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The Real Issue - No Killer Instinct Whatsoever!!

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In every ecosystem on earth OLD, injured, or otherwise ineffective predators are selected against in terms of survival... -They just don't make it....


In the NFL, they get to hang around for decades past their prime... Bogging down front offices with their ineffectiveness... infecting other sidelines with their mediocrity... Feeding on whatever they can find.


Sadly, once you hire one of these scavengers, you become one yourself... Doomed to pick at whatever scraps they drag back to the den...


That, unfortunately, is who we've become... Nether Rex or Whaley have been apex hunters in this league for a long time... They recruit other inferior specimens to fill out our roster which consistently gets us nowhere...


Our conference mates in NE, are a CULTURE of predators.... Beginning with the owner, and ending on the field with the QB... Bill Bellichick is cunning, silent, and ruthless in his pursuit of prey items... Brady, the same.


-The Ryan brothers are clumsy, boisterous, and juvenile in their approach... NOT top predators.... Tyrod, for all his speed can't bring down large prey...


If T-pegs is smart, he's looking at Matt Patricia as a HC candidate... Maybe Tom Coughlin as a GM.... I say we go discovery-channel on these mofos, and get dominant again! -GO BILLs!

This is excellent. Well done!!
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That's a fair point and I believe that mentality comes right from the coaches. That two minute offense at the end of the half is all the evidence you need of that. And Ryan's attempts to explain his strategy was an embarrassment.



This sums it up.


Rex has never had a "killer instinct". He's the affable clown at the top. Great guy, but I don't think players respect him like they would BB or Carroll. They like him, but they probably aren't any more impressed by him than most of us are.


If your leader is not an impressive figure, it's over from the start.

Edited by Mr. WEO
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That, unfortunately, is who we've become... Nether Rex or Whaley have been apex hunters in this league for a long time... They recruit other inferior specimens to fill out our roster which consistently gets us nowhere...


Our conference mates in NE, are a CULTURE of predators.... Beginning with the owner, and ending on the field with the QB... Bill Bellichick is cunning, silent, and ruthless in his pursuit of prey items... Brady, the same.


-The Ryan brothers are clumsy, boisterous, and juvenile in their approach... NOT top predators.... Tyrod, for all his speed can't bring down large prey...


If T-pegs is smart, he's looking at Matt Patricia as a HC candidate... Maybe Tom Coughlin as a GM.... I say we go discovery-channel on these mofos, and get dominant again! -GO BILLs!

I think Coughlin would be an interesting possibility and someone Pegula has spoken to already.


Like Lombardi said, winning isn't everything, its the only thing. Look at the disparity between the Patriots approach and the Bills regime here what sticks out to me is action speaks louder than words. We have a bunch of big-mouth buffoons who consistently come up short with all kinds of excuses vs. the guys that keep the talk to a minimum and come to work and get the job done. Excuses and explanations are for losers.


The killer instinct to me is pulling through when the games on the line, at the moment of truth. Jordan hitting a jump shot as the clock winds down, the Blackhawks getting a power play chance late and winning the game, Brady leading a scoring drive when they need it.


The best all-time match-ups in sports are those when two opponents with this instinct tangle like Frazier vs. Ali.


When I watch the Bills I don't get the 'feel' that any of these things will happen. And they usually don't unless the other team is an inferior opponent or a team that suffers from the same mistakes and shortcomings.


Its so sad this team has gone absolutely nowhere for so long making bad choice after bad choice season after season when the solution seems so obvious except to the people that can make it happen.

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Watching the Raiders game and others this season, I've not seen any sense of "killer instinct" with this team at all. When we had the lead 24-9, that's when you put your boot to their neck and put the game away. This applies to BOTH offense and defense!!! Offense needs to keep it rolling and the defense needs to throttle them into submission. No excuses for this collapse!!!!


Think back to the Bengals game. How many of you thought that we are going to lose that game because we kept giving the ball back to Dalton?? I know I was absolutely stressing in the fourth quarter.


This team needs swagger and they are sorely lacking it. Teams just aren't afraid of us.


I disagree.


I mean you can't really disagree with "Team just aren't afraid of this" or "No excuse for this collapse."


But I think the real issue is simply the obvious issue: the players they're lining up are better than the players we're lining up.


Then there's the other issue: the other team's coaches are sometimes better than our coaches.


I don't think our losses come down to character, effort, swagger or anything like that. I think it's all about talent.

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It's not a lack of killer instinct.


That's one of those made up excuses to cover up for a bad QB, bad receivers, and sub-par play on both lines.

The offensive line is playing very well.....Taylor has time to throw....just doesn't throw it...running game is great

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I disagree.


I mean you can't really disagree with "Team just aren't afraid of this" or "No excuse for this collapse."


But I think the real issue is simply the obvious issue: the players they're lining up are better than the players we're lining up.


Then there's the other issue: the other team's coaches are sometimes better than our coaches.


I don't think our losses come down to character, effort, swagger or anything like that. I think it's all about talent.

A lot of what you say is true. But the area IMO that has kept the Bills from being a playoff team, isn't swagger or talent.. it's discipline! The last 2 years the Bills have been one of the highest penalized teams in the NFL. In today's NFL you can't be giving opposing O second, and third chances do to stupid penalties.

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We lack consistency in coaching and at the QB position.


I think the rest of our roster is pretty talented. The problem is coaching and QB are crucial to being successful. If you don't have those two you ain't winning.


You're right. Our talent issue is often a consistency issue. TT, our secondary, our RT, etc. - and our coaching staff - have all been terribly inconsistent.


Both our coaching and our QB play have been putrid at times.


There's some talent on the roster and in the coaching ranks. The gaps in important spots, though, are killing us.

Edited by hondo in seattle
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To the OP's point I think that it comes down to desire (talent aside). How much do you care about the game and your teammates? The money is so much more than the past when players played in large measure because they loved the game. Now many are in it for the paycheck. In drafting I think that it is important to try to determine how much the game means to a player. How passionate is he? Everyone today can run faster and jump higher that yesterday's players, but, do they want it?


Passionate player: Kyle Williams

In it for the money:Marcel Dareus

Exactly! I always think about Ronnie Lott in these moments. Cut his finger off to play. That's the type of commitment and desire to play this team needs. Now, I'm not saying we need a test to see who is willing to actually cut off their finger, but you can determine a players passion vs. paycheck.


Oh and to add to your list: Kyle Orton. That Denver game where he could have run one extra yard for the first down but decided to run out of bounds?!?! KITTY move. I put Girlmore on this list, too. Trying to tackle? pah-lease.......

Edited by Houston's #1 Bills Fan
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A lot of what you say is true. But the area IMO that has kept the Bills from being a playoff team, isn't swagger or talent.. it's discipline! The last 2 years the Bills have been one of the highest penalized teams in the NFL. In today's NFL you can't be giving opposing O second, and third chances do to stupid penalties.

PastFan, preciate your 2 cents from time to time. There's not a lot of fans from other teams that would do what U have here. The penalties point is valid, but


attitude (killer instinct) here IS very important, especially in a game like football. When we (Bills) were kicking everybody's a _ _ in the early 90's, guys


on all 3 units had that attitude, and it showed in their play. For years now I've seen Brady many, many times during a game going up & down the


bench yelling at the players, just like Kelly used to do. Keeping them hungry, pissed, fired-up. It works. Maintain the killer frame of mind. Go Bills!

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PastFan, preciate your 2 cents from time to time. There's not a lot of fans from other teams that would do what U have here. The penalties point is valid, but


attitude (killer instinct) here IS very important, especially in a game like football. When we (Bills) were kicking everybody's a _ _ in the early 90's, guys


on all 3 units had that attitude, and it showed in their play. For years now I've seen Brady many, many times during a game going up & down the


bench yelling at the players, just like Kelly used to do. Keeping them hungry, pissed, fired-up. It works. Maintain the killer frame of mind. Go Bills!

So true.......


I hate Brady as much as the next Bills fan, but the post above is so right. He pulls them together and gets them going. Kelly and crew were the same.


The Patriots "Do Your Job" mantra is so true. Those that don't ARE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. We don't have that atmosphere here, unfortunately.

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I think there is a lack of confidence and leadership on the team and to me that partially falls on the head coach. This team has talked about changing the culture, holding each other accountable, etc. and just don't think they're there yet. I'm also wondering if some guys aren't buying into the scheme (especially defense). Still feel there's a sense that the D is over complicated.

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It's called heart and the team lacks it. All you need to see that is how Gilmore and TT respond to criticism with the standard "you guys can insult me but I have to have a short memory and not let things get to me" schtick. That may be true while you're on the field, but you better be mad as hell after the game and actually raise your level for the next time. How many time has Gilmore pulled up instead of delivering a hit on the sideline this year?

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Why can't it be both issues? We have a soft, undisciplined, uninspired, and under-talented team, led by a literal village idiot and his sloppy mess of a brother


Because the best teams

are talented and give a full effort. If you only play well in spurts, you are the very definition of mediocre.


Having a top tier qb makes almost all of the bad stuff appear, unless the rest of the team really stinks. Archie Manning and the Saints popped into my mind as I wrote that.

The offensive line is playing very well.....Taylor has time to throw....just doesn't throw it...running game is great


That's fair, but the DL is poor.

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I think Coughlin would be an interesting possibility and someone Pegula has spoken to already.


. We have a bunch of big-mouth buffoons who consistently come up short with all kinds of excuses vs. the guys that keep the talk to a minimum and come to work and get the job done.



Ugh! -The excuses, and blustery, blow-hard pressers... Definitely the WORST thing about this Rex Ryan experience..

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its my biggest complaint as a Bills fan- we lose games in the trenches were do not have any nasty along the lines. Richie has some but has to watch himself, I'm NOT saying cheap shots but we get pushed around, hit late, hit out of bounds, knocked down way after the play and no one ever does anything or stands up for a teammate. Patriots of course know these more than other teams...Hightower clobbering Chandler and he just picks up what left of his self respect and goes back to the huddle no one ever steps in. I doubt teams have respect for the Bills they know we can push them around. Very frustrating- the one time in recent history was this year game 1 against the Patriots they physically kicked ass game 2 with Brady back who doesn't play along the line of scrimmage patriots were back to pushing the Bills around.


Rex's side show press conference etc have zero effect on the game. Something to write about or complain about but it's a zero factor on performance.


When we have no wideouts and the season is going down the drain make a move for Curley or Torey Smith. They don't to focused on keeping the 4th round pick- I no idea why. Well we came up short again but we kept our 4th round pick

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