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Buffalo News and their agenda...

Big Turk

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I think Sully, Carucci, Bucky .......are definetly pushing an agenda. It is pathetic to make such a big deal about "I would take the Browns franchise over the Bills right now". These guys have gone above and beyond trying to sell papers.

Indeed they are.


To think otherwise is foolish.


Bucky and Sully have had an ax to grind with the Pegulas for some time and Vic has been trying to justify his report from before the season even started (that was discredited by Ty Dunne who then left for greener pastures).

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Look at the preseason predictions and the Bills are right where they should be. The rebuild was a three year project. Good draft class this year, upcoming draft and signing a free agent or two and the team is on course to make the playoffs. Objectively, this team has talent bu the play is disjointed. The BN sports reporting team has its own agenda. Let them dump on the franchise. That is their job. The owners will have to think about starting over, new staff and years to draft the talent to mesh with the new coaches philosophy. We will know in two weeks what the Pegula's will do and the BN will keep on writing stories that will get eyes on their newspaper.

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The News has been overly critical of the Bills for years. It is one thing to have controversial articles to get clicks. That is fine all the papers do it. Where the news is different is the secondary articles are usually some sort of piece on a player progressing well. A human interest story ect. The news stays overly negative with every story. Look no further then the articles written after todays game. Yes it is Cleveland but they still won a game . Every article took a negative slant

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We beat a JV team from St Mary's School for the Blind. Maybe our "team" should have thought about circling the wagons when it mattered (Week 1, Jets game, Dolphins game, Raiders and Steelers). Other than that...yayyyyyyy, we won!!!

That's the thing going into this game. The Bills couldn't do anything to escape criticism. Win by 20? See above. Lose? It's the F'n Purge.

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That's the thing going into this game. The Bills couldn't do anything to escape criticism. Win by 20? See above. Lose? It's the F'n Purge.




Sadly, I think that some in the pitchfork crowd were hoping for a loss to further their agenda.

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Why are people acting like the Bills are 1-13 or something? They haven't played great but they are far from terrible.

Because fans want a playoff team (I absolutely agree with you on your point though)

Yes that's true when you play a meaningless game against a team like the Browns and were essentially sleep walking the week before in the most important game of the year.

Its not meaningless yet.....


Would it have been better if we lost (dont answer that)

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The Buffalo media is annoying. It's insulting when they tell me this game was crap and the Bills still stink. That I'm not supposed to enjoy an NFL win. That Tyrod is the worst QB ever and will never amount to anything. Hey, the team has no say in who they get to play, it was the 0-13 Browns, so what, why does that mean I can't enjoy a win? I could care less about losing for draft picks. If they love a QB then trade our entire draft to move up. Whatever. I'm sick of losers mentality....that you gotta lose to eventually win. I hate that. Just win.

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Yes that's true when you play a meaningless game against a team like the Browns and were essentially sleep walking the week before in the most important game of the year.


That is on the players as well. This has been a team that once adversity hits, they crumble. There is no Talley type player to get in the face of his teammates who didn't even try to tackle and were playing half speed...


I'm not sticking up for Rex, but there are 2 sides to this coin...

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They are very difficult to read. Each year they pick a topic early on and consistently stick with it as a theme and just hammer on the Bills win or lose. Often they just fail to simply do their jobs and report. It is very personal with them and you can tell that they are angry, Their lack of objectivity often leads to making a vulnerable fan base even more angrier. It's a cycle that they are part of and feed into. I felt bad about the lack of crowd but that was a direct reflection of both the Bills play and the negative media banging on them for a week. When Marrone became offended by the negativity and how personal it was he treated them in a similar fashion and we saw how that blew up. That guy ended up not trusting anyone and it made his weaker personality traits even worse. Right now they are so mad that Rex won't say he is getting fired. Bucky Gleason acted like a whiny little kid in that press conference when he wouldn't tell him exactly when he found out he may be fired. If he doesn't know or believe Rex go do some investigating and find out. They just act like babies but call out coaches and players when they act in a similar fashion.

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It's not binary. Both of these things may be true:


1) The Bills are terrible and should clean house


2) The Buffalo News sports section is terrible and should clean house

Terrible?? Get some perspective bro...9-7, 8-8 and probably 9-7 again is not terrible...


My God what has happened to sense on his board?? Apparently having some damn sense and posting about the Bills IS Binary.

Edited by matter2003
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Buffalo News needs to sell papers, Buffalo Bills need to sell tickets


When sales are in doubt, start a witch hunt

A witch hunt? 17 f-ing years of no playoffs and anything negative said about the team is a witch hunt? Are you on f-ing glue. You friggin koolaid drinkers are ridiculous. Ive got some great waterfront property in florida. Ill sell it to you for five hundred an acre. Youll be able to get 10000 times that the day after the deed is recorded.Call me.

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The Buffalo media is annoying. It's insulting when they tell me this game was crap and the Bills still stink. That I'm not supposed to enjoy an NFL win. That Tyrod is the worst QB ever and will never amount to anything. Hey, the team has no say in who they get to play, it was the 0-13 Browns, so what, why does that mean I can't enjoy a win? I could care less about losing for draft picks. If they love a QB then trade our entire draft to move up. Whatever. I'm sick of losers mentality....that you gotta lose to eventually win. I hate that. Just win.

Well said! The losers mentality is pathetic.

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