Greybeard Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 You do not get shootouts in the UK (especially since the PIRA and other Irish gangs have curtailed their murderous activities) because there are so few guns, although in some cities there are gangs with access it is not even a real issue in most places and burglars do not have them. 254344[/snapback] I had to read that first line twice before I understoond what you were referencing. I find it interesting that you refer to PIRA when in the US, it is always just the IRA. Is this a US thing or is there something special about the P that separates it from just the IRA. I understand that the P is for provincial.
Ralonzo Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 What the hells wrong with you guys over there? So what should you do, let them do what they want and just go along with it? A few years ago in the house exactly behind mine a few people tryed to do a "home invasion". It didnt work out how they would of liked, the guy who lived there moved over here because he was gettin robbed too much at his other place. He was ready this time, he ended up gettin in a shootout on the staircase, he was on the 2nd floor shootin down at the guy and hit him. The owner didnt get arrested for anything, not even an illegal gun charge, I really cant remember if he died but they found him knocked out by the side door, his partner or one of them got beat on the porch by someone else and ended up runnin away. 254205[/snapback] Now THAT'S what I talking about when I say defending yourself. If you brain or stab an intruder and kill him, you can be legitimately prosecuted if it is decided by the bobbies that deadly force was not required. And if you use a gun to defend yourself, they'll lock you up and throw away the key. Now, here in the States, it's a little different story. If they're in your house, you kill 'em. Anyway you can. And you'll get a friggin' medal for doing it. Advice from my police officer cousin Leo (paraphrasing): "If you shoot some perp in your house, no problem. Call us. If you shoot the perp outside your house, drag him to the threshold and make sure he's dead. Then call us."
Britbillsfan Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 I had to read that first line twice before I understoond what you were referencing. I find it interesting that you refer to PIRA when in the US, it is always just the IRA. Is this a US thing or is there something special about the P that separates it from just the IRA. I understand that the P is for provincial. 254419[/snapback] Provisional. PIRA is the official title that the largest and most active of the republican terror/ciminal gangs in Ulster that you hear about (there are larger if less active 'pro-British' ones). The IRA is an older group that at least had legitimacy in that they represented a majority of the people in Ireland/Eire's aspirations for self rule.
Britbillsfan Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 Now THAT'S what I talking about when I say defending yourself. If you brain or stab an intruder and kill him, you can be legitimately prosecuted if it is decided by the bobbies that deadly force was not required. And if you use a gun to defend yourself, they'll lock you up and throw away the key. Now, here in the States, it's a little different story. If they're in your house, you kill 'em. Anyway you can. And you'll get a friggin' medal for doing it. Advice from my police officer cousin Leo (paraphrasing): "If you shoot some perp in your house, no problem. Call us. If you shoot the perp outside your house, drag him to the threshold and make sure he's dead. Then call us." 254486[/snapback] You are talking rubbish basing what you say on a single case where a lowlife (I assume you are basing it on the Tony Martin case and not just making it up on the fly) with an illegally held gun shot dead a boy (also a lowlife, but there you are) outside the shooter's home whilst said victim was fleeing for his life. There have been a number of other legitimate shootings in the meantime (and prior to that case) where there was an investigation (as should happen with all shootings) and no charges were ever brought (indeed in at least one case where the intruder was jailed the individual shooting him was actually praised). In fact I can not think of one case where there has been a prosecution, let alone a conviction, where an intruder was killed or injured by a householder in the UK (although it is likely there will be one or two somewhere in the past) whilst actually in the property. Now with the quote from your cousin it would appear that if you shot an intruder outside of your home in the States (or at least whatever state he is based in) you could be liable to prosecution, like in the Martin case over here. The actual guidelines are here: As long as you say you believe you are acting in a reasonable manner it is pretty much open season on any intruder (and as long as you do not finish off an unconscious perp or suchlike).
#89 Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 why didn't anyone call 911 I would have been killed because I never just stand there and do nothing
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 Why does it sound like you long for the return of those days? What does this have to do with anything that happened in the video? 254192[/snapback] Just merely saying that for what this guy did, if he had done it in a different historical era, he'd have been in a FAR WORSE way than today. Lucky man, that one.
Joe Fergy Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 Yeah, the White Guy had to make racist remarks. Yeah OK.I bet you $100 the only racist remarks came from the Crazy Fat Black Lady. "Craker", "Whitey" etc.... I am sure her "anger" was mostly because the guy on the phone wasn't a "brother". Than every thing would have been high fives and smiles. Her thug boyfriend should be arrested for a "hate crime"!! I am sure that would be the case if it were the other way around. 253737[/snapback] Why wasn't this on the National News?
Ralonzo Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 Why wasn't this on the National News? 255537[/snapback] You have to ask?
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 You have to ask? 255615[/snapback] LOL indeed. I'm sure the poor gentleman of African-american descent was somehow oppressed and he was lashing out at the evil white regime keeping him down. Therefore, it would not be in the interests of the liberal media to besmirch this otherwise fine fellow's reputation.
billsfanone Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 I hear the big black guy was an honors student. Anyone see the movie Bonfire of the Vanities?
sweet baboo Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 why didn't anyone call 911 I would have been killed because I never just stand there and do nothing 255317[/snapback] take brazilian jujitsu and choke him into submission
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