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In defense of Rex-Kind of


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Rex didn't have Mckelvin til end and Kiko either. Dareus played 15 games and Gilmore 14 so contributed heavily to #4 defense. All I'm saying is at end of last year with all their injuries they were not going anywhere anyways even if did sneak into playoffs with Jim the great Schwartz and EJ Manuel.

Fair enough, but there's no excuse for how the season has ended the last 2 season with Rex, with blowouts from the jump and looking lifeless out there. This team quits hard on him every year when it gets tough. Burn it down.

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That's all well and good but the OP lost me when he equated Jerry Hughes to Aaron Maybinot. That has a lack of credibility factor.


The equation was a first round pick and thought of bust goes to different team and succeeds. Just trying to figure out what has happened to him last ten weeks. I have not been able to watch games as I live in NJ area but from analysis by people who review tape he is not being doubled as much as Kyle and Lorenzo. Maybe he's injured, just wanna know what happened to him since hot start-Is he injured? And don't bring in scheme-I'm sure he rushes the passer plenty.

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Fair enough, but there's no excuse for how the season has ended the last 2 season with Rex, with blowouts from the jump and looking lifeless out there. This team quits hard on him every year when it gets tough. Burn it down.


Maybe it is just me, but it seemed as though the team did NOT quit and even fought hard to get back in the game up until the botched on side kick.

Edited by Peter
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I'm a former Jet fan who became Bills fan because of Rex. I love rooting for him and thought he got bad rap for horrible teams last years for Jets. Ridiculous that he was able to go 8-8 with Geno Smith and Jeremy Kerley. Even his defenses the last year were better than they should have been. His last year they were literally taking CBs off the street because Idzik was so horrible. Having said that, I'm very disappointed with what Rex has done with this defense. If he had this offense he has now with the Jets he would have made the playoffs probably 3 out of the last 4 years and possibly won a superbowl the first two years.


With all that said, this notion that if Marrone or Jim Schwartz was still here you would take your 9-7 (aided by Pats sitting their starters last week) and be great these last two years is utterly ridiculous. I know Jim Schwartz had a good year with the 4-3 defense and the great defensive line. Does anyone know how he would do with that defensive line being down one starter being injured/suspended (Kyle last year, Dareus this year) and the other washed up (Mario Williams)? How about with beyond horrible safeties with AW being injured? You know based on cap, Bradham would have been gone. Also, seems Jerry Hughes is injured or teams have figured him out (see Aaron Maybin with Jets). Now lets go to offense. They were really set up for future with their Quarterback retiring and no first round pick the year Rex took over. It is Rex's fault he wanted Tyrod-in retrospect he should have gone after Brady, Matt Ryan or Aaron Rodgers. Sammy Watkins was injured this entire season, Dareus has been injured/suspended and Shaq was injured the first half. So basically 4 first round picks the last bunch of years were not on the field (Watkins counts for two). Should I throw in the EJ pick? How is this team built well-There Quarterback is below average, receivers since not healthy below average, D-line nothing special with injuries/suspensions, linebackers below average, safeties possibly worst in the league. Rex still should take blame for the defense but this team being 6-7 overall is not that bad of a coaching job. And getting a Qb is not easy especially with no first round pick and no salary room. So if you wanna fire Rex, fine, but thinking how great this team would be with Schwartz or Marrone still running it is foolish in my opinion-based on injuries and your most important position being way below average this team would be in same position with or without Rex.

Jimmy Spags! Is that you?

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The equation was a first round pick and thought of bust goes to different team and succeeds. Just trying to figure out what has happened to him last ten weeks. I have not been able to watch games as I live in NJ area but from analysis by people who review tape he is not being doubled as much as Kyle and Lorenzo. Maybe he's injured, just wanna know what happened to him since hot start-Is he injured? And don't bring in scheme-I'm sure he rushes the passer plenty.

A. I won't bring in scheme because to do so would not allow the defense of Rex thread to go on. His scheme has continuously failed.


2. Maybinot succeeded with the Jets?

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It's not just you, but there's only 1 other person I think who believes that. I watched the defense walk after Bell.


I do not know about walk. I saw plenty of missed tackles. Yet, even with everything going against us, the team seemed (at least to me) to try to fight to get back into the game.

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A. I won't bring in scheme because to do so would not allow the defense of Rex thread to go on. His scheme has continuously failed.


2. Maybinot succeeded with the Jets?


A. K so he got 4 sacks his first four weeks, and then Rex changed scheme to stop letting him rush the passer-got it. Does Rex get credit for helping no names Lorenzo and Zach Brown for putting up great numbers or is that all genius Doug Whaley?

B. Had 6 sacks and four forced fumbles with Rex after Buffalo let him go in 2011 and then when relied upon next year he stunk it up cuz only had one move.

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A. K so he got 4 sacks his first four weeks, and then Rex changed scheme to stop letting him rush the passer-got it. Does Rex get credit for helping no names Lorenzo and Zach Brown for putting up great numbers or is that all genius Doug Whaley?

B. Had 6 sacks and four forced fumbles with Rex after Buffalo let him go in 2011 and then when relied upon next year he stunk it up cuz only had one move.

Lorenzo's and Brown's numbers have also fallen off the last few weeks. In fact, Rex has cut down Lorenzo's defensive reps to allow him to play on special teams.


The last two weeks, against the Raiders and Steelers, Ryan has dropped 7 and 8 guys into coverage in an effort to stop the pass.


It worked against the Steelers passing game, holding Big Ben to some terrible passing numbers, but it left the Bills woefully undermanned against the run, and Bell ate them alive.


Also very noticeable with Rex's exotic and complicated alignments is that the Bills have an extremely difficult time setting the edge. This has contributed to them giving up two 200 yard rushing games to two different backs this season.


The complexity of the defense has put the Bills on their heals more often than not in Rex's alignment. Rex needs an on-field coach to make his schemes work like Jim Leonhard. The Bills don't have that guy.


In fact, with Rex, Rob, and Thurman, it seems like it takes a village for Rex's scheme to work. It's impossible to know who's accountable for any given play call.


With Schwartz, the simplicity of his scheme lead to accountability, which led to better play on the field.

Edited by Perry Turtle
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