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2 hours ago, The_Dude said:

And it all came together on Dotards watch. 






Didnt he say this wouldn’t happen if he were elected?

So now we believe what Putin says and ignore the possibility that he's spreading bs for his own purposes? Stop the TDS crap. It reflects poorly on your ability to think rationally and makes your boastful statements seem like empty rhetoric.

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3 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

So now we believe what Putin says and ignore the possibility that he's spreading bs for his own purposes? Stop the TDS crap. It reflects poorly on your ability to think rationally and makes your boastful statements seem like empty rhetoric.


When Putin says the sky is blue I believe him because I can verify that — yes. Right now he’s saying Kimmy outfoxed Donald the dodger. I gotta agree. That’s how it looks. 

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1 minute ago, The_Dude said:


When Putin says the sky is blue I believe him because I can verify that — yes. Right now he’s saying Kimmy outfoxed Donald the dodger. I gotta agree. That’s how it looks. 

TDS on your part. Don't you have to get back to your business, or did your local newspaper quit delivering the evening edition?

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Back to Iran: 


(This is the THIRD time I've tried to post this, it keeps getting immediately deleted - due to equipment error not anything nefarious)


Here is a really important article to read and understand in context of what we are witnessing in Iran:



I'm going to quote a segment of snippets which relate to my thesis that what we are witnessing is an entirely new form of regime change, one we've never seen in history before: 



"Escalating matters far beyond previous scenes of nationwide protests in 2009 and 1999 is the clear reference made by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to the party behind these rallies.


As well as Washington and London, Khamenei blamed the violence on Israel, exiled dissident group People’s Mujahedin of Iran and ‘a wealthy government’ in the Gulf, a probable reference to Iran’s regional rival, Saudi Arabia..."



"Khamenei mentioning the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) is of quite significance, indicating the main source of his regime’s concerns."


"The Iranian people no longer fear in expressing their true feelings, seen in the nationwide slogan of 'Death to Khamenei.'"


"Unlike previous uprisings, these demonstrations are mushrooming across the country, reaching over 130 cities and towns, according to activists."


"From the second day of this uprising protesters have shown their overcoming of prior fears through responding to the security forces’ attacks and quelling."


"Various campaigns, including a Twitter hashtag #بسيجي_نيستم (I’m not a Basiji), reveal the regime’s woes, as a growing number of Revolutionary Guards Basij paramilitary members are seen joining the protesters’ ranks."


"Iran is showing a major vulnerability in its intolerance of social media platforms."


"In far contrast to 2009, the U.S. administration is powerfully standing alongside the Iranian people."



Read the rest of the piece. It's a VERY optimistic article - but it's optimistic based on EVIDENCE. 


Here is the point that many fail to grasp, and one I've been arguing for the past few weeks: 



"Even the smallest protest rally bears the power of a massive demonstration by reigniting hope in people’s hearts and stretching the regime’s resources, making it incapable of delivering the response it needs to quell this ongoing uprising."



THAT is exactly what we are seeing. Perhaps something entirely new to history... 

We are not seeing a massive uprising that would leave many scores dead, we are instead seeing small teams lighting fires all over the country - both urban and rural - AND a highly sophisticated disinformation campaign that's resulted in the regime's security forces chasing their own tails. 


Security forces get reports of a protest, they show up in force... and no one is there. Resulting in wasting money and manpower while the security forces grow demoralized and complacent. 


Case in point, check out this video from today:  Police and Basij versus a woman shouting "Death to the dictator" (a capital offense)... 



Look closely. Do you see it? 




A protester embraces the officer (on the right) and the crowd applauds


When the people and the regime's security forces are no longer enemies, the regime falls...




We are witnessing something extraordinary in Iran (or would be if the media were covering it with any ability or honesty), something never before seen in history. The people of Iran, backed by unknown forces with technical and military prowess (cough GCC/US), are undergoing a peaceful regime change unlike the world has ever seen. 


Keep going, Iranians, you're winning! :beer: 

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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6 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I'm not a believer in the Illuminati. I do think there is strong evidence that the DPRK is not what it seems. 


Image result for hyangsan hotel north korea

Do you mean how they're portrayed to the rest of the world by media and government? Because I have a theory about the DPRK too, but I have a feeling it's in opposition to yours...

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1 hour ago, The_Dude said:


When Putin says the sky is blue I believe him because I can verify that — yes. Right now he’s saying Kimmy outfoxed Donald the dodger. I gotta agree. That’s how it looks. 


Because the sky is blue, you believe Putin when he says something you can't verify?  :wallbash:

1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Back to Iran: 


(This is the THIRD time I've tried to post this, it keeps getting immediately deleted - due to equipment error not anything nefarious)



Or this is evidence for my theory that some of the mods are Iranian clerics.


Sure, they say they're not...but that just proves there's a coverup!

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9 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

Do you mean how they're portrayed to the rest of the world by media and government? Because I have a theory about the DPRK too, but I have a feeling it's in opposition to yours...


In part, yes. By all means please share, I'm always open to new ideas. I'm not locked into anything to the point of dismissing new information. 

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Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


In part, yes. By all means please share, I'm always open to new ideas. I'm not locked into anything to the point of dismissing new information. 

It would take pages, honestly, but it boils down to the concept of how detrimental a functioning (albeit highly militarized) even quasi-socialist state would be to the global plutocracy. We could discuss particulars in detail on PMs I guess...my views on socioeconomics aren't very well received here :lol:

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6 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

It would take pages, honestly, but it boils down to the concept of how detrimental a functioning (albeit highly militarized) even quasi-socialist state would be to the global plutocracy. We could discuss particulars in detail on PMs I guess...my views on socioeconomics aren't very well received here :lol:



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1 hour ago, DC Tom said:


Because the sky is blue, you believe Putin when he says something you can't verify?  :wallbash:


Except that’s not what I said. 

2 hours ago, 3rdnlng said:

TDS on your part. Don't you have to get back to your business, or did your local newspaper quit delivering the evening edition?


I have no idea what TDS stands for. 


‘Local newspaper evening edition?’ How old are you? 

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11 hours ago, GoBills808 said:

It would take pages, honestly, but it boils down to the concept of how detrimental a functioning (albeit highly militarized) even quasi-socialist state would be to the global plutocracy. We could discuss particulars in detail on PMs I guess...my views on socioeconomics aren't very well received here :lol:



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More evidence that what is happening in Iran is bigger than most realize: 



According to Fawzi Barhoum, the spokesman for the terrorist organization Hamas, Imad al-Alami, the man who was arrested in 1991 by Israel for orchestrating terror activities for Hamas, is in critical condition after he accidentally shot himself in the head.



Now, first things first. The way al-Alami died (or will die) most certainly was not a self inflicted gunshot wound. This is a cover story - what's interesting to note is why it's coming out now. I believe it's tied into the GCC operations in Iran with the protesters.


How do I get there? Let's recap: 


Beginning in January of 2016, someone went into Gaza and blew up 28 Hamas and Islamic Jihad attack tunnels. These tunnels are state secrets, maintained and protected separate groups of fighters known as 'nokhba' (elite fighters). Less than a handful of people in Hamas and Islamic Jihad know where all the tunnels are - probably as few as two or three...


And yet, someone went into Gaza, killed the nokhba, blew up the tunnel and escaped... 28 times.


Twice they blew up two tunnels in one day. 


This resulted in Hamas launching a severe counter-intel operation to find out how the tunnels were being located and destroyed. They tortured their own nokhba fighters, their families, the diggers of the tunnels - and got nothing for their efforts. Well, almost nothing:


Several nokhba fighters defected to Israel with maps as a result of this 2016-2017 Hamas clampdown. Israel herself then blew up the 29th tunnel, killing the Islamic Jihad commander in October of 2017. Unlike the 28 other tunnels, this one was publicly done. 



Islamic Jihad swore revenge... but Hamas stopped them. Or, rather, Hamas had to stop them because by the end of October Hamas was beginning their systematic retreat from Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq.  


I don't think the Israelis killed al-Alami because Israelis, by and large, are conflicted by violence.


But you know who isn't?


The GCC. 


Alami was the middle man between Hamas and Iran. My guess is he was killed by the GCC and Hamas is lying about the way he died. 


The GCC trained its troops for 12 years before they went to war on a large scale two years ago - and there's no video. Well, almost no video: 


This is the only known footage I've found of Emirati tanks in Yemen: 



These guys, the GCC, have proven they can infiltrate anywhere, through any defenses, and do it all clandestinely... They're strategic special forces, Green Berets with tanks, artillery, fighter jets and gunships. 


Hamas got spoiled fighting Israelis because (not my words but words of people in the USIC): "the Israelis let the world press determine how they fight."


The GCC is totally indifferent to world opinion. And most of the world believes them to be inept and incapable to begin with ... which is how they've been getting away with this for the past few years. 


This is a moment of change in the region and the world. We are seeing perhaps/hopefully the last war being fought in the ME, being the last war no punches are being pulled and 80% of it is being done behind the scenes. 


Keep going Iranians. You're winning. 

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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46 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

According to Fawzi Barhoum, the spokesman for the terrorist organization Hamas, Imad al-Alami, the man who was arrested in 1991 by Israel for orchestrating terror activities for Hamas, is in critical condition after he accidentally shot himself in the head.





Wonder what he did to piss the Clintons off...

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