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Trump foreign policy

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Here's something to consider... this just keeps happening, this is the fourth such ambush in the past two weeks: 




Here's what's happening: These aren't ISIS ambushes, but GCC ambushes disguised as terrorists/jihaddi ambushes. There would be no way to discern the difference. The GCC has been wiping out Hezbollah with special commando units, the same special forces we saw being deployed in Lebanon last month. 


This keeps happening. AFTER ISIS has retreated/been defeated from the area where this ambush happened. It's not ISIS... 


Meanwhile, another Basij joins the revolution: 



And this: (Mullahs getting sloppy... because they're on the ropes) - http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-01/03/c_136869902.htm


More signs the Mullahs are losing: 



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I'll throw this into the pile of evidence showing this Bannon noise is a strategic distraction from something covert going on... (my guess is in Iran):




More from Iran, listen to the reports of the weapon being fired: 



That's a .50 caliber weapon firing.


It's highly doubtful the RG or security forces are using .50 cals on protesters.


Why? One picture of a protester shot by a .50 caliber round would be all over social media and be a REAL bad look for the Mullahs.


Plus, while .50 cal weapons have become more portable, the Iranians still deploy monsters:




Even the new Iranian Heidar rifle is very long and cumbersome. 


Bringing back in this image, from the third night of protests: 


That's a .50 caliber HEIAP round (high explosive armor piercing round) that strikes the facade of a police station holding multiple prisoners. It was a warning shot, fired with precision. The police immediately released the prisoners after this... 


Now, who has been using this kind of weaponry and ordinance as of late? 



Oh... right. 



The regime says the protests have ended... but this was posted three hours ago: 


So... all we can do is wait and see. 

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1 hour ago, The_Dude said:

Well, its looking increasingly obvious that Trump botched North Korea. Every line in the sand he’s drawn Kim has crossed. He’s been constantly outfoxed and has no clue what he’s doing. He ain’t no Churchill.

In what ways are we worse off in regards to North Korea than we were at any time in the last 20 years? What are these "lines in the sand"? Please be specific.

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19 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

In what ways are we worse off in regards to North Korea than we were at any time in the last 20 years? What are these "lines in the sand"? Please be specific.


How many times did Trump promise that North Korea wouldn’t get an ICBM? How many times did he promise they’d never complete their nuclear program....right now they’re working on a sub so that’ll be nice. 


Trump was stupid in his in his dealings with the Chinese. There should be a blockade around Korea right now — there isn’t. We should have taken military action by now. Trump has no clue what he’s doing — I’m just hoping that if a conflict does arise, Mattis takes complete control of the situation as Trump is out of his league. 

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4 hours ago, The_Dude said:


How many times did Trump promise that North Korea wouldn’t get an ICBM? How many times did he promise they’d never complete their nuclear program....right now they’re working on a sub so that’ll be nice. 


NK already had nukes and missiles well before Trump was even a candidate.  His promises weren't just empty, they were blatantly counter-factual, and anyone who complains he's not fulfilling them is an idiot for believing them in the first place.


4 hours ago, The_Dude said:

Trump was stupid in his in his dealings with the Chinese. There should be a blockade around Korea right now — there isn’t. We should have taken military action by now. Trump has no clue what he’s doing — I’m just hoping that if a conflict does arise, Mattis takes complete control of the situation as Trump is out of his league. 


Because a completely destabilized Pacific Rim is a great idea.


And Trump is out of his league...but he'll take charge anyway.  It's what he does.  The good news is that he'll probably try to tweet orders...which the military could very easily refuse on the grounds that tweets aren't binding orders.

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Just now, DC Tom said:

And Trump is out of his league...but he'll take charge anyway.  It's what he does.  The good news is that he'll probably try to tweet orders...which the military could very easily refuse on the grounds that tweets aren't binding orders.


On the foreign policy front this is getting harder to sell. He's proven to be smart enough to delegate authority to MI and the Pentagon, unlike his predecessors. And in his first year we have witnessed a groundswell of change in several hot spots. He's bombastic, he's unorthodox, but I can't say he's out of his league when the results thus far have been sterling on the foreign policy front:


1) KSA reformation - this was the absolute destruction of not one but several human trafficking networks and funding sources for both Shia and Shiite terror groups. 

2) ISIS collapse in Iraq and Syria. 

3) Hezbollah in full retreat from Lebanon, Syria, Yemen. 

4) Moving the capital to Jerusalem opened the door to more GCC cooperation against Iran

5) DPRK is coming to the negotiating table

6) The Mullahs in Iran are on the ropes


All in one year. 


I'm not saying Trump did that all. Just that he had the wisdom to trust the men and women in the military and MI to do their jobs. 

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18 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


NK already had nukes and missiles well before Trump was even a candidate.  His promises weren't just empty, they were blatantly counter-factual, and anyone who complains he's not fulfilling them is an idiot for believing them in the first place.



Because a completely destabilized Pacific Rim is a great idea.


And Trump is out of his league...but he'll take charge anyway.  It's what he does.  The good news is that he'll probably try to tweet orders...which the military could very easily refuse on the grounds that tweets aren't binding orders.

 NK had nukes but they had not yet completed their ICBM program. It's pretty much there now. I think China gave them help.


This is why MacArthur should have been allowed to handle this whole crisis 70 years ago. 

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10 minutes ago, The_Dude said:

 NK had nukes but they had not yet completed their ICBM program. It's pretty much there now. I think China gave them help.


This is why MacArthur should have been allowed to handle this whole crisis 70 years ago. 


No, it's not there now.  All they've demonstrated is that they can generate enough specific impulse out of a rocket nozzle to send a rocket really far.  That's still a far cry from a prototype of a weapon, much less a viable one.


Their big advancement in the past two years has been nothing more than "their rockets no longer explode randomly and spontaneously."

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6 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


No, it's not there now.  All they've demonstrated is that they can generate enough specific impulse out of a rocket nozzle to send a rocket really far.  That's still a far cry from a prototype of a weapon, much less a viable one.


Their big advancement in the past two years has been nothing more than "their rockets no longer explode randomly and spontaneously."


They've demonstrated enough to show they got a fighters chance of landing a blow. In addition, I'm very suspicious of their receiving help from the Chinese who are NOT our friends and do not desire to be our friends. 

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1 minute ago, The_Dude said:


They've demonstrated enough to show they got a fighters chance of landing a blow. In addition, I'm very suspicious of their receiving help from the Chinese who are NOT our friends and do not desire to be our friends. 

 No, they haven't.  Ever design a weapons system before?

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An intermediate-range missile launched by North Korea last April crashed into a town near Pyongyang, possibly causing an explosion and casualties, The Diplomat reported on Wednesday.


The IRBM was launched April 28, 2017 near Pukchang Airfield in South Pyongan Province and was the third in a series of failed launches that month, the report said.

The missile crashed into the city of Tokchun after one minute of powered flight, the report said. The explosion caused "considerable damage to a complex of industrial or agricultural buildings," the report said, citing a U.S. government source with knowledge of the program.

The secretive regime makes it nearly impossible to determine the extent of damages. The online magazine theorized that if the missile hit a populated city, the result could have been catastrophic.

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Just now, DC Tom said:

 No, they haven't.  Ever design a weapons system before?


Have I ever designed a weapons system? Mate, why are you asking a question you know to be no? 


I'm sure the Chinese have the technology, and so I can't be sure that North Korea does not. That said, I'm ready for a friggin war already. 

Also, ICBM's, MERV stuff -- not my area. 7.62/5.56 -- that's my area. 

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12 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


No, it's not there now.  All they've demonstrated is that they can generate enough specific impulse out of a rocket nozzle to send a rocket really far.  That's still a far cry from a prototype of a weapon, much less a viable one.


Their big advancement in the past two years has been nothing more than "their rockets no longer explode randomly and spontaneously."

You're right. Though I'd point out the jump in rocket tech in 12 months was odd. Odd enough to warrant looking into who is providing them with technical assistance. Assistance which was accelerated upon 45's victory. 

Coincidence or a reaction? 

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