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The UN hates women

Just Jack

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But not everyone saw it that way. Nearly 45,000 people signed a petition protesting the selection.





​Good to know that the United Nations, representing about 7.5 BILLION people can be influenced by about half the size of a crowd that shows up at the "Big House" every Saturday at a Michigan game.





Obligatory Wonder Woman picture



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“A large-breasted white woman of impossible proportions, scantily clad in a shimmery, thigh-baring body suit with an American flag motif and knee-high boots” is not an appropriate spokeswoman for gender equity at the United Nations, the petition said."


However, a small woman wearing thick glasses, clad in a burka, peering through a netted opening would clearly represent the ideal UN equity symbol. Let's give the UN even more money to foster even narrower interpretations of society.


Sail On, Oh Ship of State!

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The UN doesn't hate women


They just hate white women. And white people in general.


Okay I spoke too soon. It's not white people they hate. It's the Western European concepts of freedom of speech, self governance, and individual liberty that the UN finds offensive

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