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The Real Issue - No Killer Instinct Whatsoever!!

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Watching the Raiders game and others this season, I've not seen any sense of "killer instinct" with this team at all. When we had the lead 24-9, that's when you put your boot to their neck and put the game away. This applies to BOTH offense and defense!!! Offense needs to keep it rolling and the defense needs to throttle them into submission. No excuses for this collapse!!!!


Think back to the Bengals game. How many of you thought that we are going to lose that game because we kept giving the ball back to Dalton?? I know I was absolutely stressing in the fourth quarter.


This team needs swagger and they are sorely lacking it. Teams just aren't afraid of us.

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Watching the Raiders game and others this season, I've not seen any sense of "killer instinct" with this team at all. When we had the lead 24-9, that's when you put your boot to their neck and put the game away. This applies to BOTH offense and defense!!! Offense needs to keep it rolling and the defense needs to throttle them into submission. No excuses for this collapse!!!!


Think back to the Bengals game. How many of you thought that we are going to lose that game because we kept giving the ball back to Dalton?? I know I was absolutely stressing in the fourth quarter.


This team needs swagger and they are sorely lacking it. Teams just aren't afraid of us.

You mean they haven't built a bully?

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It's not a lack of killer instinct.


That's one of those made up excuses to cover up for a bad QB, bad receivers, and sub-par play on both lines.


Why can't it be both issues? We have a soft, undisciplined, uninspired, and under-talented team, led by a literal village idiot and his sloppy mess of a brother

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Watching the Raiders game and others this season, I've not seen any sense of "killer instinct" with this team at all. When we had the lead 24-9, that's when you put your boot to their neck and put the game away. This applies to BOTH offense and defense!!! Offense needs to keep it rolling and the defense needs to throttle them into submission. No excuses for this collapse!!!!


Think back to the Bengals game. How many of you thought that we are going to lose that game because we kept giving the ball back to Dalton?? I know I was absolutely stressing in the fourth quarter.


This team needs swagger and they are sorely lacking it. Teams just aren't afraid of us.

That's a fair point and I believe that mentality comes right from the coaches. That two minute offense at the end of the half is all the evidence you need of that. And Ryan's attempts to explain his strategy was an embarrassment.

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That's a fair point and I believe that mentality comes right from the coaches. That two minute offense at the end of the half is all the evidence you need of that. And Ryan's attempts to explain his strategy was an embarrassment.

Yeah, I did not understand the decision to give away an opportunity to score points. NE*** would have and they did against us with further to go and less time on the clock.


Lorax is right, this team needs to mentally toughen up; from the coaches, the players and all the way down to the ball boys.

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That's a fair point and I believe that mentality comes right from the coaches. That two minute offense at the end of the half is all the evidence you need of that. And Ryan's attempts to explain his strategy was an embarrassment.




To the OP's point I think that it comes down to desire (talent aside). How much do you care about the game and your teammates? The money is so much more than the past when players played in large measure because they loved the game. Now many are in it for the paycheck. In drafting I think that it is important to try to determine how much the game means to a player. How passionate is he? Everyone today can run faster and jump higher that yesterday's players, but, do they want it?


Passionate player: Kyle Williams

In it for the money:Marcel Dareus

Edited by Cripple Creek
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That's a fair point and I believe that mentality comes right from the coaches. That two minute offense at the end of the half is all the evidence you need of that. And Ryan's attempts to explain his strategy was an embarrassment.

Yep, it's called "playing (or coaching) not to lose", and it's been a Bills hallmark since Wade Phillips took over almost two decades ago.

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They have always been pushed around when the going got tough or they play a good team..


Sure they beat a crap team down once or twice a season..They still are just a bunch of soft twinkies on the field when we need them most..


Bully,thats hilarious..

Glad to see this thread. I have thought that about our Bills for years. It's not just this year. This team has a history of not being able to step up to a challenge and not being able to put teams away when they have them on the verge of defeat. You can call it lack of a killer instinct or anything that you wish, but this team is just plain soft and has been for years.

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Glad to see this thread. I have thought that about our Bills for years. It's not just this year. This team has a history of not being able to step up to a challenge and not being able to put teams away when they have them on the verge of defeat. You can call it lack of a killer instinct or anything that you wish, but this team is just plain soft and has been for years.

But that's the crazy thing - how can the mental softness and ability to collpase at crucial times have survived intact through so many regime changes? At some point something should have changed. What is the common denominator? Russ? Bud Carpenter? Biily Buffalo? Chuck Lester's ghost?


I kid, but it's crazy how it has maintained for so long across so many different coaches, staff, and players

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To the OP's point I think that it comes down to desire (talent aside). How much do you care about the game and your teammates? The money is so much more than the past when players played in large measure because they loved the game. Now many are in it for the paycheck. In drafting I think that it is important to try to determine how much the game means to a player. How passionate is he? Everyone today can run faster and jump higher that yesterday's players, but, do they want it?


Passionate player: Kyle Williams

In it for the money:Marcel Dareus

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Watching the Raiders game and others this season, I've not seen any sense of "killer instinct" with this team at all. When we had the lead 24-9, that's when you put your boot to their neck and put the game away. This applies to BOTH offense and defense!!! Offense needs to keep it rolling and the defense needs to throttle them into submission. No excuses for this collapse!!!!


Think back to the Bengals game. How many of you thought that we are going to lose that game because we kept giving the ball back to Dalton?? I know I was absolutely stressing in the fourth quarter.


This team needs swagger and they are sorely lacking it. Teams just aren't afraid of us.

Count me in on this narrative... they're really exceptional in all phases- just too nice. That can be fixed-Right??

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Watching the Raiders game and others this season, I've not seen any sense of "killer instinct" with this team at all. When we had the lead 24-9, that's when you put your boot to their neck and put the game away. This applies to BOTH offense and defense!!! Offense needs to keep it rolling and the defense needs to throttle them into submission. No excuses for this collapse!!!!


Think back to the Bengals game. How many of you thought that we are going to lose that game because we kept giving the ball back to Dalton?? I know I was absolutely stressing in the fourth quarter.


This team needs swagger and they are sorely lacking it. Teams just aren't afraid of us.

If we were to create a list of the top 10 reasons why we won't make the playoffs, "having no killer instinct" would not be on the list.


Aside from a mediocre defense, our biggest problems are:


1) No QB worth mentioning

2) Lousy team discipline/execution. This leads to penalties and stupid mistakes.

3) A pretty poor HC whose in-game generalship and tactics leave a lot to be desired.


When we play anyone, we are going to make lots of mistakes and commit a lot of penalties.

When we play a lot of teams, we are going to be out-coached.


And when we play winning/playoff-caliber teams, we are going to be thoroughly out-quarterbacked.


End of story.

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In every ecosystem on earth OLD, injured, or otherwise ineffective predators are selected against in terms of survival... -They just don't make it....


In the NFL, they get to hang around for decades past their prime... Bogging down front offices with their ineffectiveness... infecting other sidelines with their mediocrity... Feeding on whatever they can find.


Sadly, once you hire one of these scavengers, you become one yourself... Doomed to pick at whatever scraps they drag back to the den...


That, unfortunately, is who we've become... Nether Rex or Whaley have been apex hunters in this league for a long time... They recruit other inferior specimens to fill out our roster which consistently gets us nowhere...


Our conference mates in NE, are a CULTURE of predators.... Beginning with the owner, and ending on the field with the QB... Bill Bellichick is cunning, silent, and ruthless in his pursuit of prey items... Brady, the same.


-The Ryan brothers are clumsy, boisterous, and juvenile in their approach... NOT top predators.... Tyrod, for all his speed can't bring down large prey...


If T-pegs is smart, he's looking at Matt Patricia as a HC candidate... Maybe Tom Coughlin as a GM.... I say we go discovery-channel on these mofos, and get dominant again! -GO BILLs!

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Killer instinct? They just aren't that good. I've said for a long time it's not a team built for consistency, but one for highs and lows, booms and bust.


The coaches, the qb... shady has been more consistent but has a bit of that in him.


We aren't the team with an even keel leader.

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