying attention.


Buying what Trump and Navarro state as truth? I wouldn't expect you to do anything other than that.   You're just another one of the sheep in the flock. 

Edited by 26CornerBlitz
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