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Did it make you laugh as much as the Benghazi killings did?

It should've made him laugh about 40 times harder. Have to go w/ "about" as, based on his calculation on how many weeks there are in the year, it is very unlikely he can figure out how many times 4 goes into 160.

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It should've made him laugh about 40 times harder. Have to go w/ "about" as, based on his calculation on how many weeks there are in the year, it is very unlikely he can figure out how many times 4 goes into 160.

Ha ha! 11:30 on a Saturday night and you are busy harping on something I said years ago? You are a loser. Pathetic! :)

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Ha ha! 11:30 on a Saturday night and you are busy harping on something I said years ago? You are a loser. Pathetic! :)

What are you referring to that you said years ago? Was it how funny the Benghazi killings were or the fact that you didn't know how many weeks there are in a year?

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Ha ha! 11:30 on a Saturday night and you are busy harping on something I said years ago? You are a loser. Pathetic! :)

Your demonstrating your inability to count to 52 occurred years ago?


You're worse at telling time than you've initially let on.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Meet the new boss, same as the old:


US to announce $110b Saudi arms deal as Trump visits




Important to note, this deal pre-dated 45 but was "sweetened" with the help of JK:


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Meet the new boss, same as the old:


US to announce $110b Saudi arms deal as Trump visits




Important to note, this deal pre-dated 45 but was "sweetened" with the help of JK:


At least Trump didn't bow

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Let’s play “One of these things is not like the other one.” Compare, if you will, Barack Obama’s 2009 speech in Cairo to the Muslim world with Donald Trump’s speech today in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

There was some overlap: both indulged heartily in the usual political boilerplate and délicatesse: honored to be here, working together, Islam’s great contribution to culture, how splendid is the Middle East, terrorism is not coterminous with Islam, etc., etc.

But that’s where the similarity ended. Trump’s speech was a forthright, America First, speech, Obama’s an accommodationist’s dream.

Trump’s speech—and, again, his entire performance—struck me as (if I may employ an archaic word that is probably forbidden on most college campuses) manly.

Obama told his audience how deep an influence Islam had had on America from the very beginning of the republic. He lamented the activities of “violent extremists.” He apologized for bigotry of Americans. “Fear and anger” was understandable in the wake of 9/11, he said, but those emotions “in some cases . . . led us to act contrary to our ideals.” He never mentioned the word “terrorism,” much less “Islamic terrorism.”

Trump sought solutions guided by “common sense,” “principled realism,” and “experience,” not “ideology.” He praised Islam as a great and beneficent religion, but also sternly rejected “Islamic extremism,” “Islamicism,” and “Islamic terror of all kinds.” He used the words “terror” and “terrorism” more than thirty times. He castigated ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations, and was particularly tart about the role of Iran in funding, abetting, and exporting terror.

Bottom line: Obama went to Cairo to apologize for America and hope for world peace. Trump went to Riyadh to champion America and extend an offer to work together for world peace.

I’d like to step back and speculate on its significance in the broader context of American foreign policy. Trump, of course, was supposed to be an anti-Muslim fanatic who wanted to deport or incarcerate all Muslims who lived in America. That’s pretty much what that Obama-appointed Democratic tool Judge Robart said when he issued his temporary restraining order against Trump’s Executive Order restricting immigration from several known terrorist hot spots.

But here he was on his first foreign trip as President making his first stop in Saudi Arabia, before going on to Israel, and thence to Rome, Brussels, and elsewhere in Europe. Note the symbolism of the itinerary: central sites of the four great religions of our time: Islam, Judaism, Catholic Christianity, and (with Brussels) Bureaucratic Atheism.

My friend Judy Miller writes that Trump’s “big trip” was undertaken to “change the subject” and divert attention from the “crisis” at home. But Judy, like many of her colleagues in the MSM, keeps consulting a notebook labelled “Watergate.” Her narrative is out of date. The only “crisis” is the pseudo-crisis that is 100% American made fiction. Robert Mueller, the special counsel appointed to investigate alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians in the the 2016 Presidential election, will, I predict, shortly reveal just how fictitious that narrative has been. Whether he also reveals malfeasance on the part of the Clinton campaign is an interesting question and one which, were I Hillary Clinton, would have me worried.

more at the link: https://pjmedia.com/rogerkimball/2017/05/21/trumps-leads-from-in-front/

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Trump pulls no punches.





Condemning Manchester Terrorist Murder of Children … in the Company of Abbas

by Andrew C. McCarthy


Original Article





It's ridiculous to think that there will ever be peace between the arabs and Israel, especially brokered by US.


It's a waste of time. Like it or not, these situations can only ever be resolved with violence. See: Bosnia. See: the innumerable wars fought between Germany and France up to and including WW2.

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