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Fearing Trump torpedo, Europe scrambles to save Iran deal

BERLIN/PARIS (Reuters) - European countries are scrambling to cobble together a package of measures they hope will keep the Iran nuclear deal on track if U.S. President Donald Trump ignores their pleas and decertifies the landmark 2015 agreement this week.

The package would include a strong statement backing the deal by European powers, together with efforts to lobby the U.S. Congress and put wider pressure on Iran, officials said.

But without strong U.S. support for the deal, senior officials in Berlin, Paris and London say it may be only a matter of time before the pact between Tehran and six world powers unravels, with grave consequences for Middle East security, nonproliferation efforts and transatlantic ties.

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It's good to see some dialogue among countries with skin in the game.


Thank you President Trump for forcing other countries to have to stand up and maybe pony some $$$ instead of the US taking all the heat.

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Trump´s Iran speech finally sets facts of sham nuclear deal straight
The Hill, by Claudia Rosett


Original Article


President Trump has not yet pulled America out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. But he just took a vital step toward doing so, in a landmark speech on Friday that in plain language dismantled the dangerous fictions on which the deal was built.

Chief among these fictions is the notion that a nuclear program in the hands of Iran’s predatory, terror-sponsoring Islamist regime could ever be “exclusively peaceful.” This was a phrase repeated endlessly by President Obama’s diplomatic team during the negotiating of the Iran nuclear deal, and it is enshrined in the final text, as if saying could make it so.

Iran has already given the lie to this fantasy, most prominently by continuing to test ballistic missiles. These are delivery vehicles that are only likely to be of use if Iran employs its “exclusively peaceful” nuclear program as cover to acquire nuclear warheads.

Edited by B-Man
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Meanwhile, a Civil War has started in Iraq.



THE AYATOLLAH’S ADVISOR: ‘The Nuclear Deal Will Not be Renegotiated at All.’



:lol: Why would they want to deal with us again?


The mullahs got cash up front in exchange for little more than a promise to do a slightly better job of hiding their nuclear ambitions.


Thanks, Obama.

You should be laughing. Your guy is doing everything Putin elected him to do. This is just another instance of Putin getting his wish of dividing the good countries, you know, the countries you say are disasters and failing.

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The Outlines of Trump’s Asia Strategy: The President’s Asian trip sketched out a smart approach to containing North Korea, competing with China, and rebuilding trust with allies. Now comes the time to fill in the blanks.


During its long and eventful trip, the Trump Administration laid down important markers as it fashions its strategic approach to Asia. While North Korea is the most urgent issue the region faces, strategic competition with China is the most important. On the former count, Trump is working with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korean President Moon Jae-in to develop a long-term approach that contains and rolls back the threat. On the latter count, Trump began to outline his vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific.


The anchor of a “grand strategy” for Asia is Japan. President Trump and Prime Minister Abe enjoy a warm relationship akin to that between George W. Bush and Jun’ichiro Koizumi. If the two stay close, the visions they outlined have a real chance of succeeding.



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On 11/26/2017 at 7:58 PM, /dev/null said:


Trump brought back Slavery


On 11/26/2017 at 8:54 PM, row_33 said:

Yes, slavery is the law of he USA now.....


The Left waits with great expectation for Trump’s second term when he’ll announce that he’s stripping all African Americans of their citizenship and has plans drawn up to deport them all to Africa. And all Muslims will be rounded up and executed and the GLT communities will be put into concentration camps in Russia. Those opposing any of these moves will be given one chance to become CIS self-identified or face the fact that they will become part of “The Wall”... as part of the base. :wallbash:

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26 minutes ago, Nanker said:


The Left waits with great expectation for Trump’s second term when he’ll announce that he’s stripping all African Americans of their citizenship and has plans drawn up to deport them all to Africa. And all Muslims will be rounded up and executed and the GLT communities will be put into concentration camps in Russia. Those opposing any of these moves will be given one chance to become CIS self-identified or face the fact that they will become part of “The Wall”... as part of the base. :wallbash:

Trump will just keep his promise that Mexico will actually build the wall for us.

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