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12 hours ago, B-Man said:

Time to move the United Nations to where it originally should have been put............Navy Island - Wikipedia


Navy Island was proposed to be the new World Peace Capital and headquarters of the United Nations by an international committee in 1945 and 1946. The island was considered to be an ideal location as it lay on the boundary between two peaceful countries. An artist's rendering of the World Peace Capital showed the property with bridges spanning both countries (at Grand Island in the US and the Canadian mainland on the other side).[6][7] It was proposed that Navy Island would be ceded to the United Nations as long as the headquarters remained, and to revert to the Canadian government should the U.N. move. The proposal was ultimately turned down in favour of the current U.N. headquarters in New York City.





Because those Diplomats would just love the Canadian night life

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WINNING: ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory — mostly since Trump took office, officials say.

The massive gains come after years of “onerous” rules, when critics say the Obama administration “micromanaged” the war and shunned a more intensive air strategy that could have ended the conflict much sooner.


“The rules of engagement under the Obama administration were onerous. I mean what are we doing having individual target determination being conducted in the White House, which in some cases adds weeks and weeks,” said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. David Deptula, the former head of U.S. Air Force intelligence. “The limitations that were put on actually resulted in greater civilian casualties.”


And this is an important reminder:


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Trump, the Insurgent, Breaks With 70 Years of American Foreign Policy
New York Times, by Mark Landler


Original Article


Washington - President Trump was already revved up when he emerged from his limousine to visit NATO’s new headquarters in Brussels last May. (Snip) His Twitter posts, delivered without warning or consultation, often make a mockery of his administration’s policies and subvert the messages his emissaries are trying to deliver abroad. Mr. Trump has pulled out of trade and climate change agreements and denounced the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. He has broken with decades of American policy in the Middle East by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. And he has taunted Kim Jong-un of North Korea as “short and fat,”


More at the link:

The New York Times takes a last gasp at trying to berate President Trump as 2017 winds down.


Every issue they "abhor" are exactly WHY Trump was elected.


This is worth reading only if you remember to reverse all their dRATS useless propaganda.


It´s a template of the New York Times worst fears as the Trump train continues to run over them and their "fake news" rhetoric.





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22 hours ago, B-Man said:

WINNING: ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory — mostly since Trump took office, officials say.

The massive gains come after years of “onerous” rules, when critics say the Obama administration “micromanaged” the war and shunned a more intensive air strategy that could have ended the conflict much sooner.


“The rules of engagement under the Obama administration were onerous. I mean what are we doing having individual target determination being conducted in the White House, which in some cases adds weeks and weeks,” said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. David Deptula, the former head of U.S. Air Force intelligence. “The limitations that were put on actually resulted in greater civilian casualties.”


And this is an important reminder:


FWIW, the ROE under Bush (at least the post Saddam Capture time period) was pretty bad, too. 

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1 hour ago, B-Man said:



Trump State Department Comes Out In Support of Iran Protests. .................Sharp contrast to the Obama response in 2009.




The events in Yemen, Lebanon and Syria - with Hezbollah quite suddenly retreating/being defeated - was the first sign that an internal revolt is coming to Iran. 


If you watch that video, you'll see something quite extraordinary - a Basij officer restraining his men from attacking/beating protesters. 


There's something different in the air... The US has stepped back (with their boots on the ground), allowing the ME nations to tend to their own business - and the GCC has effectively won three wars in less than three months. No one is talking much about it either. The Houthis turned on one another (after their leader got assassinated by "unknown forces", ISIS collapsed, AQ retreated, and Hezbollah was beaten back. 



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DSOMzdJX0AAx7L6.jpg    A picture from #Iran may take all the attention at the end of #2017  #Iranprotests






#IranProtests: Hundreds of thousands across #Iran chant "We don't want Islamic Republic!" & "Clerics shame on you, let go of our country!" Woman in video took off her #Hijab to protest Islamic dress code imposed on Iranian women since 1979. #IStandWithHer



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I bet Putin won't get an angry phone call about this.  



At least three Russian oil tankers transferred fuel to North Korean ships in recent months, in violation of U.N. sanctions, Reuters reports. It is unclear if these alleged transfers occurred with the knowledge of the Russian government. Two of the alleged transfers occurred in October, with a third in November. Russian ships allegedly left Pacific Ocean ports and switched off their transponders to evade tracking in open waters. Russian shipping sources told Reuters that the ships were meeting with North Korean vessels and transferring fuel ship-to-ship or via fishing boat. On Thursday, President Donal Trump accused China of smuggling oil to North Korea, but the White House has not commented on these latest allegations against Russia.


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Regime change can only work if it's an organic movement from the people - not artificially induced through a foreign power deploying troops or dropping bombs - or delivering 1.8b in cash to known monsters in hopes that money will reach "the masses". 


If the Mullahs fall, and they might, this will be a great victory for the people of Iran. People who have more in common with the west than they have differences. 


First, KSA. 

Now, Iran. 

Next, DPRK. 


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3 hours ago, GG said:


Kind of blows a hole in that “Hillary is a neocon” theory, doesn’t it?


Hillary is not a neocon. She is a neoliberal. Most of all, she is an opportunist devoid of actual principles. 


She was the neocon choice in 2016. Backed by the neocon establishment in full. 


This is unarguable. 


The neocon agenda is NOT what is unfolding in Iran. Quite the opposite.


The neocons have been exposed for being nothing more than war hungry opportunists who have done nothing but bring instability and unspeakable collateral damage to the world at large. They're being shown the door and their destructive policy agendas have fallen out of favor - which is a very good thing for the world. 

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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26 minutes ago, B-Man said:




Strategic SentinelVerified account @StratSentinel
FollowFollow @StratSentinel

Large amount of aircraft leaving Iran at the moment, many with no callsign, origin, or destination. Exodus in progress?




26 minutes ago, B-Man said:




Strategic SentinelVerified account @StratSentinel
FollowFollow @StratSentinel

Large amount of aircraft leaving Iran at the moment, many with no callsign, origin, or destination. Exodus in progress?




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