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4 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

Do you really  just believe the North Koreans have gone nuclear-free cause Trump declared the threat over? 


No, they're going nuclear free because the CIA assets were cleared out of the hermit kingdom, along with Chinese organized crime and other bad actors who had been given safe haven there by rogue elements within the western IC. 



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1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


There are plenty of sources of real news. But as I've been saying for two years now, you have to go by the individual article, reporter, and subject rather than blindly trusting an organization. WaPo is a CIA asset. This isn't even hidden, it's boasted about. They've long been the preferred outlet (even before Bezos) for the Agency. That's not conspiracy, it's fact. 


And the WaPo has a lot to lose by the DPRK situation being solved. Hence the high degree of suspicion. They've been wrong on every other "the deal is off!" story they've run on this subject. This one will likely turn out to be the same. 

but this is from a well respected, bipartisan think tank. I won't get into the whole WaPO is a CIA asset...i mean even Pompeo has testified they are still producing fissile material..its just a long long way from being "nuclear free" ..and again I am not knocking Trump(outside of that ridiculous quote)...and Pompeo who is I trust on this. 

5 minutes ago, joesixpack said:


Of course not


I think we're FAR better off with NoKo than we were even 3 years ago.


By what criteria?


? Tests have stopped,,true. But most will say the  most important asset for the military is preparedness and readiness..and we have given up valuable joint exercises   

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4 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

but this is from a well respected, bipartisan think tank. I won't get into the whole WaPO is a CIA asset...i mean even Pompeo has testified they are still producing fissile material..its just a long long way from being "nuclear free" ..and again I am not knocking Trump(outside of that ridiculous quote)...and Pompeo who is I trust on this. 

By what criteria?


Trust Kansas. :beer:

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4 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

? Tests have stopped,,true. But most will say the  most important asset for the military is preparedness and readiness..and we have given up valuable joint exercises   


Activity along the border to remove mines and guardposts has increased of late, dialog with the North is probably at an all-time high.


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1 minute ago, joesixpack said:


Activity along the border to remove mines and guardposts has increased of late, dialog with the North is probably at an all-time high.


Did not know about those things..and agree about dialog at a high for certainly the last 10 years or so..but this is the third "agreement" with these guys, and each one had high "activity" periods...then they get a few concessions and bail from the agreement.

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Just now, plenzmd1 said:

Did not know about those things..and agree about dialog at a high for certainly the last 10 years or so..but this is the third "agreement" with these guys, and each one had high "activity" periods...then they get a few concessions and bail from the agreement.


This is the first time North and South leaders have met (now three times). They've taken down guard posts on the border and DMZ (that work continued as of yesterday). They've removed hundreds of pieces of artillery in the North which threatened the population centers in the South. None of this has been reported on much outside a late night Reuters story, because so many in the US media are invested in Trump failing. The thaw we've seen between the DPRK and South Korea (and the US/Japan) is unlike any we've seen before, including when 42 went there personally.  


The nuclear and biological materials will be the last to go. Those are Kim's bargaining chips. 

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2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

WaPo/CIA source citing unverified images. 


aka: likelihood of fake news is HIGH. 


To anyone with any discernment, that article is alarmist.  There's not much real information in it, if you read it closely.

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2 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

Did not know about those things..and agree about dialog at a high for certainly the last 10 years or so..but this is the third "agreement" with these guys, and each one had high "activity" periods...then they get a few concessions and bail from the agreement.


I think the sanctions are really a major motivating factor for NKorea to stay in the game this time around -- even with some cheating by China and Moon in the South. 

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2 hours ago, snafu said:


I think the sanctions are really a major motivating factor for NKorea to stay in the game this time around -- even with some cheating by China and Moon in the South. 


I wouldn't characterize Moon's engagement as 'cheating'. I think that's intentionally the beginning of the economic carrot. North Korea isn't getting our sanctions lifted at the moment, but they are starting to get trade from the South. There's no rational reason for them to stick with the deal if they're receiving no benefit whatsoever. Specifically since Kim will be quickly deposed if he is seen as weak.


I think that the ultimate carrot for good behavior/denuclearization is a complete removal of both the UN sanctions and our sanctions - including eventual access to the world banking system and direct foreign investment.

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5 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


I wouldn't characterize Moon's engagement as 'cheating'. I think that's intentionally the beginning of the economic carrot. North Korea isn't getting our sanctions lifted at the moment, but they are starting to get trade from the South. There's no rational reason for them to stick with the deal if they're receiving no benefit whatsoever. Specifically since Kim will be quickly deposed if he is seen as weak.


I think that the ultimate carrot for good behavior/denuclearization is a complete removal of both the UN sanctions and our sanctions - including eventual access to the world banking system and direct foreign investment.

Absolutely. If they get rid of all nukes let them have what most other countries have.

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42 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


I wouldn't characterize Moon's engagement as 'cheating'. I think that's intentionally the beginning of the economic carrot. North Korea isn't getting our sanctions lifted at the moment, but they are starting to get trade from the South. There's no rational reason for them to stick with the deal if they're receiving no benefit whatsoever. Specifically since Kim will be quickly deposed if he is seen as weak.


I think that the ultimate carrot for good behavior/denuclearization is a complete removal of both the UN sanctions and our sanctions - including eventual access to the world banking system and direct foreign investment.


I agree with this, but too much carrot makes for a backslide on the North's determination to see things through. I think Moon (who's been known to border on appeasement) needs to hold off, be patient, and let the sanctions do the work. 

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26 minutes ago, snafu said:


I agree with this, but too much carrot makes for a backslide on the North's determination to see things through. I think Moon (who's been known to border on appeasement) needs to hold off, be patient, and let the sanctions do the work. 


I've never agreed with the take that North Korea acts irrationally. They have always acted rational, if you understand that the traditional number one priority of the Kim dynasty was to continue the Kim dynasty at any cost. Almost all of their outlandish rhetoric was for domestic consumption. Same with the missile tests and nuclear tests. They never had a significant capability of threatening the continental US, but they wanted their people to believe it. It was always about getting whatever they could while internally projecting strength.


I'm not completely convinced that the historical reneging was entirely the choice of the Kims. Something has changed (I don't necessarily buy into @Deranged Rhino's CIA thing, but something definitely changed.) I wonder if Lil' Kim is looking for an exit strategy.


Letting South Korea take the lead for now is a good thing. Remember that the goal for both nations has always been reunification. If Lil' Kim is actually trying to get out, a gradual peace process with Seoul ultimately controlling the entire peninsula would be the way to do it. Going too fast would result in Kim being forcibly removed by internal actors, which would trigger a colossal humanitarian disaster, with a significant chance at a Best Korean civil war. The South, China, and the US would very quickly be sucked into any civil war. A slow transition would allow Kim and his allies to get the people behind it, minimizing the chance of a palace coup. I'm sure some elements in the North Korean leadership would view a transition to Seoul high treason. Getting the populace behind reunification first, through a gradual improvement in their daily lives, would be the best insurance policy. No coup would survive a popular uprising, nor could China do much if the North Korean people were backing Kim.


Or,  I could be completely wrong. Who ***** knows?

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And this is why I support Trump despite despising the spineless douche. His foreign policy is pretty spot on. The best hope for dealing with China if one desires peace is to force switch their focus from military expansion to economic rebuilding. 


I think we ought to go full board and force an embargo and force huge companies like Apple to leave China. Sneaky Chinese dogs. 

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4 hours ago, The_Dude said:



And this is why I support Trump despite despising the spineless douche. His foreign policy is pretty spot on. The best hope for dealing with China if one desires peace is to force switch their focus from military expansion to economic rebuilding. 


I think we ought to go full board and force an embargo and force huge companies like Apple to leave China. Sneaky Chinese dogs. 

Good job not sucking in a post.??‍♂️

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