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8-8 Forever?

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How do we get in? I have Miami beating us in Common games even if they lose the next 2.

If we won the last 2 and they lost to New England we would be level in common games because in uncommon games we are both 1-1.


I don't know how strength of victory would then stack up after that but it is largely irrelevant - we are not getting in. We needed one of Oakland and Pittsburgh - if we had won one of those we would be in a nice position now.... or even if we had beaten the Jets earlier in the year for example.... but as it is we will not make it even winning out.

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How do we get in? I have Miami beating us in Common games even if they lose the next 2.

I thought this as well. The only spot we can aim for is their wild card position as it stands at the moment. Even if we end up tied with them ,and assuming Baltimore, Tennessee or Houston, Denver, Pittsburg and Miami all lose out we are still in a tiebreaker position we can't win. Am I missing something?

If we won the last 2 and they lost to New England we would be level in common games because in uncommon games we are both 1-1.


I don't know how strength of victory would then stack up after that but it is largely irrelevant - we are not getting in. We needed one of Oakland and Pittsburgh - if we had won one of those we would be in a nice position now.... or even if we had beaten the Jets earlier in the year for example.... but as it is we will not make it even winning out.

Ah there it is, I was missing something.

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