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(OT) pizza shop beat down

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I can't pull up the sound one. If that guy made a racist remark, then the beat down was justified (maybe not 7 punches, though). Hate to pull a 180 on my earlier post.





I really love the way the race card can justify barbaric behavior. If I beat someone down for all of the anti-white comments I've heard while working downtown (Atlanta), I'd be serving 20 to life.



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To think that those mutherfuggin' pussies stood around and watched it was one thing, but even after the beating was done and the guy had left, they STILL stood around. No one tried to help him at all? WTF kind of people are they?


And for fux sake...grab a stool and go after the big guy.


Anyone know what city that was in?




that's what I was wondering, what town. Maybe somewhere in Wussconsin?

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This wouldn't have gone down that way if Chazz Palmentieri was running the joint, or if this happened 30 years ago. The real root causes I won't go into, because that's like going for the gas can while the fire is already smoldering.



This wouldn't have gone down that way if Chazz Palmentieri was running the joint


"Now yuze can't leave."


a very chilling scene right after he has the doors locked. Great flick.

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This wouldn't have gone down that way if Chazz Palmentieri was running the joint


"Now yuze can't leave."


a very chilling scene right after he has the doors locked. Great flick.




Bronx Tale, correct?


That movie was great!

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To think that those mutherfuggin' pussies stood around and watched it was one thing, but even after the beating was done and the guy had left, they STILL stood around. No one tried to help him at all? WTF kind of people are they?


And for fux sake...grab a stool and go after the big guy.


Anyone know what city that was in?



akron, ohio

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what a friggin piece of sh--...i certainly would not want to be involved in a situation like that, but you can guarantee that I'd AT LEAST tell the guy to stop...not just stand there like a friggin kitty. god, thats disgusting.

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Its tough to stand there and do nothing... I've been in several situations like this, and usually a good loud yell, like STOP! will startle the guy enough. My first instinct though was the gun scenario. It looked as if most of those guys in there were without backup, not knowing anybody else in there. The bigger white guy in the back should have helped out somewhat. I owned a restaurant in 2002, and had a guy literally beat to death right in my door way. Couldn't do anything, i had a baseball bat, knife, and all, couldn't do sheet, because there was about 20 guys on 1. When it comes to a situation like that, your life comes first, unless it was friend or family. A group of about 6 big black dudes took turns jumping on this poor guys head while he was incapacitated on the ground. Not sure if he ever made it. The sick thing about it, is that there were about 100 bystanders cheering the thing on. People can be sick

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Its tough to stand there and do nothing...  I've been in several situations like this, and usually a good loud yell, like STOP! will startle the guy enough.  My first instinct though was the gun scenario.  It looked as if most of those guys in there were without backup, not knowing anybody else in there.  The bigger white guy in the back should have helped out somewhat.  I owned a restaurant in 2002, and had a guy literally beat to death right in my door way.  Couldn't do anything, i had a baseball bat, knife, and all, couldn't do sheet, because there was about 20 guys on 1.  When it comes to a situation like that, your life comes first, unless it was friend or family.  A group of about 6 big black dudes took turns jumping on this poor guys head while he was incapacitated on the ground.  Not sure if he ever made it.  The sick thing about it, is that there were about 100 bystanders cheering the thing on.  People can be sick



WOW, what ever happened to the 6 guys? And what was the whole thing over?

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Seriously, people act as if a racial slur was uttered than a beat down is justified. What if the guy said motherf*cker or cocks*cker? Is a beat down justified now? Why is it a bigger issue if it is a black vs. white thing? Why can't people just look at is as two guys fighting or one guy being wrong (as the case may be)? Why must race be brought up? Is this any different than if a huge white guy beat up the same dude?


NO! It is the same. The people around him should have at least said something. I don't know how eager I would have been to jump in and take my beating but I swear I would have at least tried to make some peace.


Fights are fights. Don't try to make them into more than they are.

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I can't pull up the sound one. If that guy made a racist remark, then the beat down was justified (maybe not 7 punches, though). Hate to pull a 180 on my earlier post.



No, I'm sorry, there's no friggin reason for that type of violence. Some smartass remark is no excuse for beating the crap out of someone, then attempting to rob them of their cell phone. No way.

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You know this doesnt HAVE to be a race issue, from what i could hear the only race remark was the fat b*tch callin cell phone guy "this white m-f'er". If cell phone guy was black you can bet he would of gotten his ass whooped just the same.



Of course it has to be race, why wouldn't it be? :D


I honestly didn't even *think* race until someone here posted the association. I thought "big dude needlessly beating the hell out of little dude."


I wonder if it's a function of age. I've had countless run-ins with race issues. I can't count how many times I've been called something slang for "white dude" downtown. Yet race isn't an issue to me, I just classify those individuals a spank-offs. Not black-spank-offs, just spank-offs. Color to myself and most of those I know is just an attribute, much like hair length, eye color, and build. Eh, we still need another 50 years or so. The hardcore race issues are mostly gone, but there's still a lot of apprehension.


EDIT. That said, what the hell? It sucks going downtown because of that crap!



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I can't pull up the sound one. If that guy made a racist remark, then the beat down was justified (maybe not 7 punches, though). Hate to pull a 180 on my earlier post.



Yeah, the White Guy had to make racist remarks. Yeah OK.

I bet you $100 the only racist remarks came from the Crazy Fat Black Lady.

"Craker", "Whitey" etc....

I am sure her "anger" was mostly because the guy on the phone wasn't a "brother".

Than every thing would have been high fives and smiles.


Her thug boyfriend should be arrested for a "hate crime"!!

I am sure that would be the case if it were the other way around.

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You know this doesnt HAVE to be a race issue, from what i could hear the only race remark was the fat b*tch callin cell phone guy "this white m-f'er". If cell phone guy was black you can bet he would of gotten his ass whooped just the same.



not likely. Nice try though

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