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Scathing Review of Doug Whaley - Buffalo News

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In the article, Lupica states:


"On Wednesday morning, I asked my old friend Jerry Sullivan, a terrific columnist for The Buffalo News, just how dysfunctional the Bills are."


That raises the following questions:


Who knew Sully had any "friends" other than Bucky?


Why would Lupica admit that he is a friend?


What does that do to Lupica's credibility when he describes Sullen as "a terrific columnist"?

Only one answer, you are obviously wrong about Sully. :D


"As another western New York guy I know said to me, "Sometimes you think that winning over gullible fans is more important to these people than winning football games."


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Only one answer, you are obviously wrong about Sully. :D


"As another western New York guy I know said to me, "Sometimes you think that winning over gullible fans is more important to these people than winning football games."



Wow Sully really scored with you and your knee pads!.

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In my mind it keeps going back to Brandon. I know there are some on this board who will jump up and down and say Brandon has nothing to do with the product on the field. To that I answer as the president of the team everything is a reflection on him. If he has zero to do with the product on the field, a notion that I dismiss, he is the president he has influence , but following the theory that he has zero input to the product on the field. What purpose does he serve. Shouldn't the man running both of your organization have a clear vision , a plan for success , the ability to know when things are not working and when thing are on the right path? Brandon supporters seem to want to have it both ways. The organization is a mess but the president bares no responsibility.

Taking a step back you have a five hundred team without consistent qb play. When you have inconsistent qb play you are a 500 team . The issue they may be having probably goes on with a lot a franchises a good old fashion turf war between coach and gm. With this knowledge wouldn't a strong team president put an end to it ?

on the subject of turf wars ; they do not have to be the death of a coach. George young and Parcells were always at odds. Joe Torre would run out silly lineups to push Cashman into making moves, Dtika and Buddy Ryan won a super bowl. A strong president would handle these matters. A weak one blames others.

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I will not read the article, but if he is blasting Whaley for apparently undermining Rex...and most likely Marrone ....then I regretfully have to agree with him.


How bad is it in Buffalo sports when i have to agree with Sully :sick:

Agree with this. I think Whaley has done a good job personnel wise but his relationship with the HCs has been very sketchy despite all the public BS about working together well. It seems like he kisses up to the owners and throws the HC under the bus for all the teams issues. That's not good leadership.
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Agree with this. I think Whaley has done a good job personnel wise but his relationship with the HCs has been very sketchy despite all the public BS about working together well. It seems like he kisses up to the owners and throws the HC under the bus for all the teams issues. That's not good leadership.

is it Whaley or Brandon ? If it is Whaley wear is the president ? Why is he allowing this ?

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I think Buffalo sports fans are so frustrated and bitter that they want to take all the years of losing out on Whaley and Rex, when the team is actually headed in the right direction finally.

Correct. Although replacing Rex with Lynn may be a proper mid course correction. Lets see which team shows up today and go from there.

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is it Whaley or Brandon ? If it is Whaley wear is the president ? Why is he allowing this ?

You're asking the wrong question. Whaley doesn't report to Brandon, he reports to the owner. So does Ryan for that matter. So the question is, why is Pegula allowing this?

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In my mind it keeps going back to Brandon. I know there are some on this board who will jump up and down and say Brandon has nothing to do with the product on the field. To that I answer as the president of the team everything is a reflection on him. If he has zero to do with the product on the field, a notion that I dismiss, he is the president he has influence , but following the theory that he has zero input to the product on the field. What purpose does he serve. Shouldn't the man running both of your organization have a clear vision , a plan for success , the ability to know when things are not working and when thing are on the right path? Brandon supporters seem to want to have it both ways. The organization is a mess but the president bares no responsibility.

Taking a step back you have a five hundred team without consistent qb play. When you have inconsistent qb play you are a 500 team . The issue they may be having probably goes on with a lot a franchises a good old fashion turf war between coach and gm. With this knowledge wouldn't a strong team president put an end to it ?

on the subject of turf wars ; they do not have to be the death of a coach. George young and Parcells were always at odds. Joe Torre would run out silly lineups to push Cashman into making moves, Dtika and Buddy Ryan won a super bowl. A strong president would handle these matters. A weak one blames others.

Or hides behind the cloak of being a marketing genius

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I see that point. Does Brandon have Kim's ear ? is he president in name only. I would love to know

Of course he has the ear of the owners; he's the president of PSE, which encompasses several pro sports franchises among other lines of business, after all. But he is not in a position to exert organizational control over employees that don't report to him. That's on the Pegulas as they set upmthe organizational structure in place.

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