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Attempt to scam me this morning


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Ok I guess this is a good place to put this. As most of you know I do Financial Planning/Advisory work. The small firm I work for has a radio program that's on a few stations here in the Bay Area. We get a few calls but not too many. This lady called a few weeks ago and I called her back. She stated her husband died a few years ago and they had some money overseas she was trying to get and was looking for help with it. I asked her a few probing questions and when I asked how much money we were talking about I got this


Her: Well it's substantial

Me: How substantial? (of course that is a very subjective term)

She: well it's 8... (I'm expecting her to finish with $8,000 :rolleyes:).... hundred.... (ok $800,000 now we're getting somewhere :thumbsup:)..... million.


$800,000,000. Huh?!?! I asked where her husband would amassed those kind of assets. She said he was involved in the tech industry in the Silicon Valley and had invented lots of software programs predominately for currency exchanges. She sounded very coherent and not like a nutcase at all at the start. Then she started saying that the money was in countries all over the world. England, France, Germany...ok people shelter money in different countries for different reason....Ghana, Nigeria. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Her story just ran off the rails. I called an attorney she'd been "working with". He said he'd known her husband for 30 years. He had great ideas but never was able to raise the capital to get anything off the ground. He said he's been trying to get psychiatric treatment for her. I feel real bad for this lady. :cry:


Damn my annual fees to manage $800,000,000 is huge. Now I feel real bad for me. :cry::cry:

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Two key phases from the OP

phone out of bedroom



Answering the phone (and having a land ilne) are a generational thing. Like having a newspaper subscription


Spelling is also a generational thing. No newspaper subscription (we used to have just Sunday for coupons, comics and bird cage) or grandchildren (child is old enough to have child but is as likely to date as Gungy and certainly not old enough to for grandchild to be calling regarding car issue) and phone out of bedroom is a work shift related thing.

Land line? Cheaper (and usually more reliable but recent experience tells me that is changing) if you have no need to pay for some $100 a month cell phone.

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Spelling is also a generational thing. No newspaper subscription (we used to have just Sunday for coupons, comics and bird cage) or grandchildren (child is old enough to have child but is as likely to date as Gungy and certainly not old enough to for grandchild to be calling regarding car issue) and phone out of bedroom is a work shift related thing.

Land line? Cheaper (and usually more reliable but recent experience tells me that is changing) if you have no need to pay for some $100 a month cell phone.


Seeing I have to hang from the highest window in the house sometimes to get any kind of decent cell reception I sometimes miss my land line. :cry:

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Maybe Trump will put in a law that says people caught doing that **** get beaten to death with hammers.

bag, more likely to appoint the scanner head of finance or telecommunications




I thought this post was going to be about someone getting a call or letter about renewing their season tickets.....

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Why not just get a cheap VOiP like Ooma?


Because Voice over IP reception is terrible; I definitely have old age ears.

I thought this post was going to be about someone getting a call or letter about renewing their season tickets.....


Well I guess you can talk about the call to renew your Browns season tickets if you want ...

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The only way that scam works is if the person answering the phone is 80yrs+. Thats horrible.

But that's the thing- you don't want a bunch of reasonable people to take a lot of time to go back and forth on a GREAT scam. In the scammers world there's something to be said for finding the person that will fall for ANYTHING quick with an obviously ridiculous story. It's why the Nigerian prince needs help and not some great email that would get thousands of curious replies only to have most back out later

No. That's why I had a four year old gift card in my wallet.

Do you have a George costanza-esque wallet filled with random stuff? Or just nothing more important and felt like all the compartments should have something in them

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Because Voice over IP reception is terrible; I definitely have old age ears.


Well I guess you can talk about the call to renew your Browns season tickets if you want ...

I hear the browns office doesn't even call people anymore cause they were tired of everyone thinking it was a scam, or just being laughed at. I picture their ticket office employees looking like the Maytag repairmen sitting g with their heads in the hands waiting for someone to call
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