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Kool Aid Part 2


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Another season, another let down for many fans. I picked 5-11 and at best 7-9. What was everyone elses pick on the year? How many honestly drank the Kool Aid? 17 years of no playoffs speaks volumes of this organization from top to bottom.


Do we clean house? Find a diamond in the rough coach? Let TT go? One things for certain- heck no is he getting even close to 27 mil next year. Word on the street Rex may be canned tomorrow. Time will tell.


PS- nice shank by Carp on the onside kick!!!


Anyways, go Bills and Happy Holidays.

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I said the range would be 7-9 to 9-7 as our absolute ceiling...


And so I went with 8-8 as my prediction, which is looking pretty good.

We won't win the last 3 games, even if we "should" with Tannehill done for the year, the Browns the worst team in football, and the Jets being throughly crappy

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Another season, another let down for many fans. I picked 5-11 and at best 7-9. What was everyone elses pick on the year? How many honestly drank the Kool Aid? 17 years of no playoffs speaks volumes of this organization from top to bottom.


Do we clean house? Find a diamond in the rough coach? Let TT go? One things for certain- heck no is he getting even close to 27 mil next year. Word on the street Rex may be canned tomorrow. Time will tell.


PS- nice shank by Carp on the onside kick!!!


Anyways, go Bills and Happy Holidays.


I said 8 - 8 so still plausible

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Wow, a discussion with realistic Bills fans.

I picked 7-9.

I didn't get the Sunday ticket and was called a Troll for saying so in the Sunday Ticket thread.

A bunch of us said we wanted to see C. Jones in and we're castigated for not " understanding" football. Apparently Whaley doesn't either.

Rex was an obvious joke after one season and all the koolaid drinkers said we were being too impatient.

He ruined a potentially great defense in one year. This D is a joke as is the QB.

The Bills are a joke. Sad but true.

Cardale needs to finish the season, we need a coach who can actually coach.

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Today proves that this team as it's currently constructed just isn't good enough to get the job done against real teams. This team gets pushed around by anyone with quality offensive and defensive lines. Tyrod Taylor just isn't going to get it, it's over, move on. Rex and his 1980's philosophy is just too outdated to be consistently effective. Sammy Watkins, regardless of talent, hasn't been available enough to be an effective weapon. None of our CB's are good enough to be left on an island, so the strategy is doomed to fail. Charles Clay is underutilized for what the Bills paid. Aaron Williams was apparently far more important than anyone wanted to admit. The running backs are the only bright spot on this team, but once everyone else figured that out, they just put everyone in the box and force Tyrod to be a qb, and now we all know how that played out.I wanted to be positive this year, but the wheels have fallen off. This team needs a real QB first and foremost. I have seen enough of Tyrod and EJ but have no logical reason to believe Jones is any good. He couldn't even hold the QB job at Ohio State. Don't really want Romo, he's old and brittle, or Cutler, he's shot. Just draft the best qb you can find, and let him and Jones duke it out. I am out of ideas, just know if you pick the right guy you're set for about ten years, if you don't, you're screwed and the treadmill rolls on...

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I think I said 10-6. The loss to Miami just killed this team along with the injury to Sammy.

Thats all that killed this team? Look to Rex for the ultimate blame. I went on record when he was first hired saying I hated the decision to make him our HC- and now even more. Hes a blow hard all talk crummy coach.

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